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About shereen

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    Junior Member
  1. Thanks... that worked Thanks for your help!
  2. yes... that worked.. I should have looked into documentation properly.. Thank you !
  3. Hello - I see in the documentation that we can have anchors for an area chart... however Please advise after looking into the contents of data.xml which I am using to draw a combination - dualY axis chart, that I am not able to have anchors for the area chart <chart palette="2" showBorder='0' placeValuesInside='1' caption="Sales by Product" subCaption="March 2006" showValues="1" divLineDecimalPrecision="1" limitsDecimalPrecision="1" PYAxisName="Amount" SYAxisName="Quantity" numberPrefix="$" sNumberSuffix="%" formatNumberScale="0" drawAnchors="1"> <categories> <category label="A"/> <category label="B"/> <category label="C"/> <category label="D"/> </categories> <dataset seriesName='column'> <set value='5'/> <set value='7'/> <set value='9'/> <set value='20'/> </dataset> <dataset drawAnchors="1" seriesName='area' showValues="0" showPlotBorder='0' renderAs="Area" parentYAxis="S" numberSuffix="%"> <set value='5'/> <set value='7'/> <set value='9'/> <set value='20'/> </dataset> </chart> Thanks
  4. I am using combination dual Y charts, and have column and area components drawn on the chart. The current layout shows that area overlaps the bars... I mean to say that 'area' comes above the 'bar'. Is it possible to change this and have the bars overlaps the area component? so that it looks as if the column is drawn above the area.
  5. we are facing an issue with export of fusion charts in ie. I am attaching a sample html file in which we were able to recreate the issue. We have a requirement to give the fleixibility to the user to remove the chart and add it back again in the browser. issue: the chart does not get exported after we explicitly draw the fusion chart using a javascript function, see drawMyChart() function in html file. But if the same function (drawMyChart()) is called onload of the html body... the chart (after is drawn) is exportable using ExportMyChart() function. Steps to create the issue in ie8: 1. click on the export button and this will export just fine with the waiting button changing to save. 2. Now click on the remove chart button and the chart and the export component will be removed from the dom. 3. Now click on the draw button and the chart will again come up just fine. 4. click on the export button... nothing happens.. debugging shows that the getChartFromId does return the chart object, but hasRendered and hasRendered() are not defined for this anymore. so the chart does not export. you can still right click on the chart and export it just fine, and in firefox, clicking on export button works fine and chart is exported correctly... so the issue happens in ie. any help please... ? Thanks myexport1.html
  6. I am using a 2d Dual y combination chart (with column and area dataset) which draws fine, but I have an additional requirement to rotate it 90 degrees, so that the Y axis becomes horizontal and x axis become vertical, essentially making it look like a bar chart. 1. Is there a way to do this rotation? 2. or is there a bar chart which fullfills this requirement? I did not find any combination bar chart with column and area components. 3. Can any 3d column chart be rotated? (I see that only chart which could be rotated is true 3d column chart) Thanks
  7. Hi, Looks like you might have missed the question in my previous post. here it is again since in our application, we would have so many charts on our browser, we would not want the logo to appear in each and every chart. 1. Is there a way that we could hide image (using styles perhaps) on the chart but still have it on the exported/printed chart? 2. If image is a problem, can we have a custom text instead of an image on the exported/printed chart? e.g. client's name or a timestamp (of when export or print was carried out) would also get printed / exported as part of export process may be another parameter we could pass in the export (just thinking out aloud.. similar to how we specify the name of the file to be saved -> exportFileName='filename')?
  8. Hey... thanks for the info... that helped... but looks like, since in our application, we would have so many charts on our browser, we would not want the logo to appear in each and every chart. Is there a way that we could hide it (using styles perhaps) on the chart but still have it on the exported/printed chart? If image is a problem, can we have a custom text instead of an image on the exported/printed chart? e.g. client's name or a timestamp (of when export or print was carried out) would also get printed / exported as part of export process may be another parameter we could pass in the export (just thinking out aloud.. similar to how we specify the name of the file to be saved -> exportFileName='filename') Thanks a lot for your responses and kind help!
  9. Hello - 1. Is there a way we could add an image (company logo) on the exported image, pdf of a fusion chart? so that when the chart is drawn on the browser, it will not have any company logo, but only the exported image has the logo on a desired position. 2. If not, is there a way to add an image (company logo) on a desired position of the chart itself on the browser, so that when the chart is exported, the logo also is exported as part of the image? Thank you
  10. Thank you so much for your reply ! That worked like a charm, though I had to remove the embed tag from our chart implementations. Still testing it, but looks good for now. Thanks again!
  11. I am trying to export a fusion chart created using 'Embedding Charts Using / Tags'. Export works just perfect with the right click (on the chart) and chose a pdf to export. But I am not able to make this work via javascript. I have a button outside the chart which upon clicking calls the function below function myexport() { var cObject = getChartFromId('Column3D'); if( cObject.hasRendered() ) cObject.exportChart({exportFormat: 'PDF'}); } the cObject above returned is null and this fails on the next line here is the full prototype <html> <head> <title>My Chart</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="fusionCharts.debug.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="fusionChartsExportComponent.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function ExportMyChart() { var cObject = getChartFromId('Column3D'); if( cObject.hasRendered() ) cObject.exportChart({exportFormat: 'PDF'}); } </script> </head> <body> <object width="400" height="400" id="Column3D" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" > <param name="testname" value="Column3D.swf" /> <param name="FlashVars" value="&dataURL=testData.xml&chartWidth=400&chartHeight=300&DOMId=myChart1&registerWithJS=1&debugMode=0"> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <embed src="Column3D.swf" flashVars="&dataURL=testData.xml&chartWidth=400&chartHeight=300&DOMId=myChart1&registerWithJS=1&debugMode=0" width="400" height="300" name="Column3D" quality="high" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" /> </object> <!-- We also create a DIV to contain the FusionCharts client-side exporter component --> <div id="holderDiv" align="center">FusionCharts Export Handler Component</div> <script type="text/javascript"> var myExportComponent = new FusionChartsExportObject("testExporter1", "FCExporter.swf"); //Render the exporter SWF in our DIV fcexpDiv myExportComponent.Render("holderDiv"); </script> <input type="button" value="Export My Chart" onclick="ExportMyChart()" />