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About sun123

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Chrome Refuses Exportchart()

    Hi, Thanks for the quick reply. As mightyenigma mentioned "I solved the problem by removing the Javascript command to set the charts' container div's CSS to have position: fixed." Is it possible to set position css and make it working. Because Since its working in Mozilla Firefox I think we can make it work with Chrome and IE.
  2. Chrome Refuses Exportchart()

    I have code for multiple chart export as below var firstChartObject = getChartFromId("first"); if(firstChartObject && firstChartObject .hasRendered()){ firstChartObject .exportChart({}); } var secondChartObject = getChartFromId("second"); if(secondChartObject && secondChartObject .hasRendered()){ secondChartObject .exportChart({}); } var thirdChartObject = getChartFromId("third"); if(thirdChartObject && thirdChartObject .hasRendered()){ thirdChartObject .exportChart({}); } It is working fine in Mozilla Firefox browser. Not working in Chrome and IE The problem is Since third chart is out of focus, export of third chart is not happening. Only first two charts are getting exported. When third chart comes into focus after scrolling down the page, exporting of third chart will start. I have to export all the charts without scrolling down the page. Please help me to make it work. Thanks.
  3. Chrome Refuses Exportchart()

    Even I have chartObject.hasRendered() condition for all three exports. After all the charts are rendered, onclick of button I am calling method to export the charts.
  4. Chrome Refuses Exportchart()

    Hi, I have code to export multiple charts as image as below var firstChartObject = getChartFromId("first"); firstChartObject .exportChart({}); var secondChartObject = getChartFromId("second"); secondChartObject.exportChart({}); var thirdChartObject = getChartFromId("third"); thirdChartObject .exportChart({}); My chart are getting rendered in Bootstrap Modal. Only two chart are visible other chart will come after scrolling down. Problem is since only two charts are visible only those two chart are getting exported other one is not getting exported. only when I scroll down exporting of third chart will start. And also if first chart is half exported and I scroll down exporting of first chart will stop in between. Only visible charts are getting exported. Please give me solution. Thanks in advance.
  5. SAVEPATH=./images/ HTTP_URL=http://localhost:8080/myapp/images/ I have as above. We need to have HTTP_URL to be dynamic. Can i ignore this property HTTP_URL as I cannot hardcode the ip and port . Will the SAVEPATH property be enough for export . I tried removing the property HTTP_URL and it stopped working , plz suggest a work around.
  6. SAVEPATH=./images/ HTTP_URL=http://localhost:8080/myapp/images/ I have as above. We need to have HTTP_URL to be dynamic. Now I have localhost:8080 but later i need to have I need to make it to take my application URL automatically in fusionchart export. How can I do this? Please help me. Thanks.
  7. ExportHandlers

    function FC_Rendered(DOMId) { alert ( DOMId + " chart has been rendered." ); var chartObject = getChartFromId(DOMId); var imageData = chartObject.getImageData() alert("imageData " + imageData) } I am getting chart rendered and Event "FC_Rendered" is getting triggered. I am getting alert first alert "mychartId chart has been rendered. ". Second alert is "imageData undefined". getImageData() method is not returning imagedata. Please can anyone give me working part of code to get image data in Javascript. Thanks in advance