Ayan Bhadury

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Everything posted by Ayan Bhadury

  1. How to use the license key with php

    For license key related queries, please drop a mail to [email protected]
  2. Idea for adding context menu in node drag chart for specific node

    Please refer to the demo, at the top right you would see a toolbar you can add a node using that.
  3. Idea for adding context menu in node drag chart for specific node

  4. Idea for adding context menu in node drag chart for specific node

    Please let me know.
  5. Idea for adding context menu in node drag chart for specific node

    Please refer this demo : http://jsfiddle.net/zk9r4s18/
  6. Idea for adding context menu in node drag chart for specific node

    Please share a snapshot of your requirement.
  7. Idea for adding context menu in node drag chart for specific node

    You can either add icon (images) or the supported shapes: rectangle, circle or polygon
  8. Idea for adding context menu in node drag chart for specific node

    1 - Possible create two node (entities) hide the nodes then add the connector. 2 - Not possible from outside, it should be within the same canvas.
  9. Idea for adding context menu in node drag chart for specific node

    For adding nodes at the runtime you need to use FusionCharts UI to update it
  10. Idea for adding context menu in node drag chart for specific node

    You can create another shape (entity) inside it using the x & y values, for adding icons please refer to this demo : https://www.fusioncharts.com/charts/drag-node-charts/network-visualization?framework=java
  11. Idea for adding context menu in node drag chart for specific node

  12. Fusion Time with local timezone

    Local timezone feature is not supported yet, but its in the wishlist, we will revert back once the feature is supported.
  13. Problem scrolling chart area on mobile

    The improvement is already logged and our team is working on it, for an immediate fix please try version 3.12.2
  14. Idea for adding context menu in node drag chart for specific node

    The custom menu is not possible as of now, you can use the drag-node chart popup window to add nodes, labels, connectors at the runtime https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/standard-charts/drag-node-chart
  15. @Pawan transposeAxis feature is supported from 3.11.0
  16. Manually re-render chart in Angular

    Feel free to revert back if you are still facing any problem
  17. Idea for adding context menu in node drag chart for specific node

    Do you need a dataPlotClick event sample?
  18. Idea for adding context menu in node drag chart for specific node

    You can use the dataPlotClick event of FusionCharts and show a custom modal component as per your requirements.
  19. Apologies exact dashboard is not available with React, you can refer to the earlier messages and implement the same using events & API methods
  20. https://www.fusioncharts.com/dashboards/venture-financing-dashboard
  21. Hi @ayush12 You can check out our extensive dashboard gallery for reference : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dashboards/
  22. Changelog - https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/upgrading/change-log New Features - https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/upgrading/whats-new Changed Behavior - https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/upgrading/changed-behavior Version History - https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/upgrading/version-history/version-3-15-X
  23. @MOHAMMAD KHANAFI Please drop a mail to [email protected], describing the problem for which you are getting this error.
  24. Idea for adding context menu in node drag chart for specific node

    Hi, Apologies for the delay. Yes you could add the context menu on clicking an entity on the drag node chart, please refer to the demo : https://www.fusioncharts.com/charts/drag-node-charts/add-remove-nodes-from-chart?framework=javascript (please tap & hold on the entity block to see the menu) For more reference please check out this link: https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/standard-charts/drag-node-chart#add-and-edit-nodes
  25. Re-Animate on Data Change

    As mentioned it's still in the development stage.