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About PatricioGarrido_Chile

  • Rank
    Forum Newbie
  1. Positioning Back Or Export Buttons In Drill Down Charts

    Gracias, recién leo tu comentario. Muchas gracias! actualizaré.
  2. export xls in utf8

    Hi, I need export data in utf8 in xls. need export: médicas ( whit tildes) and the export is: Médicas How to change this? thanks. I from chile...
  3. Positioning Back Or Export Buttons In Drill Down Charts

    hi, it's my first post, i from chile and my english it´s not very good. my coment is: this chang not working in my charts. my code is: @version 3.11.0 "chart": { "caption": "ATENCIONES MÉDICAS 2012", "subcaption": "Atenciónes: Primarias, Especialidad y Urgencias", "yAxisName": "Cantidad de Atenciones Médicas", "numberPrefix": "", "rotatevalues": "1", "numbersuffix": "", "yAxisMaxValue": "1320000", "formatNumberScale": "0", "decimalSeparator": ",", "thousandSeparator": ".", "exportEnabled": "1", "toolbarHalign": "left", "plotToolText": "<div>At. Médicas : <b>$datavalue</b></div>", "theme": "ocean" }, help me pliss.