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About dashrath

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Hi , I am trying to display new plottooltext using data attribute . please help me resolving this issue. ASAP reply is really appreciated . please refer following example , to showcase test property from data field. http://jsfiddle.net/venkat_94/s1w3hcbc/ Regards, Dashrath Degavat.
  2. Gantt Chart Export

    for second query, is there any way to get the whole gantt chart snapshot? another question - is it possible to add scroll bars to charts like a multigroup bar chart which is having more than 20 groups .
  3. Gantt Chart Export

    Hello, i need information regarding following things 1. what is maximum number of processes/task can be added in chart so that it wont slow down the application. 2. export feature which is suitable for gantt chart , as export feature is taking snapshot of visible content only. like will show only left part of chart in case we have large scrolled data. please reply as soon as possible. Regards, Dashrath Degavat