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Posts posted by programmerbyday
Hi Vishalika,
I will download and install v3.8 on our servers and report back my results. Thank you for this solution. BTW, we are not using ASP, we are using Domino.
The issue only appears when the first chart that is displayed is the pie chart (with one of the values being negative). Then if you switch the chart to a line chart, the negative value appears as posituve. The order of the test is important. We are using "FusionCharts XT (v3.3.1 - Service Release 2) (28th May, 2013)".
Hi Again,
I think we figured out the issue. Our application shows different types of charts, one at a time (ie pie chart, line charts, bar charts, etc). When our application shows a pie chart that cotains a negative value, I believe it is treated as a positive value on the pie chart. If you then change the chart to another type (in our case a line chart), the line chart then "breaks" and shows any negative values as positive. This is a strange bug! Vishalika, can you try to simulat this on your end and possible give us a solution/fix for this issue?
I am having the same issue (negative values are being plotted as positive).
Here is the response the browswer received:
<graph bgcolor='FFFFFF' canvasbgcolor='FFFFFF' showLegend='0' rotateNames='0' caption='DIGITAL MONTHLY TREND' subcaption='Total: $-165' decimalPrecision='1' animation='1' basefont='Verdana' basefontcolor='000000' outcnvbasefontcolor='000000' shownames='1' showvalues='0' labelStep='1' labelDisplay='Rotate' divlinecolor='333333' divlinethickness='1' showDivLineValues='1' hovercapbgColor='DEDEBE' hovercapborderColor='889E6D' pieFillAlpha='40' >
<set label='JUL 2015' value='2874.23' /><set label='AUG 2015' value='-3039.39' />
</graph>Attachedis the chart. July is plotted correctly, but August is not (it is being plotted as a postive 3K instead of a negative 3K).
I believe some users are seing negatives, but most are seeing positives. Could this be a browser issue? Please let me know.
Could you please check out the latest release FusionCharts v3.2.1 having FusionCharts.js version as 3.2.1 too? This issue is resolved in this release.
Hi Sudipto,
I dowloaded v3.2.1 and it has fixed my issue.
I am working on a dashboard that uses sparkline and sparkcolumn charts.
I noticed if I use the current version of fusioncharts.js (@version 3.2.0-release) I get an "Error in loading data" error because the generated dataURL is not resolving correctly. However, if I replace the fusioncharts.js file with an old version (Version: 1.2.3 (15th September, 2008) - Added fix for % and & characters.) the chart renders fine.
Here is the generated source using fusioncharts.js version 3.2 (WHICH RETURNS "Error in loading data"):
<div id="chart100770div" class="chartclass"><object style="visibility: visible;" id="chartID100770" data="/Charts/SparkLine.swf" class="FusionCharts" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="50" lang="EN" width="200"><param value="noScale" name="scaleMode"><param value="noScale" name="scale"><param value="transparent" name="wMode"><param value="always" name="allowScriptAccess"><param value="best" name="quality"><param value="lang=EN&debugMode=0&animation=undefined&DOMId=chartID100770®isterWithJS=1&chartWidth=200&chartHeight=50&InvalidXMLText=Invalid data.&stallLoad=true&dataXML=&dataURL=" name="flashvars"></object></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var chart100770 = new FusionCharts("/Charts/SparkLine.swf", "chartID100770", "200", "50", "0", "1");
Here is the debug info:
Info: Chart loaded and initialized.
Initial Width: 200
Initial Height: 50
Scale Mode: noScale
Debug Mode: Yes
Application Message Language: EN
Version: 3.1.1
Chart Type: Spark Column Chart
Chart Objects:
INFO: Chart registered with external script. DOM Id of chart is chartID100770
WARNING: Could not find dataXML or dataURL parameter. Setting dataURL to default data file Data.xml.
dataURL provided: Data.xml
dataURL provided: Data.xml
ERROR: An error occurred while loading data. Please check your dataURL, by clicking on the "dataURL invoked" link above, to see if it's returing valid XML data. Common causes for error are:
No URL Encoding provided for querystrings in dataURL. If your dataURL contains querystrings as parameters, you'll need to URL Encode the same. e.g., Data.asp?id=101&subId=242 should be Data%2Easp%3Fid%3D101%26subId%3D242
Different sub-domain of chart .swf and dataURL. Both need to be same owing to sandbox security.
Network error
Here is the generated source using fusioncharts.js version 1.2.3 (WHICH WORKS CORRECTLY):
<div id="chart100770div" class="chartclass"><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="/Charts/SparkLine.swf" id="chartID100770" name="chartID100770" quality="high" allowscriptaccess="always" wmode="transparent" flashvars="debugMode=0&chartWidth=200&chartHeight=50&DOMId=chartID100770®isterWithJS=1&scaleMode=noScale&lang=EN&dataURL=/red/dashboar.nsf/xmlpie?OpenAgent?chart=100770%26chartWidth=300%26chartHeight=800%26chartRisqueId=64D5B6A9CD4241E6852577E50016BBBA%26" height="50" width="200"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var chart100770 = new FusionCharts("/Charts/SparkLine.swf", "chartID100770", "200", "50", "0", "1");
Please don't suggest that I change the DataURL that I am passing. I need the url to contain both "?" characters (I am using Lotus/Domino v8.5.1 to generate the xml).
Can you please provide/suggest a fix for this issue? I need to get this working asap using v3.2.
BTW, the DataURL string that I listed above (url's with 2 "?") works fine for other fusion charts such as PIE3D.swf using fusioncharts.js (@version 3.2.0-release). The issue seems to be with the spark charts swf's.
Thank You.
column chart shows negative value as positive
in Miscellaneous
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Just confirming that after upgrading to V3.8, the issue of negative values appearing as postive values no longer exists! Thank you very much Vishalika!