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Posts posted by programmerbyday

  1. Hi Again,

    I think we figured out the issue.  Our application shows different types of charts, one at a time (ie pie chart, line charts, bar charts, etc).  When our application shows a pie chart that cotains a negative value, I believe it is treated as a positive value on the pie chart.  If you then change the chart to another type (in our case a line chart), the line chart then "breaks" and shows any negative values as positive.   This is a strange bug!  Vishalika, can you try to simulat this on your end and possible give us a solution/fix for this issue?



  2. Hi,

    I am having the same issue (negative values are being plotted as positive).


    Here is the response the browswer received:

    <graph bgcolor='FFFFFF' canvasbgcolor='FFFFFF' showLegend='0' rotateNames='0' caption='DIGITAL MONTHLY TREND' subcaption='Total: $-165' decimalPrecision='1' animation='1' basefont='Verdana' basefontcolor='000000' outcnvbasefontcolor='000000' shownames='1' showvalues='0' labelStep='1' labelDisplay='Rotate' divlinecolor='333333' divlinethickness='1' showDivLineValues='1' hovercapbgColor='DEDEBE' hovercapborderColor='889E6D' pieFillAlpha='40' >
    <set label='JUL 2015' value='2874.23' /><set label='AUG 2015' value='-3039.39' />


    Attachedis the chart.  July is plotted correctly, but August is not (it is being plotted as a postive 3K instead of a negative 3K).


    I believe some users are seing negatives, but most are seeing positives.  Could this be a browser issue? Please let me know.






  3. Hi,


    I am working on a dashboard that uses sparkline and sparkcolumn charts.


    I noticed if I use the current version of fusioncharts.js (@version 3.2.0-release) I get an "Error in loading data" error because the generated dataURL is not resolving correctly. However, if I replace the fusioncharts.js file with an old version (Version: 1.2.3 (15th September, 2008) - Added fix for % and & characters.) the chart renders fine.


    Here is the generated source using fusioncharts.js version 3.2 (WHICH RETURNS "Error in loading data"):

    <div id="chart100770div" class="chartclass"><object style="visibility: visible;" id="chartID100770" data="/Charts/SparkLine.swf" class="FusionCharts" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="50" lang="EN" width="200"><param value="noScale" name="scaleMode"><param value="noScale" name="scale"><param value="transparent" name="wMode"><param value="always" name="allowScriptAccess"><param value="best" name="quality"><param value="lang=EN&debugMode=0&animation=undefined&DOMId=chartID100770&registerWithJS=1&chartWidth=200&chartHeight=50&InvalidXMLText=Invalid data.&stallLoad=true&dataXML=&dataURL=" name="flashvars"></object></div>

    <script type="text/javascript">

    var chart100770 = new FusionCharts("/Charts/SparkLine.swf", "chartID100770", "200", "50", "0", "1");





    Here is the debug info:

    Info: Chart loaded and initialized.

    Initial Width: 200

    Initial Height: 50

    Scale Mode: noScale

    Debug Mode: Yes

    Application Message Language: EN

    Version: 3.1.1

    Chart Type: Spark Column Chart

    Chart Objects:










    INFO: Chart registered with external script. DOM Id of chart is chartID100770

    WARNING: Could not find dataXML or dataURL parameter. Setting dataURL to default data file Data.xml.

    dataURL provided: Data.xml

    dataURL provided: Data.xml

    ERROR: An error occurred while loading data. Please check your dataURL, by clicking on the "dataURL invoked" link above, to see if it's returing valid XML data. Common causes for error are:

    No URL Encoding provided for querystrings in dataURL. If your dataURL contains querystrings as parameters, you'll need to URL Encode the same. e.g., Data.asp?id=101&subId=242 should be Data%2Easp%3Fid%3D101%26subId%3D242

    Different sub-domain of chart .swf and dataURL. Both need to be same owing to sandbox security.

    Network error



    Here is the generated source using fusioncharts.js version 1.2.3 (WHICH WORKS CORRECTLY):


    <div id="chart100770div" class="chartclass"><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="/Charts/SparkLine.swf" id="chartID100770" name="chartID100770" quality="high" allowscriptaccess="always" wmode="transparent" flashvars="debugMode=0&chartWidth=200&chartHeight=50&DOMId=chartID100770&registerWithJS=1&scaleMode=noScale&lang=EN&dataURL=/red/dashboar.nsf/xmlpie?OpenAgent?chart=100770%26chartWidth=300%26chartHeight=800%26chartRisqueId=64D5B6A9CD4241E6852577E50016BBBA%26" height="50" width="200"></div>

    <script type="text/javascript">

    var chart100770 = new FusionCharts("/Charts/SparkLine.swf", "chartID100770", "200", "50", "0", "1");






    Please don't suggest that I change the DataURL that I am passing. I need the url to contain both "?" characters (I am using Lotus/Domino v8.5.1 to generate the xml).


    Can you please provide/suggest a fix for this issue? I need to get this working asap using v3.2.


    BTW, the DataURL string that I listed above (url's with 2 "?") works fine for other fusion charts such as PIE3D.swf using fusioncharts.js (@version 3.2.0-release). The issue seems to be with the spark charts swf's.


    Thank You.