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Everything posted by moose2004

  1. I have implemented an angular gauge with a database query returning a numeric value to the gauge. Working great! Now I would like to also return a time stamp from the database and display it as a label below the gauge. How can achieve this?? I have attached image of what it currently looks like. Here is my javascript code… <div id="angular_<?php echo $random_value; ?>" align="center" style="width: 100%; height: 100%" > <script type="text/javascript"> var myChart = new FusionCharts("<?php echo $SERVER_ADDRESS; ?>/includes/functions/widgets/gauges/fusion/AngularGauge.swf", "myChartId_<?php echo $random_value; ?>", "280", "280", "0", "0"); var chart_data = "<chart tickValueDistance='30' pivotRadius='5' pivotFillColor='333333' bgAlpha='0' bgColor='000000' showBorder='0' basefontColor='FFFFFF' chartTopMargin='15' chartBottomMargin='100' chartLeftMargin='37' chartRightMargin='37' toolTipBgColor='80A905' gaugeFillMix='{dark-10},FFFFFF,{dark-10}' gaugeFillRatio='3' lowerLimit='<?php echo $min; ?>' upperLimit='<?php echo $max; ?>' numberSuffix='<?php echo $si; ?>' dataStreamURL='<?php echo $SERVER_ADDRESS; ?>/includes/functions/widgets/gauges/fusion/data/data_stream.php?location_id=<?php echo $location_id; ?>&parameter_id=<?php echo $parameter_id; ?>' refreshInterval='5' >"; chart_data += " <colorRange>"; chart_data += " <color minValue='0' maxValue='<?php echo ($max * (1/3)); ?>' code='8BBA00'/>"; chart_data += " <color minValue='<?php echo ($max * (1/3)); ?>' maxValue='<?php echo ($max * (2/3)); ?>' code='8BBA00'/>"; chart_data += " <color minValue='<?php echo ($max * (2/3)); ?>' maxValue='<?php echo $max; ?>' code='8BBA00'/>"; chart_data += " </colorRange>"; chart_data += " <dials>"; chart_data += " <dial value='0' rearExtension='10' showValue='1' valueY='220' bgColor='FF5904' borderColor='FF0000'/>"; chart_data += " </dials>"; chart_data += " <styles>"; chart_data += " <definition>"; chart_data += " <style type='font' name='valueFont' borderColor='FFFFFF' bold='1' size='13'/>"; chart_data += " </definition>"; chart_data += " <application>"; chart_data += " <apply toObject='value' styles='valueFont'/>"; chart_data += " </application>"; chart_data += " </styles>"; chart_data += "</chart>"; myChart.setDataXML(chart_data); myChart.setTransparent(true); myChart.render("angular_<?php echo $random_value; ?>"); </script> </div> Here is my php code… $location_id = $_GET['location_id']; $parameter_id = $_GET['parameter_id']; $query = "SELECT parameter_{$parameter_id}.data, parameter_{$parameter_id}.date_time, unit.math FROM parameter_{$parameter_id}, location, parameter, unit WHERE = {$parameter_id} AND = parameter.unit_id AND = {$location_id} AND location.plc_id = parameter_{$parameter_id}.plc_id ORDER BY date_time DESC LIMIT 0,1"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); if($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $data = $row['data']; $date_time = $row['date_time']; switch($row['math'][0]) { case '/' : $data /= substr($row['math'],1); break; case '*' : $data *= substr($row['math'],1); break; } echo "&value=" . $data . "&date_time=" . $date_time; } pic1.bmp
  2. Return Multipliable Values From Datastreamurl

    Thanks for your help.
  3. Afternoooon, I am unable to get my cylinder to color anything other then grey... I could hard code the color but I need the cylinder to change colors based on value. here is my xml. var chart_data = "<chart baseFontColor='FFFFFF' majorTMColor='FFFFFF' bgColor='000000' bgAlpha='100' showBorder='0' cylHeight='200' tickMarkGap='5' upperLimit='20.00' lowerLimit='0.00' numberSuffix='FT' dataStreamURL='DATA URL' refreshInterval='5'>"; chart_data += " <colorRange>"; chart_data += " <color minValue='0' maxValue='17' code='33BB00' label='Good'/>"; chart_data += " <color minValue='17' maxValue='18' code='FFFF00' label='Bad'/>"; chart_data += " <color minValue='18' maxValue='20' code='FF0000' label='Oh noes!'/>"; chart_data += " </colorRange>"; chart_data += " <styles>"; chart_data += " <definition>"; chart_data += " <style type='font' name='valueFont' borderColor='FFFFFF' bold='1' size='13'/>"; chart_data += " </definition>"; chart_data += " <application>"; chart_data += " <apply toObject='value' styles='valueFont'/>"; chart_data += " </application>"; chart_data += " </styles>"; chart_data += " <value>8.8</value>"; chart_data += "</chart>"; what am i doing wrong?
  4. Return Multipliable Values From Datastreamurl

    Thanks for the reply Sanjukta. But I need to pull the actual time stamp of the value latest post in the database. If I lose communication in the field with that device and this gauge is pulling the latest entry in the database, the user needs to know if the value is current or an hour, day, week, etc. old. Thanks again.