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Posts posted by avefenix

  1. How can I solve this problem on IExplorer, on Chrome I haven't this problem:



    Windows Internet Explorer
    Es posible que esta página web no funcione correctamente debido a errores
    Haga doble clic en el icono de adv. en Ia barra est. para ver este mens. en el fut.
    A FusionChart oject with the specified id myChartld already exists. Renaming it to chartobject—1 ‘
    FusionCharts.js Línea: 27
    Código: O Carácter 481
    URI: http://127.O.O.1/sws/includes/fusion/charts/FusionCharts.js
    D Mostrar siempre este mensaje para los errores de páginas web [ Çopiar deL error ]
    a Ocultar detalles Cerrar



    The point is, the 90% users run IExplorer.

    var myChart = new FusionCharts( "includes/fusion/charts/Column3D.swf", "myChartId", "100%", "100%", "0", "1" );

    I attach this graph on a div

    [font="arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif"]
    var myChart = new FusionCharts( "includes/fusion/charts/"+x+".swf", "myChartId", "100%", "100%", "0", "0" );
    	([{ overlayButton: { message: 'Regresar'   }}]);
    [font="arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif"]

    [font="arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif"]<div id="objId" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: auto; display: none; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 11px;"></div>[/font]
    [font="arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif"]



  2. Is possible export with a call javascript.


    I see the example:





    But I need a url and when I click this Url save the image.


    Is possible remove the next div


    <div id="fcexpDiv" align="center" >FusionCharts Export Handler Component</div>


    or can I emulate the click on the fcexpDiv with javascript?


    And is possible select on runtime the type image or pdf export?huh.gif




  3. Hi, I have this code, but when I apply this on linkedchart XML, the graphic is reloaded completely, but I wish only change the actual graphic. For example: If I click in the graphic and showme a new graphic, I want to change only the actual graphic.





           <script type="text/javascript" src="FusionCharts.js"></script>
    				     <input type="button" value="Bar" onClick="changeChart('bar')" > <input type="button" value="Pie" onClick="changeChart('pie')" >
                           <div id="chartContainer">FusionCharts will load here</div>
                           <script type="text/javascript"><!--
    						function changeChart(x)
    							var charts = { bar : "Bar2D.swf", pie : "Pie3D.swf"};
    							var chartXML ="";
    							if( FusionCharts ("myChartId") ) {
    								chartXML = FusionCharts ("myChartId").getXMLData();
    								FusionCharts ("myChartId").dispose();
    							var myChart = new FusionCharts( charts[x.toLowerCase()], "myChartId", "400", "300", "0", "1" );
    								myChart.setXMLData( chartXML );
    								myChart.setXMLUrl( "Data.xml" );
    							myChart.render( "chartContainer" );
                               // -->

  4. Thanks Angshu, the help post reply was exactly that I want to know.


    Thanks again



    Thanks for your post.


    When you set percent size to a chart, it tries to get the width/height of its parent container. It seems that the container where you are rendering the chart is not set with a proper height when the chart is rendered into it.


    For example, if you have a container <div id="chartContainer"> and this DIV is not set with an absolute or relative height, the DIV's height will be zero. When a chart is rendered in this DIV with 100% height, the chart would try to derive the height of the parent DIV which is zero. The chart would render zero pixel as height. Please try once setting absolute height to the chart or the container element and check.


    Hope this helps.

  5. I was have the same problem, but I can fix it.


    In my case, I'm programming with coldfusion 9 and the answer was use the next code:


    <cffile action="write" file="C:\data.xml" output="#xml#" charset="utf-8" >


    Please follow the next page: http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/SpChar.html


    See you.






    Sorry to post again a question about accent. But really after reading all topics about accent problems, I really think I miss it!




    I'm working with Drupal 6.2 generating some data. Creating the XML file which is accessible from an URL (/data). On top of my XML generation function I added the Drupal header function :


    - drupal_set_header('Content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8');


    My Firefox confirms that, really.




    And my call to the SWF is like this :








    And I still have thoses dummies characters!








    Thank you guys!





  6. I found something like that I ask you. But, this is not downloable.


    The next Url have the main idea.



    FusionWidgets v3 - Data-streaming chart + JavaScript integration demoIn this demo, we've integrated the real-time line chart from FusionWidgets v3 suite with JavaScript. Whenever the chart receives new data from the data-provider, it notifies JavaScript methods present in this page. The JavaScript methods then access the chart's data and present it in the HTML table below. Since the chart shows only most recent 15 data points, the table will show the same.


    Interactive features:

    • Once the chart has received some values, click on a series name (Google/Dell) in legend to show/hide the dataset
    • Right click on the chart to access the context menu for data-streaming charts






    How can i download the sample?








    Thanks for your post.


    I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support putting message on realtime charts or gauges, as of now.sad.gif


    Thank you very much for your continued patience and patronage.


    Hope you have a great day!

  7. Thank you, I follow your suggest and I will aply my own code.


    In a future version maybe you considerer put a Api in a fusioncharts for order asc or desc the values.


    I love fusioncharts.


    My best regards.











    Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!smile.gif


    First of all, we would like to thank you for showing interest in FusionCharts.


    I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support the feature you are looking for, at this time.sad.gif


    You would need to use your own code to suffice your requirement.


    Hope this helps.

  8. Is possible in a cylinder realtime put other message near or down of the value like a date or time?


    It is very necesary because when change the value of the cylinder, We dont know which is the time or date that change the graphic. I have a database with the value and the datetime of this value. I can does works the realtime simulteanly 5 cylinder. But I don't know how can put other mesage like attach image.


    Is possible?




    Your product is amazing.






  9. Is possible order the values of XML file.


    I take a sample of you.


    <chart yAxisName='Sales Figure' caption='Top 5 Sales Person' numberPrefix='$' showBorder='1' imageSave='1'imageSaveURL='http://www.fusioncharts.com/ExportHandlers/PHP/_FCExporter.php'>

    <set label='Alex' value='25000' />

    <set label='Mark' value='35000' />

    <set label='David' value='42300' />

    <set label='Graham' value='35300' />

    <set label='John' value='31300' />



    In this case I need order the values and the graphic show the next label with this order:First DavidSecond GrahamThird Graham.....

    There is a function by order asc or desc.



    Best regards.


  10. I have a dude. How can i mix two or more XML similar in a graphic.


    For example:



    <chart caption='Students 1999' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Total' showValues='0'>

    <set label='male' value='400' />

    <set label='male' value='410' />




    <chart caption='Students 1999' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Total' showValues='0'>

    <set label='male' value='490' />

    <set label='male' value='350' />


    There are any sample mixing xml files?