Hari G S

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Posts posted by Hari G S

  1. Hi All,


    Is there any way I can check whether a 'FusionChartsExportObject' is been created with a particular id. The problem is when I try to render this object with an id(with this same id I might have already created this object before) it shows a duplicate id error. So if this object is rendered with this id I do not need to render it again.


    Thanks and Regards

    Hari G S

  2. Hi,


    I saw the attribute 'lineThickness' in the StackedColumn3DLineDY.swf. Is this option changes the line properties in the time series charts. If so is this option applicable to 'StackedColumn3DLine.swf' and where should i include this?


    Please advise with a sample code..


    Thanks and Regards

    Hari G S


    Hi Hari,


    Can you please try using the following style elements for Pie chart?

            <style name='MyFirstFontStyle' type='font' font='Verdana' size='12' color='FF0000'  />     
            <apply toObject='Legend' styles='MyFirstFontStyle' />
            <apply toObject='DataLabels' styles='MyFirstFontStyle' />


    Hi Swarnam,


    Yes I have tried this in for pie chart but not working. This same will work for column chart but not for pie chart.


    Thanks and Regards

    Hari G S

  4. Hi Hari,


    Welcome to FusionCharts Forum Post.


    No, currently we do not support "showPercentValues" attribute for Column Charts. Using "displayValue" attribute within set element, percent values can be specified and it would be displayed  over data plots(columns).

      <set label='Jan' value='420000' displayValue='50%' />

    Hope this helps.


    Simple and multi series column charts do not support this but the option 'stack100Percent ' will dispaly values in percent only for stacked charts. am I rit?