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Posts posted by pitommasi

  1. I am using server side export and trying to handle the problem that if a Flash chart or map is out of the view it doesn't start exporting until the page has been scrolled to the part where the flash component is.


    is there any event that fires after the export has started (i.e. when the progress bar is at least at 10%)?


    Thanks in advance

  2. according to the documentation, if in debug mode of the batchexportcomponent you get an error code 10902041939, it means that "FCExporter.swf did not convey a valid "id" to the FusionChartsExportObject".


    Now, what could possibily generrate this error?



    I have added the following properties to the xmls:

    exportEnabled="1" exportAtClient="1" exportHandler="fcBatchExporter"


    I have instantiated the batch export component using:

    var myExportComponent = new FusionChartsExportObject("fcBatchExporter", "/swf/FCExporter.swf");


    The swf exporter component correctly appears but when I open the page in the browser I get this 10902041939 error, with the message "Export component missing or authentication failure.":


    what did I do wrong?

  3. Question: in case I have maps and charts in the same page, which version of the FCExporter.swf should I use the one bundled with FusionMaps or the on bundled with FusionCharts?
    (They have the same date but the size is different)

    Same question for the javascript files responsible of the export:

    should I use FusionChartsExportComponent.js or FusionMapsExportComponent.js?

  4. Would it be possible to only change the "data" part of a chart or a map?


    Current;y, to change the data of a chart, I do it by reading the JSON data like this:


    chartData = chart1.getJSONData();


    then replace the data element:


    chartData.data = newData;


    and feed it back to the chart:




    since the chart definition is always the same, I wanted to know whether there is there a way to do something like:


    chart1.data = newData;


    thanks in advance

  5. What do you mean? I have tried performing an export from the grid and it works...

    The only problems so far are that if the grid is rendered with an height of more than 2200 pixels, it renders as a black image, the paging and the time required for the export.