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Posts posted by stevie

  1. Hello,




    I've recently purchased FusionCharts v3 and i am very happy with it. However, i can't get the following working in IE7, however it does work perfectly in Firefox;




    When i'm rendering a chart i automatically render the image, save it to disk and add it to a PDF file. This works perfectly in Firefox however in internet explorer FC_Rendered wasn't fired.




    Also, a javascript error is raised when the RegisterwithJS flag is set to true (Using 2.0 here). The error is ')' is expected.




    I've tried several different approaches but I just can't get it to work properly.




    Side note: Right clicking the image and saving it does work in IE7.






    This is how i render the chart:




           Dim oConn As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SQLConnection").ConnectionString)
           Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("EXEC Rapport_AantalLeerlingen @SchoolID", oConn)
           cmd.Parameters.Add("@SchoolID", Data.SqlDbType.Int)
           cmd.Parameters("@SchoolID").Value = Session("SchoolID")
           Dim sqlReader As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader
           Dim xmlData As New StringBuilder
           xmlData.Append("<chart imageSave='1' imageSaveURL='Rapporten/FusionChartsSave.aspx' palette='1' canvasPadding='15' caption='Aantal leerlingen' xAxisName='Periode' yAxisName='Aantal' showValues='1' decimals='0' formatNumberScale='0' useRoundEdges='1'>")
          While sqlReader.Read
               xmlData.Append("<set label='" & sqlReader("Omschrijving") & "' value='" & sqlReader("Totaal") & "'/>")
           End While
           Dim sChartID = "nosave"
           If Session("CreatingRapport") = True Then
               Session("CurrentRapport") = "page1"
               Session("PagesForRapport") = Replace(Session("PagesForRapport"), "page1,", "")
               sChartID = "tosave"
           End If
           chart.Text = RenderChartHTML("../Charts/Line.swf", "", xmlData.ToString(), sChartID, "600", "350", False, True)




    Thank you,



