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Posts posted by qiangw808

  1. Below is js for rendering Pie2D chart, but I want to know why the piechart always can not ready for managed print

    and whether all categories support managed print. I need your help.


    <script type="text/javascript">

    var chartSWF= "../../resources/flash/Pie2D.swf";

    var strJson = ${jsonString};

    var chartId= "Monthly Allocation";

    var chartWidth= 600;

    var chartHeight=300;


    var _chart = new FusionCharts(chartSWF, chartId, chartWidth, chartHeight);


    // Provide entire XML data using dataXML method

    _chart.setJSONData (strJson);


    //Finally, render the chart.



    FusionCharts.addEventListener("PrintReadyStateChange", function (e, a) {

    document.getElementById("printButton").disabled = !a.ready;

    document.getElementById("status").innerHTML = a.ready ?

    'Charts are ready for print. You may use File->Print now.' :

    'Charts are not ready for managed print. Please wait.'






  2. I have download the FusionChart XT Evaluation from http://www.fusioncha...tback=290064327

    I think it is the latest version, but I can not fin setJSONData() function from DownloadPackage/Charts/FusionCharts.js


    why can i find this function?


    Below is the header coments of FusionCharts.js, I want to know whether the version is correct.



    * FusionCharts: Flash Player detection and Chart embedding.

    * Version: 1.2.4 (16th February, 2009) - Added fix for chart with % width/height.

    * Version: 1.2.3 (15th September, 2008) - Added fix for % and & characters. Additional fixes to properly handle double quotes and single quotes in setDataXML() function.

    * Version: 1.2.2 (10th July, 2008) - Added fix for % scaled dimensions, fixes in setDataXML() and setDataURL() functions

    * Version: 1.2.1 (21st December, 2007) - Added setting up transparent/opaque mode: setTransparent() function

    * Version: 1.2 (1st November, 2007) - Added FORM fixes for IE

    * Version: 1.1 (29th June, 2007) - Added Player detection, New conditional fixes for IE


    * Morphed from SWFObject (http://blog.deconcept.com/swfobject/) under MIT License:

    * http://www.opensourc...mit-license.php

