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Posts posted by giglesias

  1. I have a page (c# in with 4 fusion charts, all works ok, but my web site have a master page, so when on the charts page set the master page file, i received an javascript error "invalid argument" on line:76.

    I saw another samples on the web and all it's the same and my project must be run ok.

    Please, help me.

    best regards

    Gustavo Iglesias

  2. i try to do some different charts with and really data to show in my company for try to buy the soft for our intranet. I did a pie 3d and all work ok but now i have a big problem because i need a stacked chart, i make my code help me with source on internet. I have a similar source that a code that run ok but my code not run correctly i receive the message "no data to display"..please i need help thanks...this is my source


    clsMain obj = new clsMain();


    DataTable objDt = obj.GetEstadistica_EstadosTipoPedido();


    #region GeneraGrafico


    StringBuilder xmlData = new StringBuilder();


    xmlData.Append("<chart caption='Sales' numberPrefix='$' formatNumberScale='0'>");


    #region Crea el eje de tipos de pedido




    DataTable dtTiposPedido = objDt.DefaultView.ToTable(true, "tipopedido");


    foreach (DataRow Row in dtTiposPedido.Rows)




    xmlData+= "<tipopedido name='" + Row["tipopedido"].ToString().Trim() + "' />";








    #region Crea el eje de estados


    DataTable dtEstados = objDt.DefaultView.ToTable(true, "estadodesc");


    DataView objDv = objDt.DefaultView;


    foreach (DataRow Row in dtEstados.Rows)




    xmlData.Append("<dataset seriesName='" + Row["estadodesc"].ToString().Trim() + "'>");


    foreach (DataRow Row2 in dtTiposPedido.Rows )




    objDv.RowFilter = "tipopedido='" + Row2["tipopedido"].ToString().Trim() + "' and estadodesc='" + Row["estadodesc"].ToString().Trim() + "'";


    if (objDv.Count > 0)


    xmlData.AppendFormat("<set value='{0}' />", objDv[0]["cantidad"].ToString());




    xmlData.AppendFormat("<set value='{0}' />", "1");














    Literal1.Text = FusionCharts.RenderChart("Charts/StackedColumn3D.swf", "", xmlData.ToString(), "EstadosTipoPedido", "600", "300", false, true);