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Posts posted by myibs

  1. If so,

    how about this,whats wrong with my query below, why no data display on the graph:








    // These four parameters must be changed dependent on your MySQL settings

    $hostdb = 'localhost'; // MySQl host

    $userdb = 'root'; // MySQL username

    $passdb = '123456'; // MySQL password

    $namedb = 'ipark'; // MySQL database name


    $link = mysql_connect ($hostdb, $userdb, $passdb);


    if (!$link) {


    die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());



    $db_selected = mysql_select_db($namedb);

    if (!$db_selected) {

    die ('Can\'t use database : ' . mysql_error());


    return $link;



    // extract pertinent data from dataset

    // we will get



    $resultSet ="SELECT BayIn as eventIn, BayOut as eventOut, date_format(timelastupdate, '%H:%i') AS time_only FROM BayAllocation WHERE datelastupdate = '2011-11-17' ORDER BY timelastupdate DESC LIMIT 5";



    // execute SQL to create recordset



    while($ors = mysql_fetch_array($resultSet)) {

    $eventIn = $ors['eventIn'];

    $eventOut = $ors['eventOut'];

    $dateTimeLabel = $ors['timelastupdate'];




    //Now write it to output stream*/

    print "&label=" . $dateTimeLabel . "&value=" . $eventIn . "|" . $eventOut;






    <chart caption='Status Car In/Out' subCaption='Daily Transaction' dataStreamURL='IparkTransaction3.php' refreshInterval='60' numberPrefix='' setAdaptiveYMin='1' xAxisName='Time' showRealTimeValue='5' realTimeValuePadding='50' labelDisplay='Rotate' slantLabels='5' >



    <dataset seriesName='In' showValues='0'>


    <dataset seriesName='Out' showValues='0'>




    <style type='font' name='captionFont' size='14' />



    <apply toObject='Caption' styles='captionFont' />

    <apply toObject='Realtimevalue' styles='captionFont' />








  2. Here I d code has been modified from me:



    //We've included ../Includes/FusionCharts.php and ../Includes/DBConn.php, which contains

    //functions to help us easily embed the charts and connect to a database.







    FusionCharts Free - Database Example



    //You need to include the following JS file, if you intend to embed the chart using JavaScript.

    //Embedding using JavaScripts avoids the "Click to Activate..." issue in Internet Explorer

    //When you make your own charts, make sure that the path to this JS file is correct. Else, you would get JavaScript errors.


    <script LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="../../FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js"></SCRIPT>

    <style type="text/css">


    body {

    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

    font-size: 12px;



    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

    font-size: 12px;








    <h2><a href="" target="_blank">FusionCharts Free</a> -Database and Drill-Down Example</h2>




    //In this example, we show how to connect FusionCharts to a database.

    //For the sake of ease, we've used an MySQL databases containing two



    // Connect to the DB

    $link = connectToDB();

    // SQL query for category labels

    $strQueryCategories = "select Bay.timelastupdate AS TimeOnly FROM Bay WHERE datelastupdate = CURRENT_DATE ORDER BY TimeOnly";

    // Query database

    $resultCategories = mysql_query($strQueryCategories) or die(mysql_error());

    // SQL query for factory output data

    $strQueryData = "SELECT BayName.BayNames, Bay.timelastupdate AS TimeOnly, Bay.Quantity FROM BayName, Bay WHERE BayName.BayId = Bay.BayId and datelastupdate = CURRENT_DATE ORDER BY timelastupdate DESC LIMIT 5";

    // Query database

    $resultData = mysql_query($strQueryData) or die(mysql_error());

    //We also keep a flag to specify whether we've to animate the chart or not.

    //If the user is viewing the detailed chart and comes back to this page, he shouldn't

    //see the animation again.

    //$strXML will be used to store the entire XML document generated

    //Generate the chart element

    $strXML = "<chart legendPosition='' caption='Status Car In/Out' subCaption='Daily Transaction' xAxisName='Bay Name' yAxisName='Units' showValues='0' formatNumberScale='0' rotateValues='1' animation='1'>";

    // Build category XML

    $strXML .= buildCategories ($resultCategories, "TimeOnly");

    // Build datasets XML

    $strXML .= buildDatasets ( $resultData, "Quantity", "BayNames");

    //Finally, close <chart> element

    $strXML .= "</chart>";

    //Create the chart - Pie 3D Chart with data from strXML

    echo renderChart("../../FusionCharts/MSLine.swf", "", $strXML, "StatusCar", 700, 400);

    // Free database resource






    * Function to build XML for categories

    * @param $result Database resource

    * @param $labelField Field name as String that contains value for chart category labels


    * @return categories XML node


    function buildCategories ( $result, $labelField )


    $strXML = "";

    if ($result) {

    $strXML = "<categories>";

    while($ors = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

    $strXML .= "<category label='" . $ors[$labelField]. "'/>";


    $strXML .= "</categories>";


    return $strXML;




    * Function to build XML for datasets that would contain chart data

    * @param $result Database resource. The data should come ordered by a control break

    field which would require to identify datasets and set its value to

    dataset's series name

    * @param $valueField Field name as String that contains value for chart dataplots

    * @param $controlBreak Field name as String that contains value for chart dataplots


    * @return Dataset XML node


    function buildDatasets ($result, $valueField, $controlBreak )


    $strXML = "";

    if ($result) {

    $controlBreakValue ="";

    while( $ors = mysql_fetch_array($result) ) {

    if( $controlBreakValue != $ors[$controlBreak] )


    $controlBreakValue = $ors[$controlBreak];

    $strXML .= ( $strXML =="" ? "" : "</dataset>") . ( "<dataset seriesName='" . $controlBreakValue . "'>" ) ;


    $strXML .= "<set value='" . $ors[$valueField] . "'/>";


    $strXML .= "</dataset>";


    return $strXML;





    <a href='../NoChart.html' target="_blank">Unable to see the chart above?</a>

    <H5 ><a href='../default.htm'>« Back to list of examples</a></h5>





    see d attachment of that chart, it should'nt be like that..

    please refer example of data in d database.


    why the dot value not plot at the right track(time).

    As u can see, Time 15:51:23,should be have 12 Quantity but it doesnt.


    Please help me on that..



  3. Hi there,

    I'm trying to follow d example given at FusionChart XT Doc (Home > Guide for web developers > Using with PHP > Plotting from database)

    (under topic multi-series line chart )...


    It not display any data..Here i paste the code..

    Please somebody see whats wrong on this code..




    //We've included ../Includes/FusionCharts.php and ../Includes/DBConn.php, which contains

    //functions to help us easily embed the charts and connect to a database.







    FusionCharts Free - Database Example



    //You need to include the following JS file, if you intend to embed the chart using JavaScript.

    //Embedding using JavaScripts avoids the "Click to Activate..." issue in Internet Explorer

    //When you make your own charts, make sure that the path to this JS file is correct. Else, you would get JavaScript errors.


    <script LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="../../FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js"></SCRIPT>

    <style type="text/css">


    body {

    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

    font-size: 12px;



    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

    font-size: 12px;








    <h2><a href="" target="_blank">FusionCharts Free</a> -Database and Drill-Down Example</h2>




    //In this example, we show how to connect FusionCharts to a database.

    //For the sake of ease, we've used an MySQL databases containing two



    // Connect to the DB

    $link = connectToDB();

    // SQL query for category labels

    $strQueryCategories = "select distinct DATE_FORMAT(factory_output.DatePro,'%c-%d-%Y') as DatePro from factory_output order by DatePro";

    // Query database

    $resultCategories = mysql_query($strQueryCategories) or die(mysql_error());

    // SQL query for factory output data

    $strQueryData = "select factory_master.FactoryName, DATE_FORMAT(factory_output.DatePro,'%c-%d-%Y') as DatePro, factory_output.Quantity from factory_master factory_master, factory_output factory_output where factory_output.FactoryID = factory_master.FactoryId order by factory_output.FactoryID, factory_output.DatePro";

    // Query database

    $resultData = mysql_query($strQueryData) or die(mysql_error());

    //We also keep a flag to specify whether we've to animate the chart or not.

    //If the user is viewing the detailed chart and comes back to this page, he shouldn't

    //see the animation again.

    //$strXML will be used to store the entire XML document generated

    //Generate the chart element

    $strXML = "<chart legendPosition='' caption='Factory Output report' subCaption='By Quantity' xAxisName='Factory' yAxisName='Units' showValues='0' formatNumberScale='0' rotateValues='1' animation='1'>";

    // Build category XML

    $strXML .= buildCategories ($resultCategories, "DatePro");

    // Build datasets XML

    $strXML .= buildDatasets ( $resultData, "Quantity", "FactoryName");

    //Finally, close <chart> element

    $strXML .= "</chart>";

    //Create the chart - Pie 3D Chart with data from strXML

    echo renderChart("../../FusionCharts/MSLine.swf", "", $strXML, "FactorySum", 700, 400);

    // Free database resource



    // mysql_close($link);



    * Function to build XML for categories

    * @param $result Database resource

    * @param $labelField Field name as String that contains value for chart category labels


    * @return categories XML node


    function buildCategories ( $result, $labelField )


    $strXML = "";

    if ($result) {

    $strXML = "<categories>";

    while($ors = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

    $strXML .= "<category label='" . $ors[$labelField]. "'/>";


    $strXML .= "</categories>";


    return $strXML;




    * Function to build XML for datasets that would contain chart data

    * @param $result Database resource. The data should come ordered by a control break

    field which would require to identify datasets and set its value to

    dataset's series name

    * @param $valueField Field name as String that contains value for chart dataplots

    * @param $controlBreak Field name as String that contains value for chart dataplots


    * @return Dataset XML node


    function buildDatasets ($result, $valueField, $controlBreak )


    $strXML = "";

    if ($result) {

    $controlBreakValue ="";

    while( $ors = mysql_fetch_array($result) ) {

    if( $controlBreakValue != $ors[$controlBreak] )


    $controlBreakValue = $ors[$controlBreak];

    $strXML .= ( $strXML =="" ? "" : "</dataset>") . ( "<dataset seriesName='" . $controlBreakValue . "'>" ) ;


    $strXML .= "<set value='" . $ors[$valueField] . "'/>";


    $strXML .= "</dataset>";


    return $strXML;





    <a href='../NoChart.html' target="_blank">Unable to see the chart above?</a>

    <H5 ><a href='../default.htm'>« Back to list of examples</a></h5>




  4. Okay,here I try the simple one, I'm not sure its right or wrong.

    But,through all these codes, The data not run n display based what I want.

    Actually, I want to display the status of car In/Out on current date (shows daily transaction) in every minute.

    This data it just retrieve from table include time IN/OUT of that car.


    XML Page



    <chart caption='Status Car In/Out' subCaption='Daily Transaction' dataStreamURL='IparkTransaction.php' refreshInterval='60' numberPrefix='' setAdaptiveYMin='1' xAxisName='Time' showRealTimeValue='1' realTimeValuePadding='50' labelDisplay='Rotate' slantLabels='1'>



    <dataset seriesName='In' showValues='0'>


    <dataset seriesName='Out' showValues='0'>




    <style type='font' name='captionFont' size='14' />



    <apply toObject='Caption' styles='captionFont' />

    <apply toObject='Realtimevalue' styles='captionFont' />






    PHP page







    //Get date Today - date format 2011-11-04

    $dateTodayLabel = date("yy-d-m");


    //Get label for the data - time in format hh:mn:ss

    $dateTimeLabel = date('h:i:s');


    // extract pertinent data from dataset

    // we will get

    $strSQLIn ="select count(EventTrans) where EventTrans = 'IN' and DateTrans=" . $_REQUEST['dateTodayLabel'] . " ";

    $strSQLOut ="select count(EventTrans) where EventTrans = 'OUT' and DateTrans=" . $_REQUEST['dateTodayLabel'] . " ";


    // execure SQL to create recordset

    $resultIn=mysql_query($strSQLIn) or die(mysql_error());

    $resultOut=mysql_query($strSQLOut) or die(mysql_error());


    //Now write it to output stream

    print "&label=" . $dateTimeLabel . "In=" . $resultIn . "Out" . $resultOut;




    HTML page





    <TITLE>FusionWidgets v3 - Multiple dataset example</TITLE>

    <script type="text/javascript" src="../Charts/FusionCharts.js"></script>




    <div id="chart1div">

    This text is replaced by the Flash movie.


    <script type="text/javascript">

    var chart1 = new FusionCharts("../Charts/RealTimeLine.swf", "ChId1", "500", "350", "0", "0");







    And also I attached print screen on display page and my table.




  5. Thanks Angshu for d feedback.


    Ok,if so.

    Based on my understanding, before I create real time chart using php mysql,

    here is the list of file/folder I need to copy from d example (blueprint):

    1-_mmServerScripts folder

    2-charts folder

    3-Includes (change the dbconnection) folder

    4-JSClass folder

    5-Default.php - this one as a main page right,then I need to make a changes.

    6-DataGen.php - the query data inside this page right, so I just change based on my requirement right?

    but,how about the function which using XML language inside, I'm not very undertand

    when to apply with the realtime.could u help me?

    7-LibFunctions.php - no need to change right?

    8-Utilities.php - no need to change right?


    ok thanks a lot! :)

  6. Hi there,

    I'm a newbie with this software,just yesterday get to know and try this kind of software.

    quite interesting and its challenging me to understand XML language that I never learned before.


    I'm going to develop Real-time Line (Dual Y) which using php mysql as data backend.

    I already try and run the example of Real-time Line (Dual Y) in d doc, but it just use the random data not extract from database(mysql)

    Currently, the blueprint application (example in php mysql that I've downloaded) does not have d example Real-time Line (Dual Y).


    I try to manipulate the example has given, but hard for me to manipulate it to do in Real-time Line (Dual Y).

    So,anyone here have done it before and any example that I can refer straightly.

    Thank u very much for your kindness to help me.