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Posts posted by aaustria

  1. Hi,


    I'm using FusionCharts v.3.2.2 to generate the HTML5 chart. The chart cannot be exported when I tested it on IE8.


    The page shows


    About to transcode 1 SVG file(s)Converting 6b6435f342f99c46296bd18d29973bb7.svg to temp/6b6435f342f99c46296bd18d29973bb7.pdf ... ... error (SVGConverter.error.while.rasterizing.file)Error while converting SVG.

    Debug steps

    1. Copy the SVG: <svg xmlns:xlink ..........</svg>
    2. Go to validator.w3.org/#validate_by_input
    3. Paste the SVG
    4. Click More Options and select SVG 1.1 for Use Doctype
    5. Click the Check button


    Then I went to the http://www.fusioncha...s-images-or-pdf and tried to download the PDF/PNG from the HTML5 chart. I got the same problem.

    Please advise how can I solve this error. Thank you.

  2. Hi,


    I'm using the FusionCharts v3.2.2 and I rendered the pie chart using JavaScript render mode.


    I set the link of the pie slice so that when the user clicks on the slice the JavaScript function will be called to update the chart data.


    Here is the sample code to create the chart:


     var xmlData ='<chart><set label="Under 2" value="61" /><set  label="2-11" value="306" /><set label="12-18" value="646"  /><set label="19-29" value="2252" link="JavaScript:update()"  /></chart>';
     var chart = new FusionCharts("../fusionCharts/Pie2D.swf", "ChartId", "400", "300", "0", "0"); 


    , and here is the update() function when user clicks on the big pie slice:

    function update() {
     var newXmlData = '<chart><set label="2-11" value="306"  /><set label="12-18" value="646" /><set label="19-29"  value="2252" /><set label="30-39" value="696" /><set  label="40-49" value="664" /><set label="50-59" value="934"  /><set label="60-69" value="1356" /><set label="70-79"  value="1619" /><set label="80-89" value="681"  /></chart>';
     var newChart = FusionCharts("ChartId");


    The problem is when I click the pie slice to call the "update()" function, there's a JavaScript error caught in firebugs (I used the Firefox browser) says that

    "f.select is not a function"


    This error also occurs when I call newChart.dispose() too.


    FYI. I also tested the column chart but there was no problem.


    Please let me know if I did anything wrong or how can I solve this.


    Thank you in advance.