Ganesh Bora

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Posts posted by Ganesh Bora

  1. Hi,


    I have resolved the issue by doing litte bit of debugging.

    Actually is due to the calling php render method inside the loop of list element <li>


    echo renderChart("/fusionchartsxt/charts/Column2D.swf?r=".rand(), "", $strXML, "$unique_chart_id", 235, 235);
    1. calling render method inside Jcarsol
    2. render method returns the javascript variable
    3. as jcarsoal duplicating the li content and as chart rendering div present inside this li output of render which is javascript variable also getting duplicate and thus page gives duplicate variable name issue.

    to resolve issue we have moved the render method outside the JCarsoal methode and only placed the chart div after render inside this li.

  2. Hi ,


    Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!


    We are looking into this and we will get back to you on this shortly.



    I'm getting this error in the FireBug console when I fire the function which loads the chart the second time.

    This is my code insde this function:



       if (FusionCharts(domID)) {
                    $("div[id$=" + containerID + "Body]").children(':first').updateFusionCharts({ "dataSource": "../../" + parChart.getDataURL(),
                        "dataFormat": "xmlurl"
                } else {
                    $("div[id$=" + containerID + "Body]").children(':first').insertFusionCharts({ "id": domID,
                        "swfUrl": type,
                        "renderer": "javascript",
                        "dataSource": "../../" + parChart.getDataURL(),
                        "dataFormat": "xmlurl",
                        "width": width,
                        "height": height

    My question is - how do I set the chart created by insertFusionCHart to a variable? It's possible without the jQuueryy plugin - but how do I do it now?



    I am also getting same error I have posted it @

  3. I'm getting the following error while embedding a chart:



    DesignTimeError: #25081843 bodystats0.render Error >> #25081843:IECompatibility() 
    Chart Id is same as a JavaScript variable name. 
    Variable naming error. Please use unique name for chart JS variable, chart-id and container id.
    Line 13

    Please check page code


    <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery.jcarousel.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    <div class="carousel_1">
    <ul id="mycarousel2" class="jcarousel-skin-tango">
    <div id="test1">
    <?php Yii::app()->clientScript->registerCoreScript('fusionchartsxt'); ?>
    <?php include("fusionchartsxt/includes/FusionCharts.php"); ?>
                $strXML = "<chart caption='' subCaption='' yAxisMaxValue='105' numberSuffix='%25'
                bgColor='FFFFFF'  bgAlpha='0' setAdaptiveYMin='1'
                canvaspadding='10' showCanvasBg ='1' canvasBorderColor='333333'
                showAlternateHGridColor='1' alternateHGridColor='f0f2ea' alternateHGridAlpha='100'
                divLineColor='303200' divLineAlpha='20'
                baseFontColor='666666' showBorder='0'
                lineColor='BBDA00' plotBorderColor='8a8a8a'
                anchorRadius='4' anchorBgColor='303200' anchorBorderColor='FFFFFF' anchorBorderThickness='2'
                toolTipBgColor='EEEEEE' toolTipBorderColor='303200' toolTipColor='666666'
                showValues='1' numberSuffix='' labelDisplay='ROTATE'>";
                $strXML .= "<set label='Asses 1' value='20'  />";
                $strXML .= "<set label='Asses 2' value='30'/>";
                $strXML .= "<set label='Current' value='40' />";
                $strXML .= "<trendlines>";
                $strXML .= "<line startValue='100' color='57C02F' displayValue='Target' />";
                $strXML .= "</trendlines>";
                $strXML .= "<styles>";
                $strXML .= "<definition>";
                $strXML .= "<style name='Font_0' type='font' font='Verdana' size='11' underline='0'  color='666666'  />";
                $strXML .= "<style name='Font_1' type='font' font='Verdana' size='14' color='666666' bold='1' align='left' />";
                $strXML .= "<style  name='LineShadow' type='shadow' angle='45'  distance='1'/>";
                $strXML .= "</definition>";
                $strXML .= "<application>";
                $strXML .= "<apply toObject='DATALABELS' styles='Font_0'/>";
                $strXML .= "<apply toObject='CAPTION' styles='Font_1'/>";
                $strXML .= "<apply toObject='DATAPLOT' styles='LineShadow' />";
                $strXML .= "</application>";
                $strXML .= "</styles>";
                $strXML .="</chart>";
                $unique_chart_id = "mygoalachievements1";
                echo renderChart("/fusionchartsxt/charts/Column2D.swf?r=".rand(), "", $strXML, "$unique_chart_id", 235, 235);
    <a href="#" id="ui-carousel-next"><span>next</span></a>
    <a href="#" id="ui-carousel-prev"><span>prev</span></a>

  4. Hi,


    We have 10 graphs on one page having ids like goal1, goal2, goal3, goal4...goal10


    to show these all graphs we are using Jquery slider but using this gives an error


    A duplicate object already exists with the specific Id: goal1


    Please suggest how to resolve this issue..Due to this error last 2-3 graphs out of 10 are not getting loaded.



    Thanks in advance..

  5. Hi,


    While using fusion chart am facing rendering issue on IE9 browser. graphs start render on mouse hover.

    Issue get resolved on setting browser settings for Software Rendering inserted of GPU rendering. Has any one now about any workaround for same. Other than browser setting

    Please check attachment for more details
