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Posts posted by VangaSD

  1. Hi,


    I am using JavaScript rendering engine.


    When I generate the column chart, I can see data labels and chart background, but not the columns.


    For the column, I am getting following SVG element.


    <rect rx="0" ry="0" fill="url(http://localhost/#highcharts-5)" x="388.5" y="307" width="49" height="0" stroke-width="1" stroke-opacity="1" stroke="#333333" r="0"></rect>


    Here it is clear that the rectangle height is 0. Same is happening with Column3D.


    I am using requirejs, backbonejs, underscorejs, raphael in other parts of the page.


    I tried changing to Pie2D. It is showing only a single horizontal line and no slices. When I click on the slices and move, then it is showing the slices.


    Also, when I click on any slice, it is not animating (to come out from the center). But the slice's lable and it's connector are moving. After doing this when I rotate the Pie chart, the slices are overlapping.


    Please help me, how to fix this?

