Sagar Joshi

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Posts posted by Sagar Joshi

  1. Hello,


    Thanks for your reply.


    Below is information that you required:


    a. The version of FusionWidgets XT you are using at your end.

        ==> version 3.3.1-sr2.19840


    b. The screen shot of the issue along with the sample XML/JSON data to replicate the issue from our end.

        ==> attached herewith


    c. Also, please mentioned the chart dimension you have provided, at your end.

       ==> 120 X 100



    I have attached image herewith.



    Json for Long Text.txt

    Json for Short Text.txt

  2. Hello,


    Thanks for your reply.


    I tried your solution.

    Before this it was showing url for fill attribute of Path element ,like "url('http://mysite/#3052xr___98_162_150__rgba_0_142_142_0_:0-rgba_0_142_142_0_:100')"


    After doing your way, it shows "url('#3052xr___98_162_150__rgba_0_142_142_0_:0-rgba_0_142_142_0_:100')"


    Now let me share exact scenario.

    i want html of chart for further processing which not support svg.
    so i need to convert svg into base64 image

    now when i convert into base64 image, and then image having blank (no color) in pie chart.
    if i change fill attribute of path in svg, to specific color

    e.g. <path fill="Red">

    then it is working fine
    to make this change, i want to remove gradient or any effects from pie chart
    i tried by set below properties to 0



    but no luck  :(
    will you please help me to sort out this

  3. Hello,


    I am using Pie chart version 3.3.1-sr2.19840


    In that, After Pie chart is rendered,

    I get HTML of svg and put it in another simple HTML page.

    In that page , it does not show color inside Pie chart.. 

    Note :: While checking HTML of pie chart I noticed that , there is some url for fill attribute of Path element , that showes url of http://mysite/#........
    Both Images are attached herewith.
    How to solve this issue?



  4. Hello,


    I am using Fusion Line chart.


    In that I am facing issue of X-Axis data value while I am having much data to display.


    On X-Axis , I display date with time.

    If I am having less data than it will display Data proper on X-Axis with proper date and time.


    But when i am having much more data like more than 700 records to show. It will display "2013-06-16 12:00:00 AM" instead of actual value like "2013-06-16 3:00:00 PM"


    means it shows all date like "Date 12:00:00 AM".

    While I mouse hover on DataPoint, it shows correct value of x-axis as a tooltip.


    I have attached screenshot herewith.


    What might be the issue?


  5. Hello,


    I am using Fusion Widgets spark line chart.


    In that, actual chart widht depends upon the Caption provided.


    Suppose I have kept chart caption = "This is test for the chart" and for another chart I have kept Caption = "Test".


    For both of this, actual chart varies. according to length of the Caption.

    But it should not be as because of that Chart will look smaller.


    To solve this , is there any property or way to place Caption at different place?


    Or any other way to solve this?

  6. Hello,


    As per your reply, I have attached demo application.

    In that when you load



    There will be one Button called "Load Chart"

    When you click on that it will load a chart.


    Than another button will appear there called "Save as Image".

    By clicking on that, it will show button for "Waiting for Export",


    Once export is done it will get changed to "Save the Chart".


    Now again follow the same process ==> Click on Load chart ==> click on Save as Image


    that "Waiting for Export" will not get changed to "Save the chart"



    Can you Provide me help to solve this?



    -- Sagar Joshi

  7. Hello,


    I am using Export functionality of chart.

    In that when I first bind chart (With partial Postback) and Click on export button it shows "Waiting" button and when Export Gets completed it changes to "Save".


    But when I bind chart again (with partial Postback), and click on Export button and Export gets completed, it does not change "Waiting" button to "Save".


    Any workaround for this?


    Thanking in advance.

  8. Hello,


    What I am doing is, when chart gets zoomed , based on its zooming date, my other results gets changed (results on another control).

    So when I use same javascript function in swf it gets me "startItemLabel" and "endItemLabel" properly.


    But when I use javascript chart ( using .SetRenderer("javascript") ), itreturns endItemLabel as NULL.


    So I want to get startdate and enddate for which it got zoomed.