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Posts posted by Uchi

  1. thanks for your response but that is the problem i am facing because this example is just using XML and i am pulling the data from a database so what i don't know is how to translate this example when pulling the data from sql server database. If you can show me how to do that i would appreciate. thanks



    If you are required to open a pop-up window and render the drilled-down/child chart, you would need to start the link with prefix "p-" and would need to pass the URL of the page which will render the child chart, as the last parameter.


    Ref. Code:

    <set label="2004" value= "37800" link="P-nameOfWindow, resizable=no-showChildChart.asp"/>


    For more information on "Opening links in pop-up windows", please follow the link below:



    Also, for more information on "FusionCharts Link format", please follow the link below:



    Hope this helps!


    Looking forward to your valuable feedback.

  2. Hi,

    i am trying to use the drill down functionality using the link method. I am able to use the link to open up a new page but what i am trying to do is to use the pop up window instead of opening a new page. How can i modify the code below in order to use pop up window: something like what is shown here: <set label="2004" value="37800" link="newchart-xmlurl-Data2004.xml" /> but was not able to modify my code. Here is my code:

    [color=gray]//aspx code[/color]    <asp:[color=#2B91AF]Literal[/color] ID=[color=#800000]"chart_from_db"[/color] runat=[color=#800000]"server"[/color]>                    <[color=#800000]/asp:Literal> /[/color]/code behind        [color=#00008B]protected[/color] [color=#00008B]void[/color] [color=#2B91AF]Page_Load[/color]([color=#00008B]object[/color] sender, [color=#2B91AF]EventArgs[/color] e)        {           [color=#2B91AF]SqlConnection[/color] con = [color=#00008B]new[/color] [color=#2B91AF]SqlConnection[/color]([color=#2B91AF]ConfigurationManager[/color].[color=#2B91AF]ConnectionStrings[/color][[color=#800000]"MyConnectionString"[/color]].[color=#2B91AF]ConnectionString[/color]);                    [color=#2B91AF]StringBuilder[/color] xmlStr = [color=#00008B]new[/color] [color=#2B91AF]StringBuilder[/color]();                  xmlStr.[color=#2B91AF]Append[/color]([color=#800000]"<chart caption='Total Revenue' palette='3' showValues='0' numberPrefix='$' useRoundEdges='1'>"[/color]);            {                [color=#00008B]string[/color] sqlStatement = [color=#800000]"SELECT Category, AvgNumbers FROM Table1"[/color];                [color=#2B91AF]SqlCommand[/color] cmd = [color=#00008B]new[/color] [color=#2B91AF]SqlCommand[/color](sqlStatement, con);                con.[color=#2B91AF]Open[/color]();                [color=#2B91AF]SqlDataReader[/color] reader = cmd.[color=#2B91AF]ExecuteReader[/color]();                [color=#00008B]while[/color] (reader.[color=#2B91AF]Read[/color]())                {                                 xmlStr.[color=#2B91AF]AppendFormat[/color]([color=#800000]"<set label='{0}' value='{1}' link='{2}'/>"[/color], reader[[color=#800000]"Category"[/color]].[color=#2B91AF]ToString[/color](), reader[[color=#800000]"AvgNumbers"[/color]].[color=#2B91AF]ToString[/color](), [color=#2B91AF]Server[/color].[color=#2B91AF]UrlEncode[/color]([color=#800000]"DrillDown1.aspx?AvgDays="[/color] + reader[[color=#800000]"Category"[/color]].[color=#2B91AF]ToString[/color]()));                }                            xmlStr.[color=#2B91AF]Append[/color]([color=#800000]"</chart>"[/color]);                           reader.[color=#2B91AF]Close[/color]();                con.[color=#2B91AF]Close[/color]();                            [color=#2B91AF]FusionCharts[/color].[color=#2B91AF]SetRenderer[/color]([color=#800000]"javascript"[/color]);                chart_from_db.[color=#2B91AF]Text[/color] = [color=#2B91AF]FusionCharts[/color].[color=#2B91AF]RenderChart[/color](                    [color=#800000]"FusionChartsXT/Column3D.swf"[/color], [color=gray]// Path to chart's SWF[/color]                    [color=#800000]""[/color], [color=gray]// Page which returns chart data. Leave blank when using Data String.[/color]                    xmlStr.[color=#2B91AF]ToString[/color](), [color=gray]// String containing the chart data. Leave blank when using Data URL.[/color]                    [color=#800000]"annual_revenue"[/color],   [color=gray]// Unique chart ID[/color]                    [color=#800000]"640"[/color], [color=#800000]"340"[/color],       [color=gray]// Width & Height of chart[/color]                    [color=#00008B]false[/color],              [color=gray]// Disable Debug Mode[/color]                    [color=#00008B]true[/color]);              [color=gray]// Register with JavaScript object[/color]            }


  3. Hi,

    I am trying to create multi-series column chart and i am having problem creating this simple chart. I want to use the GroupCategory field as Series names and i also want to use the Date field as the Category and TotalCount field is the value. How can i create such multi-series column chart? please help as i am strugling with this. thanks. Here is my code:

    public string CreateHistoricalChart()
           SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
           string sqlStatement = "select Date,  GroupCategory,  COUNT(Status)TotalCount from MainTable group by  Date, GroupCategory";
           SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlStatement, con);
           SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
           string strXML;
           strXML = "<graph decimalPrecision='0' name='MyXScaleAnim' type='ANIMATION' duration='1' start='0' param='_xscale' showNames='1' labelDisplay='Rotate' useEllipsesWhenOverflow='1'  pieSliceDepth='30' formatNumberScale='0'>";
           while (reader.Read())
               strXML += "<set name='" + reader["Date"].ToString() + reader["GroupCategory"].ToString() + "' value='" + reader["TotalCount"].ToString() + "' />";
           strXML += "</graph>";
           return FusionCharts.RenderChart("../FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", "ChartID", strXML, "FactorySum6", "870", "350", false, true);


  4. I am trying to show my fusion chart in a specific area specially where i am calling the CreateChart function in my aspx file so i only want the chart to load upon clicking a button. The way I have it right now is that the chart loads as soon as the page loads but what I would like to see is the chart only loads when the button is clicked. I have tried different ways but not able to get it right since I am not so familiar with fusion charts.

    Thanks Here is my ASPX file:


    <table class="style1">
    <td class="style8">
                   <asp:Button ID="btnClick" runat="server" Height="29px" Text="Button" 
                       Width="158px" onclick="btnClick_Click" />
    <td class="style4" colspan="2">
                  <% =CreateChart() %> </td>

    and here is my code behind:

    public string CreateChart()
           SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
           string sqlStatement = "select   Status1, Count(Status1) as TotalCount from  MyTable where Closing_Date =  '" + txtStartClosingDate.Text + "' and Closing_Date <= '" + txtEndClosingDate.Text + "' and Status1 is not null group by  Status1";
           SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlStatement, con);
           SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
           string strXML;
           strXML = "<graph labelDisplay='auto' useEllipsesWhenOverflow='1' decimals='2' decimalPrecision='0' showValues='1' enablesmartlabels='0' showlabels='0'  legendAllowDrag='1' numberSuffix=' Days' showLegend='1' pieSliceDepth='45' formatNumberScale='0'>";
           while (reader.Read())
               strXML += "<set name='" + reader["Category"].ToString() + "' value='" + reader["AvgNumbers"].ToString() + "' />";
           strXML += "</graph>";
           return FusionCharts.RenderChart("../FusionCharts/Pie2D.swf", "ChartID", strXML, "FactorySum", "450", "450", false, false);


  5. Is there a way to display the total sum of the pie chart in fusion charts?

    [color=#00008B]public[/color] [color=#00008B]string[/color] [color=#2B91AF]CreateChart[/color]()    {        [color=#2B91AF]SqlConnection[/color] con = [color=#00008B]new[/color] [color=#2B91AF]SqlConnection[/color]([color=#2B91AF]ConfigurationManager[/color].[color=#2B91AF]ConnectionStrings[/color][[color=#800000]"MyConnectionString"[/color]].[color=#2B91AF]ConnectionString[/color]);        [color=#00008B]string[/color] sqlStatement = [color=#800000]"SELECT Category, AvgNumbers FROM MyTable"[/color];        [color=#2B91AF]SqlCommand[/color] cmd = [color=#00008B]new[/color] [color=#2B91AF]SqlCommand[/color](sqlStatement, con);        con.[color=#2B91AF]Open[/color]();        [color=#2B91AF]SqlDataReader[/color] reader = cmd.[color=#2B91AF]ExecuteReader[/color]();        [color=#00008B]string[/color] strXML;        strXML = [color=#800000]"<graph caption='Average Days To Close' subcaption='I want to show here the Total Sum' labelDisplay='auto' useEllipsesWhenOverflow='1'  decimalPrecision='0' showValues='1' enablesmartlabels='0' showlabels='0'  legendAllowDrag='1' numberSuffix=' Days' showLegend='1' pieSliceDepth='45' formatNumberScale='0'>"[/color];        [color=#00008B]while[/color] (reader.[color=#2B91AF]Read[/color]())        {            strXML += [color=#800000]"<set name='"[/color] + reader[[color=#800000]"Category"[/color]].[color=#2B91AF]ToString[/color]() + [color=#800000]"' value='"[/color] + reader[[color=#800000]"AvgNumbers"[/color]].[color=#2B91AF]ToString[/color]() + [color=#800000]"' />"[/color];        }        strXML += [color=#800000]"</graph>"[/color];        [color=#00008B]return[/color] [color=#2B91AF]FusionCharts[/color].[color=#2B91AF]RenderChart[/color]([color=#800000]"/FusionCharts/Pie3D.swf"[/color], [color=#800000]"ChartID"[/color], strXML, [color=#800000]"FactorySum"[/color], [color=#800000]"450"[/color], [color=#800000]"450"[/color], [color=#00008B]false[/color], [color=#00008B]false[/color]);    }


  6. Hi,

    Pls. ignore my ignorance as I am new to fusion charts and also new to this site. I have created fusion charts in ASP and all what i am trying to do is to show the total sum values of all the slices of the pie chart. For instance, if i have 3 slices on my pie chart: and each one has these values: 20, 30, 25; so i want to show the total 75 in the sub caption area. Is there a way to do this? please help.

    public string CreateChart()
           SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
           string sqlStatement = "SELECT Category, AvgNumbers FROM MyTable";
           SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlStatement, con);
           SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
           string strXML;
           strXML = "<graph caption='Average Days To Close' subcaption='I want to show here the Total Sum' labelDisplay='auto' useEllipsesWhenOverflow='1'  decimalPrecision='0' showValues='1' enablesmartlabels='0' showlabels='0'  legendAllowDrag='1' numberSuffix=' Days' showLegend='1' pieSliceDepth='45' formatNumberScale='0'>";
           while (reader.Read())
               strXML += "<set name='" + reader["Category"].ToString() + "' value='" + reader["AvgNumbers"].ToString() + "' />";
           strXML += "</graph>";
           return FusionCharts.RenderChart("/FusionCharts/Pie3D.swf", "ChartID", strXML, "FactorySum", "450", "450", false, false);