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Posts posted by sevron

  1. Hi we need to export all charts displayed on the page. All charts are javascript based chart (no flash), I have been reading the documentation and other forum posts but I cant seem to find a clear answer on this. Is it possible to batch export javascript based charts? if so is there a clearer guide either posted on the forums or that some 1 can send us in order to guide us through the process.


    Thanks in advance Neil

  2. Hi


    Hopefully some 1 can help I get the #06091847 error stating :-

    A FusionChart oject with the specified id "ChartID" already exists. Renaming it to chartobject-1


    I have try renaming the object several times but always get the error I have also tried using




    but without any success. My code for the chart is below


        <script type="text/javascript">
       if (GALLERY_RENDERER &&|flash/i)==0)FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer(GALLERY_RENDERER); 
       var chart = new FusionCharts("res/MarkFusionCharts/FusionCharts/AngularGauge.swf", "ChartID" ,"100%", "250", "0", "1" );


    Thank you in advance

