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Posts posted by bohms27

  1. Changing it into a function did not work for me. 


    This issue was only occuring on an iPad or macbook with flash disabled on the macbook.


    I did fix the issue however by completely replacing the 


    c._url = /msie/i.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.opera ? "" : window.location.href.replace(/#.*?$/, "");




    c._url = "" 


    For some reason, it was putting in the referrer URL instead of the current page URL when it would go into this. If I removed the URL all together, it would color it correctly, therefore I just completely omitted this "test" to just have the url be a blank string. 

  2. Hello,


    I am having an issue with my column and stacked column charts rendering in javascript. They work great in flash. The problem comes with the 100% width.


    Our site adapts to the width of the screen so that the site can be viewed properly on a tablet as well as a web browser. The problem comes with the fusion chart stacked column and column charts. We use 100% width on these charts, and when the width gets too small, almost all of the columns disappear.









  3. Well I found the issue of what is happening. Here's my JSON Serialized table for the "data" section of my charts:


    "data": [{"value":1331,"anchoralpha":null,"anchorBgColor":null,"anchorBorderColor":null},{"value":1229,"anchoralpha":null,"anchorBgColor":null,"anchorBorderColor":null},{"value":1417,"anchoralpha":"100","anchorBgColor":"009900","anchorBorderColor":"009900"},{"value":1389,"anchoralpha":null,"anchorBgColor":null,"anchorBorderColor":null},{"value":1046,"anchoralpha":null,"anchorBgColor":null,"anchorBorderColor":null},{"value":1057,"anchoralpha":null,"anchorBgColor":null,"anchorBorderColor":null},{"value":871,"anchoralpha":null,"anchorBgColor":null,"anchorBorderColor":null},{"value":744,"anchoralpha":null,"anchorBgColor":null,"anchorBorderColor":null},{"value":47,"anchoralpha":null,"anchorBgColor":null,"anchorBorderColor":null},{"value":0,"anchoralpha":"100","anchorBgColor":"CC0000","anchorBorderColor":"CC0000"},{"value":0,"anchoralpha":null,"anchorBgColor":null,"anchorBorderColor":null},{"value":0,"anchoralpha":null,"anchorBgColor":null,"anchorBorderColor":null},{"value":1,"anchoralpha":null,"anchorBgColor":null,"anchorBorderColor":null}]}



    In Flash, this renders fine, it just doesn't put anchors in when the chart renders in flash. In javascript, i get the object.split is not a function because it is a null value. 


    My workaround for this is before I json serialize my table, I set the "blank" values in my table to an empty string instead of nothing. It might be an opportunity for a null check in javascript before performing the .split function though. 

  4. This error occurs when I am trying to render fusion charts when flash is disabled.



    Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'split'


    This was due to, at some line in “Fusioncharts.HC.js” file, some object was not a string, and it was trying to use the split function on it. 

    @version fusioncharts/3.2.4-sr1.9888


    Could anyone please assist with this issue? 


    Here is the firefox error console message as well:


    Timestamp: 5/1/2013 3:21:13 PM
    Error: TypeError: e.split is not a function
    Source File: /js/FusionCharts/FusionCharts.HC.js
    Line: 82