Brian Maring

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Posts posted by Brian Maring

  1. I understand that 1244 is a more convenient value to choose for the second Y axis maximum. However, the data from these charts are automatically generated on the from a database and there are millions of combinations. I have an algorithm to pick convenient max/min values for the primary y-axis but I don't have one that picks convenient ones for the 2nd y-axis to mesh well with the first. If I do not specify SyAxisMinValue and SyAxisMaxValue, the default SY max/min values generally not well chosen. Do you have an algorithm for choosing convenient values for SYacis max and min based on the data? It may be necessary to allow the SY axis labels to not tied to the gridlines. Many other graphing software allows for this and this problem is avoided.







  2. Here is my XML




    As you can see, the left y axis is fine. However, the right y axis uses the has the following labels: 1,241 1,185.4, 1,129.8, 1,074.1 etc


    These crooked numbers look terrible! How can I make it so that both the right and left y axes have nice even labels?






    I also get the following warning in the debugger:




    ERROR: Invalid number specified in XML. FusionCharts can accept number in pure numerical form only. If your number formatting (thousand and decimal separator) is different, please specify so in XML. Also, do not add any currency symbols or other signs to the numbers.




    Do you know what's causing that?









    Right Y axis XML.txt

  3. Hi, I use several chart with 2 y-axes. It is very difficult to get the scaling to work nicely. In fact, it is almost impossible to get whole number y-axis labels on both sides. Would it be possible to have the 2nd y axes labels not necessarily positioned at the grid lines, but instead placed so that the 2nd y labels cleanly divide the axis and there are no jagged numbers?





