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Posts posted by trashCanMan

  1. Hello,


    I am testing IE8 and it is showing the following error:


    "Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object doesn't support this property or method"


    when executing this code:


       document.getElementById("graficoCotacoes").SetReturnValue(__flash__toXML(FC_Loaded("graficoCotacoes")) );
    } catch (e) 


    I have debugged the javascript code in FusionCharts.js and on line #255 and noticed that on the "if" condition, the instruction


    returns 'undefined' and immediately after, the exception is thrown!!!


    At the time i wasn

  2. Thank you for your reply!

    The text above is what both handlers write when I put the url in the browser (no data is given):


    http://esafcenter/ESAFDocServerPROD/ChartsExportHandlers/FCExporter.aspx (remote server)


    http://localhost/ESAFPdfServer/ChartsExportHandlers/FCExporter.aspx (localhost)


    I think the path to the remote handler is right, bacause it responds the same way that the handler in localhost does when i access via browser. But when i actually want to export the image... when i use the handler in localhost, it works just fine, the image is saved on server disk... but when I use the handler in remote server... it gets stuck waiting for the remote server.


    note: the handlers and the 'folder structure' are the same in both servers: localhost (aka production) and remote (aka quality)


    Thank you for your time (and sorry about my english :cool: )

