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Everything posted by mangeshlad86

  1. Hi.. I am using fusion chart server side export. I have done it as explained in this tutorial. It is working on IE8,IE9,IE10, Chrome and Mozilla. BUT it has problem with IE11. I have checked by debugging and found that I am getting objRtn.statusCode 0 after chart export in FC_Exported function. Is that IE11 issue and if yes what is the solution ? Thanks in advance
  2. Chart not supported error

    Hi, I am using fusion charts XT javascript charts. I create a different types of charts using fusion charts. Consider the following situation - I have created Pie Chart and I have facility to edit that chart and select different chart types. var chartObject1 = FusionCharts("fu-chart-<?php echo $model->id ?>"); if(chartObject1 != null) chartObject1.dispose(); var myChart = new FusionCharts( chartType, "fu-chart-<?php echo $model->id ?>", "100%", "100%"); var chartDataUrl = "path/to/url"; myChart.setXMLUrl(chartDataUrl); myChart.render("chartdiv-<?php echo $canvasItem->id ?>");
  3. Chart not supported error

    Hi, I am using fusion charts XT javascript charts. Consider the following situation - I have created Pie Chart and I have facility to edit that chart and select different chart types. While I switch between different chart types, It works perfectly as I want, but while ajax call is fetching the data, it shows the error "Chart type not supported with fusion charts logo below it". Following is the code I user to switch between the charts - var chartObject1 = FusionCharts("fu-chart-<?php echo $model->id ?>"); //if chart is already created, then dispose it if(chartObject1 != null) chartObject1.dispose(); //create the chart dynamically with chart type chartType var myChart = new FusionCharts( chartType, "fu-chart-<?php echo $model->id ?>", "100%", "100%"); var chartDataUrl = "path/to/url"; myChart.setXMLUrl(chartDataUrl); myChart.render("chartdiv-<?php echo $canvasItem->id ?>");
  4. Cancel ajax request of chart

    Hi, I have page with multiple charts on it. On some date change trigger they all get refreshed. I am using myChart.setXMLUrl(chartDataUrl); to get chart data in xml format. I want cancel previous incomplete ajax request when new one is made. I have tried using $.ajaxSetup({ beforeSend: function(jqXHR) { console.log('adding xhr'); $.xhrPool.push(jqXHR); }, complete: function(jqXHR) { var index = $.xhrPool.indexOf(jqXHR); if (index > -1) { console.log('deleting xhr'); $.xhrPool.splice(index, 1); } }, global:true }) and aborting all ajax calls in next date change. The problem is that I am not able to get fusion charts ajax request in my $.xhrPool requests array. Is there any other way to cancel in progress ajax request. Thanks
  5. Cancel ajax request of chart

    Hi, Thanks for your reply. I have checked that link. I have already used the method mentioned there for other ajax calls (other than FC). But for fusion charts, I am not using $.ajax for getting chart data, I am using myChart.setXMLUrl(chartDataUrl); So I am not able to capture ajax calls sent through Fusion Chart. Is there any other way like API function of fusion chart ?
  6. IE11 server side export is not working.

    Hi, Any updates on this issue ?
  7. IE11 server side export is not working.

    Hi, Thanks for reply.. Please let me know once this has fixed..
  8. IE11 server side export is not working.

    Hi.. Please reply as I have to fix this issue urgently.
  9. Hi, I am using StackedColumn3D/StackedBar3D chart. I am using server-side export using apache batik rasterizer as explained in Fusion chart documentation. For me export is working fine for Pie3D but for StackedBar2D in IE9 and IE10, it is generating Black and white images. It is working in mozilla,chrome and strangely in IE7 and IE8 It is also working on Windows Server 2008 in IE9. My fusionchart version is 3.3.0-release.18739 and I am using Javascript charts. Operating System - Windows 7 Ultimate Let me know if it is bug and is there any workaround. I am attaching here XML for this report for your reference. Thanks in advance. chart-xml.txt
  10. Hi, I am using StackedColumn3D/StackedBar3D chart. It is working fine when I set stack100Percent='0'. If I set stack100Percent='1' it is giving me error. I have checked XML and found that If I remove elements in <dataset> having blank values and set them to 0 then it works. My problem is I dont want to show <set value='0'> elements in chart. So I made them <set value=''>. This is causing problem. For further details I am attaching xml file herewith. My fusionchart version is 3.3.0-release.18739 and I am using Javascript charts. Let me know if it is bug and is there any workaround. Thanks in advance. xml
  11. stack100Percent is not working properly

    Thanks for the reply. I will try this in next 2-3 days. I wanted to know that if this new version have any optimization for rendering speed ? or anything on Optimization ?