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Posts posted by AbsentCurtis

  1. Hello,


    I have a licensed installation of FusionCharts 3.2.1, and have set up a 3d pie chart to have linked charts via the newchart-json method. I am using php to create the data in an array and then json encoding it. When I click on a slice, nothing happens. I am able to set it to a url and have it follow the link. Here is my code and json:


    <div id="budgetPieChartCont"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
               (function() {
                      var chart_BudgetPie = new FusionCharts("/charts/fusioncharts/Pie3D.swf", "budgetPieChart", "280", "298", "0", "1");
                      var objJSON = <?= json_encode($this->recommendation['rollup']['charts']['pieChart']) ?>;


    	"caption":"Budget Allocation (Top 10 Rollups)",
    	{"label":"Online National","value":"0.268502271819","color":"01304A","tooltext":"Online National<BR>2,685,023 - 26.85%","link":"newchart-json-online-national"},
    	{"label":"In-Theater","value":"0.308035228593","color":"F69100","tooltext":"In-Theater<BR>3,080,352 - 30.80%","link":"newchart-json-in-theater"},
    	{"label":"Magazines","value":"0.284025093148","color":"A60411","tooltext":"Magazines<BR>2,840,251 - 28.40%","link":"newchart-json-magazines"},
    	{"label":"In-Market Online","value":"0.0842810857986","color":"3B834A","tooltext":"In-Market Online<BR>842,811 - 8.43%","link":"newchart-json-in-market-online"},
    	{"label":"Newspaper","value":"0.0551563206405","color":"DDE1E6","tooltext":"Newspaper<BR>551,563 - 5.52%","link":"newchart-json-newspaper"}
    				"caption":"Lever Budget Allocation (Online National)"
    				{"label":"Online National - Auto Network - Behavioral Targeting Intenders Display","value":"0.29200342237","tooltext":"Online National - Auto Network - Behavioral Targeting Intenders Display<BR>784,036 - 29.20%"},
    				{"label":"Online National - General Ad Network - Content Targeting Display","value":"0.0835421613395","tooltext":"Online National - General Ad Network - Content Targeting Display<BR>224,313 - 8.35%"},
    				{"label":"Online National - Social Roadblock\/Sponsorship","value":"0.163467508633","tooltext":"Online National - Social Roadblock\/Sponsorship<BR>438,914 - 16.35%"},
    				{"label":"Online National - Social Display","value":"0.159638446522","tooltext":"Online National - Social Display<BR>428,633 - 15.96%"},
    				{"label":"Online National - Portal Display","value":"0.220111383628","tooltext":"Online National - Portal Display<BR>591,004 - 22.01%"},
    				{"label":"Online National - Business\/Finance Display","value":"0.0355562592318","tooltext":"Online National - Business\/Finance Display<BR>95,469 - 3.56%"},
    				{"label":"Online National - News Display","value":"0.0366148893621","tooltext":"Online National - News Display<BR>98,312 - 3.66%"},
    				{"label":"Online National - Sports Display","value":"0.00906592891292","tooltext":"Online National - Sports Display<BR>24,342 - 0.91%"}
    				"caption":"Lever Budget Allocation (In-Theater)"
    				{"label":"In-Theater - Mainstream","value":"1","tooltext":"In-Theater - Mainstream<BR>3,080,352 - 100.00%"}
    				"caption":"Lever Budget Allocation (Magazines)"
    				{"label":"Magazines - Parenting","value":"0.381627554796","tooltext":"Magazines - Parenting<BR>1,083,918 - 38.16%"},
    				{"label":"Magazines - Entertainment","value":"0.368536489811","tooltext":"Magazines - Entertainment<BR>1,046,736 - 36.85%"},
    				{"label":"Magazines - Epicurean","value":"0.191989150835","tooltext":"Magazines - Epicurean<BR>545,297 - 19.20%"},
    				{"label":"Magazines - Active Enthusiast","value":"0.0578468045568","tooltext":"Magazines - Active Enthusiast<BR>164,299 - 5.78%"}
    				"caption":"Lever Budget Allocation (In-Market Online)"
    				{"label":"In-Market Online - Auto In-Market Display","value":"0.714085805689","tooltext":"In-Market Online - Auto In-Market Display<BR>601,839 - 71.41%"},
    				{"label":"In-Market Online - Auto In-Market Roadblock\/Sponsorship","value":"0.285914194311","tooltext":"In-Market Online - Auto In-Market Roadblock\/Sponsorship<BR>240,972 - 28.59%"}
    				"caption":"Lever Budget Allocation (Newspaper)"
    				{"label":"Newspaper - National Newspaper","value":"0.793447338228","tooltext":"Newspaper - National Newspaper<BR>437,636 - 79.34%"}
    				{"label":"Newspaper - Newspaper - Top 10 Markets","value":"0.206552661772","tooltext":"Newspaper - Newspaper - Top 10 Markets<BR>113,927 - 20.66%"}


    I have all of the js files (highcarts, jquery.min, etc) in the same directory ad FusionCharts.js. The only thing I can think if is that we are also using jQuery 1.4.4. I have tried removing the jquery.min file to see if it was conflicting, and still have the same result. I also noticed in some examples "linkedchart" is used instead of "linkedcharts". I have tried this as well with no effect. Any help will be appreciated.


    Take care,


  2. Hello,




    I am using the jQuery plugin to render my charts. When I try to use JavaScript and pass a variable in the set element, I get a Syntax Error reported in Firebug. The link looks similar to this:








    The error that firebug is reporting looks like this:




    Syntax Error


    doSomething('foo' )




    The same code works fine when I render the chart the "old fashioned" way. I can definitely do that, but would like to continue to use the jQuery plugin for rendering as it is cleaner and appears to perform a little better.




    take care,

