Ayan Bhadury

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Posts posted by Ayan Bhadury

  1. On 1/15/2021 at 8:29 AM, RTime said:

    the data that the graph presents continues to be wrong.
    The first column should have the data of the second and so on ...

    the first column (AG) must have the following values;
    YES = 61

    the second column (AN) must have;
    YES = 37
    NO = 13
    N / A = 11

    the third column must have;
    YES = 48
    NO = 10
    N / A = 3

    and so on, in practice the first values of the output must not be there


    The example which you have shared does not have any series as YES, please note FusionCharts does not manipulate the data, please structure the data properly and visualize the data based on that.

  2. 12 minutes ago, RTime said:

    What I mean is that the dataset should start with;

    "dataset": [{
                "seriesname": "NULL",
                "data": [{
                  "value": null,
                  "link": "sa_chart_station_detail.php?pid_station=1"

    instead it starts with;

    "dataset": [{
                "seriesname": "NULL",
                "data": [{
                  "value": null
                }, {
                  "value": null,
                  "link": "sa_chart_station_detail.php?pid_station=1"


    Please update the demo with your chart data ; https://jsfiddle.net/qjd56g8h/

  3. On 1/13/2021 at 10:19 PM, Szymon Wojciechowski said:

    Thank for your answer!

    #1.Unfortunately the client didn't agreed with that solution. It supposed to be icon next to node. I was thinking about use event where I before render the icon I will move it. Any ideas?

    #2. Another thing that comes out is connector. Is any possibility to provide 2 connectors between to the same nodes? Client wants to have something like in the pic below:



    1 - You can add an icon in the form of an image and drag it.

    2 - If you need two-way communication check out Sankey diagram : https://www.fusioncharts.com/charts/sankey-diagram/simple-sankey-diagram?framework=javascript

  4. On 1/13/2021 at 5:04 AM, RTime said:

    Hi everyone, i can't get a stackedcolumn2d chart to work, the query is correct, instead the json output returns wrong data, how is this possible?

    This is output MySql query

    answer   station answer_count
    NULL APR 61
    NULL AQ1 61
    NULL AR 61
    NULL AT 61
    NULL BA 61
    NULL BDG 61
    NULL BG 61
    NULL BIE 61
    NULL BNS 61
    NULL BO1 61
    NULL BO14 61
    NULL BS 61
    NULL BUS 61
    NULL BZ 61
    YES AG 61
    YES AL 37
    YES AN 48
    YES AO 58
    NO AL 13
    NO AN 10
    NO AO 2
    N/A AL 11
    N/A AN 3
    N/A AO 1


    And this is output json, is not correct, have you any ideas?


    Here is a demo based on your data  : http://jsfiddle.net/x937haw5/1/