Akash Biswas

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Posts posted by Akash Biswas

  1. Hi,


    The Treemap chart comes under the FusionCharts PowerCharts package, so you need to include the below JS files in your application to render a Treemap chart.

    • fusioncharts.js
    • fusioncharts.powercharts.js
    • fusioncharts.treemap.js


    For further reference check the documentation link for the prescribed dataSource structure of FusionCharts Treemap chart :https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/standard-charts/treemap

    Please find a sample fiddle of Treemap chart using these JS files(current version - 3.13.1-sr.1) : http://jsfiddle.net/pgnub9t1/1/




  2. Hi Sravani,


    The FusionCharts Heatmap chart has its own prescribed dataSource structure, that need to be followed to render the chart.

    If you have large data, you can always run a loop to automate the process of creating the dataSource for the chart in your implementation according to your requirement. But, please ensure that dataSource you are creating must be following the prescribed structure of the Heatmap chart.

    Please refer to the below link for the Heatmap chart dataSource structure : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/standard-charts/heat-map-chart




  3. Hi,


    Thanks for getting in touch.


    While creating the dataSource of "msline" chart type, you are not creating the "categories" object which is why you are getting the "No data to display" error message on the chart.

    The series values of the dataset object gets plotted against the x-axis labels defined in the "categories" object. If the labels are not defined the values cannot get plotted, hence you are getting the error.

    Sample(with categories) : http://jsfiddle.net/fusioncharts/rx2p5m1r/

    Sample(without categories) : http://jsfiddle.net/8ptfcqwk/3/


    MSLine chart reference link : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/standard-charts/multi-series-charts#multiseries-line-chart-5




  4. Hi Brajesh,


    The JS file fusionchart.hc.js file was used long back which has been deprecated now.

    FusionCharts current version is 3.13.1, and there has been huge architectural changes made along with new features and chart types added to the library. We would suggest you to upgrade to the current version and check.

    Download link(Trial version) 3.13.1 : https://www.fusioncharts.com/download/fusioncharts-suite

    DevCenter link : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/




  5. Hi Ravi,


    When you are using the licensed files the "FusionCharts XT Trial" watermark will not appear, that is why the licensed files are used after procuring the license of FusionCharts.


    However, if you want to have a similar text on the charts even using the licensed files, then you can place a Text annotation with the same watermark text or any custom text on the chart. Please refer to the documentation for information regarding Text annotations :


    Also find a sample fiddle using Text Annotation : http://jsfiddle.net/hpdLw38t/


    FusionCharts also provides the feature to set custom logo on the chart. Please refer to the documentation link below for possible logo customization :


    Also find a sample fiddle setting external Logo(image) : https://jsfiddle.net/fusioncharts/za1a6xer/




  6. Hi Siva,


    Pie charts with different dataSource will render differently with same dimension, as the number of plots vary the space taken to display the legends will also vary. In your case the legends vary in 3 charts, so the pie radius is adjusted according to the available space.


    You can align the pie by setting the available padding attributes accordingly. Please refer to the documentation for chart padding reference : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/chart-configurations/chart-paddings-and-margins


    Also check the sample fiddles with 3 pie charts for reference :

    Not aligned : http://jsfiddle.net/ozryu45f/

    Aligned(using captionPadding) : http://jsfiddle.net/ozryu45f/2/




  7. Hi Francesco,


    To hide the dataset initially you can set the attribute "visible" to "0" at dataset objects. Refer to the sample : http://jsfiddle.net/cqvpe27z/


    To hide the x-axis category labels, you need to set "showLabels" to "0" at chart-level dataSource. Or you can also set "showLabel" attribute individually at each category objects. Refer to this sample fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/cqvpe27z/1/


    For further reference check the documentation link : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/chart-configurations/data-labels


    If you still have any question, feel free to ask along with a sample for reference.




  8. Hi Colly,


    To place a circle on a specific bar on the chart, you need to use the Circle annotation feature of FusionCharts.

    Circle annotations are static elements that could be placed anywhere on the chart by setting the "x" and "y" co-ordinates accordingly. Please refer to the below documentation for further information regarding Circle annotation :



    To place the annotations you could also use the pre-defined macros, please refer to the documentation : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/chart-configurations/annotations#use-macros-17

    Also find a sample fiddle for reference : http://jsfiddle.net/y3H2G/4572/




  9. Hi,


    The ColorRange object defines the sectional colors of the range as defined by the min, max, code in the individual "color" objects.

    However, the tick marks of a gauge are placed on equal intervals continuously throughout the horizontal line depicting a scale. So, the tick marks cannot be discontinuous in nature to plot at values like 0, 75, 90, 100.

    For further reference to tick marks, please check this link : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/chart-configurations/tick-marks




  10. Hi,


    As of now we do not have a YouTube tutorial.

    However rendering a simple chart is pretty easy. FusionCharts is a JavaScript charting library, to install it all you need is to download it and paste it in your project folder. The download package includes a list of JS files, which you need to include in your web page or application. Regarding installation of FusionCharts refer to the following documentation link :



    Please refer to the simple step by step instructions in the "Build your first chart" documentation link : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/getting-started/building-your-first-chart#include-fusioncharts-suite-xt-library-2

    Also find a sample project in the DropBox link rendering a chart following the above steps : https://www.dropbox.com/s/pj4li4s9psh7y45/Simple Column chart - 3.12.2.zip?dl=0




  11. Hi Suresh,


    FusionCharts accepts data in a prescribed JSON/XML format only. The file that you have provided is having raw data, and not in the accepted or prescribed format of FusionCharts. It must be in the prescribed JSON or XML format only

    You need to implement the logic and the required code to convert your data into the required format before it is fed to the FusionCharts constructor dataSource.




  12. Hi Reksio,


    In your implementation of annotations in StackedBar chart is not utilizing the macros optimally, because you are placing the annotation texts on the first dataset(Grey - #D9D9D9), but you are setting the macro in "x" attribute with respect to the second dataset(Green or Red) as below :

    "x": "$dataset.1.set.0.X - 320",

    which is not a proper implementation.

    You need to set the macros in the "x" attribute with respect to the dataset and set(plots) on which you are displaying the annotations. This will help you to align them all using the same padding with the macros for the respective annotations. Refer to the code below :

    Plot 1 - "x": "$dataset.0.set.0.STARTX+30",

    Plot 2 - "x": "$dataset.0.set.1.STARTX+30",

    Plot 3 - "x": "$dataset.0.set.2.STARTX+30",

    Plot 4 - "x": "$dataset.0.set.3.STARTX+30",

    Plot 5 - "x": "$dataset.0.set.4.STARTX+30",


    Also find a Sample fiddle for reference : http://jsfiddle.net/1t8bv9cb/




  13. Hi,


    The 3D charts do not support displaying the trend-lines on top is an intended behavior, as the y-axis is not 3D in any of the 3D charts. Hence placing the trend-line on top(of the plots) is not possible as of now.


    As an alternative solution, you could use the Annotations feature to achieve the same. Please refer to the below sample fiddle :


    Reference guide to know about Annotations : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/advanced-chart-configurations/annotations/creating-annotations/creating-shape-annotations.html#line




  14. Hi Shrabanee,


    FusionCharts Stacked charts displays the values for the plots with zero value, as zero is also considered as a valid value.

    However, if you do not want to display the value when it is zero, then you need to set the "showValue" attribute to "0" for that respective data objects value to be hidden.

    Sample fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/9o9zx0xj/

    For further reference, please check this documentation link : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/basic-chart-configurations/data-values.html



  15. Hi Rupali,


    FusionCharts can be integrated in a Polymer Application by defining a custom element and registering it to a class. Then this custom element is used to render the chart on a page.


    Please refer to the below blog post link for steps to create a PolymerJS sample to render FusionCharts along with a sample for reference :





  16. Hi Krishna,


    Please check the below sample rendering two Pie 2D charts side by side, and using window.print() to print both the charts :


    Also find the attached file printed with alignment as it is rendered.


    However, you can also check the FusionCharts API method - resizeTo() that could be used to set the chart with new dimensions. Check the documentation of the same below :


    Hope this helps.




    FusionCharts - Gallery Example - Pie 2D Chart - JSFiddle.pdf

  17. Hi Shrabanee,


    The legends in Pie chart represents its pie slices, and the individual legends are identified by the labels of the slices.

    It is not possible to show the values instead of the labels for each legend items. Alternatively, you could use Text annotations to place the values beside the legends with the associated labels with them.

    Also find a sample fiddle using Text annotations to position the values with the legends(on Right) : http://jsfiddle.net/6om2nyrL/


    To know more about Text annotations, please check the below documentation link : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/advanced-chart-configurations/annotations/creating-annotations/creating-text-annotations.html

    Also find the link for "drawComplete" event to dynamically set the annotations : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/api/fusioncharts/fusioncharts-events.html#event-drawComplete


    Please note : Annotations are static in nature, though it can be placed dynamically using the supported macros : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/advanced-chart-configurations/annotations/positioning-annotations-using-macros.html


