Akash Biswas

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Posts posted by Akash Biswas

  1. Hi James,


    The caption of a Bulb Gauge could be configured to be displayed on the top or at the bottom of the gauge, it is not supported to display them by the sides of the bulb gauge. Though you can horizontally align the caption. Please check the attribute list in the below link for the supported caption cosmetics configuration attributes :





  2. Hi Apurva,


    Please find the possible solutions for the queries in the sequence asked :

    1. The labels are automatically aligned towards the chart canvas for either of the y-axis positions. It cannot be aligned explicitly.

    2 and 3. It is possible to wrap the long labels, and you can set the maximum width of the labels allowed in percentage out of the entire chart width. If the labels exceed the mentioned percentage then they would be wrapped automatically. Supported attributes : minLabelWidthPercent and maxLabelWidthPercent.

    Refer to the sample fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/yadLstb5/1/

    Also check the attribute list for the description of the mentioned configuration attributes : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-attributes/heatmap




  3. Hi,


    It seems that the chart is rendering using the initial values set to the "processedData" variable, but the "processedData" variable is getting updated with the fetched values after the chart is rendered(with initial data). As it is taking a while to execute the query to fetch the data, by then it is rendering the chart with the initial data.

    Please ensure that you are rendering the chart after the data is fetched and the "processedData" variable is updated. You could check that by setting a delay accordingly to render the chart so that the variable is updated with the fetched data.

    Check these samples for reference :
    Fiddle similar to your scenario : http://jsfiddle.net/va8nyfzx/3/
    Fiddle setting a delay to render the chart : http://jsfiddle.net/va8nyfzx/4/




  4. Hi,


    Please check the configuration attributes set for the legend display in the provided fiddles, for displaying the legends in a single column check the first sample fiddle in the previous post - "legendNumColumns": "1" is set in the chart-level dataSource.

    Similarly, for legends to be set in multiple columns check the second fiddle provided.

    For possible configurations of legends, check the provided documentation link in the previous post.




  5. Hi,


    The current released version of FusionCharts library is 3.15.2, you can configure the legend display either of the scenarios as in the provided images. Please check the below sample fiddles for reference :



    Documentation link for reference to legend configurations : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/chart-configurations/legend




  6. Hi Israel,


    Yes, when data plot value is large and close to the maximum Y-axis value the value is showing inside through the attribute "placeValuesInside" attribute is set as "0".

    In that case you can set the "canvasTopPadding" attribute to add additional space on top of the canvas to display the value on top of the columns. Please check the below sample fiddle for reference :


    Please note : For bar(horizontal) visualization use "canvasRightPadding" attribute instead.




  7. Hi John,


    Yes, legends are supported by FusionMaps. It would appear on the charts as you define the "colorRange" object in the map dataSource. Please refer to the below documentation link :


    To render maps without gradient legend, refer to this sample below :





  8. Hi,


    As mentioned that setting the HTML element dimension is not within FusionCharts scope, and must be taken care in the implementation as per your requirement. On that context the chart would take the element container dimension accordingly when the chart configuration "height" and "width" parameters are set in percentage. To make the container dynamic in your HTML template, it need to be set accordingly at your end.

    However, you can refer to this sample that it works fine with the Angular Gauge on resizing the window, and there is no problem with any configuration or property with respect to the chart : http://jsfiddle.net/8cuf7Lho/3/




  9. Hi,


    - Setting the container dimension :

    The container(div) dimension could be set in percentage. If the "height" is set in percentage, in that case the percentage is calculated with respect to the height of the one-level up that is its containing block. If the height of the containing block is not specified explicitly then it will have nothing to determine the height.
    For an elaborate explanation on why height in percentage is not working, please check this reference link : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31728022/why-is-percentage-height-not-working-on-my-div/31728799#31728799


    - FusionCharts dimension in percentage :

    FusionCharts has the capability to automatically take the container div dimension when the chart "height" and "width" configuration values are set in percentage. Provided that you have taken care to set the container div dimension explicitly or dynamically(as in your use-case) accordingly in your implementation.
    Setting the container div dimension is not within FusionCharts scope, and must be taken care in the implementation.
    Chart dimension in percentage documentation link : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/chart-configurations/size-and-type




  10. Hi,


    FusionCharts allows you to provide the chart "height" and "width" either in pixels or in percentage. If you are setting in percentage, in that case the container div must be provided with the height/width in pixels as in this sample :


    You can also set the container dimension dynamically in your implementation accordingly. Check the below link for reference :





  11. HI Vishakha,


    You can check the linear gauge or the LED gauge of FusionWidgets, that is similar to the visualization in the shared link :


    However, it does not contain both time and description, but you can hover over the pointer set to see the axis value on hovering. You can set multiple pointers though.




  12. Hi Sultan,


    You are not using the imports to provide the dependency correctly. Please check the same in the below sample of a multilevelpie chart :


    The zip that you have received after purchasing the license is the licensed version of the FusionCharts library.

    Regarding how to use your licensed version in React application you would get a response to your support query raised.




  13. Hi Sultan,


    FusionCharts Suite is categorized into multiple packages.

    Multi-level Pie chart comes under the PowerChartsXT package, so to render the charts from PowerCharts package you need to use the below import statements :

    import React from 'react';
    import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
    import FusionCharts from 'fusioncharts';
    import PowerCharts from 'fusioncharts/fusioncharts.powercharts';
    import ReactFC from 'react-fusioncharts';
    ReactFC.fcRoot(FusionCharts, PowerCharts);

    Then you can set the chart type as "multilevelpie" and set the dataSource prescribed for the chart type to see the chart rendered.

    Let us know if you face any problem.

    Reference link : https://github.com/fusioncharts/react-fusioncharts-component#quick-start




  14. Hi Jhonny,


    The "linkedCharts" objects are part of the main chart dataSource. On the rendered chart, the defined linked charts are the child chart of the main chart. Hence, modifying the main chart dataSource with new values will reflect on the view when the main chart is loaded after setting the new dataSource.

    So, for your scenario when you are currently on the child chart, and you set new dataSource for the main chart using setJSONData(). You need to traverse back to the main chart to see the new data reflected.

    Sample fiddle replicating the scenario : http://jsfiddle.net/xp9c354t/




  15. Hi,


    The SWF files are deprecated long back which were using in the Flash based versions of FusionCharts.

    To render charts using the JS version library you need to include fusionchart.js and fusioncharts.charts.js to render the charts from FusionChartsXT package. Refer to the JavaScript resources in the settings of the below CodePen sample :




    Trial version download link of current version 3.15.0-sr.1 : https://www.fusioncharts.com/download/fusioncharts-suite-xt?framework=js

    To render your first chart, refer to this documentation link for the steps and instruction : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/getting-started/plain-javascript/your-first-chart-using-plain-javascript




  16. Hi Geronimo,


    The zoomline chart type is a specialized chart that supports large dataset, its dataSource structure is different from other usual chart types like msline or any multi-series charts where you can enable a consolidated tooltip using the crossline feature of FusionCharts.

    It is not supported in zoomline chart.


