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Posts posted by siric

  1. Hi,

    I am trying to create a piechart under the following circumstances:

    My each row in my table contains a gender.  I want to be able to sum up the number of males and females and then plot that in a pie chart.

    The query that I am using

    SELECT SUM(gender = 'male') AS male, SUM(gender = 'female') AS female FROM markers;

    presents 2 columns (male and female) with a count below.  How is it possible to get this into the array for the chart seeing that the data required should be by row rather than column?

    Query Results:

    | male |  female |

    | 23    |   43       |



    Should be

    | male    |   23  |

    | female |  43  |





  2. Hi,


    I am trying to get a real-time angular gauge with data from a mysql table. I am trying to use the dataStreamURL but my question is how do I get the returned data into the dial value?




    <div class="gen-chart-render">
                           <div id="chartContainer">FusionWidgets will load here</div>
                           <script type="text/javascript"><!--
    					var myChart = new FusionCharts( "../../Charts/AngularGauge.swf", 
         					"myChartId", "400", "200", "0", "1" );
    					 myChart.setXMLData('<chart lowerLimit="0" upperLimit="100" lowerLimitDisplay="Good" upperLimitDisplay="Bad" numberSuffix="%" showValue="1" dataStreamURL="getutil.php" refreshInterval="3">\n\
    					 <color minValue="0" maxValue="50" code="8BBA00"/>\n\
    					 <color minValue="50" maxValue="80" code="F6BD0F"/>\n\
    					 <color minValue="80" maxValue="100" code="FF654F"/>\n\
    					 <dial value="0" />\n\
    					 // -->





    $username = "xxx";
    $password = "yyy";
    $db = "fusionchartsdb"; 
    $hostname = "localhost";
    // make connection to database
    mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password) or die("Unable to connect to host $hostname");
    mysql_select_db($db) or die("Unable to select database $db");
    $strSQL = "SELECT util from utilisation WHERE portid = '$portid'";
    $result=mysql_query($strSQL) or die(mysql_error());	
    $util = mysql_result($result,0,"util");
    print $util;



    I have checked the getutl by itself and it is working fine.




  3. Ok,




    I changed the echo to a read and that made it worse as the graph did not render when the actual XML was included in the statement.




    Here is a stripped down version of the code.




















    //$strXML will be used to store the entire XML document generated


    //Generate the graph element


    $strXML = "<graph caption='Factory Output report' subCaption='By Quantity' pieSliceDepth='30' showBorder='1' showNames='1' formatNumberScale='0' numberSuffix=' Reviews' formatNumber='1' formatNumberScale='1' thousandSeparator=',' decimalPrecision='0' anchorBorderColor='0033CC' showAlternateHGridColor='1' AlternateHGridColor='ff5904' divLineColor='ff5904' divLineAlpha='20' alternateHGridAlpha='5'>";




    $startDate = date('Y-m', strtotime('-12 month'));


    $total = 0;


    $businessId = '8';




    for ($i=0; $i < 12; $i++) {




    $sqlSatis = "SELECT sum(satisfaction) as TotalSatis FROM cbw_rating_biz WHERE business_id='$businessId' AND dateadded like '$startDate%'";




    $resSatis = mysql_query($sqlSatis) or die(mysql_error());


    $arrSatis = mysql_fetch_array($resSatis);


    $totalSatis = $arrSatis['TotalSatis'];






    $color = "00CC00"; //green




    $strXML .= "<set name='" . $startDate . "' value='" . $totalSatis . "' color='" . $color ."' link='" . urlencode("histoDetail.php?businessId=" . $businessId . "&startDate=" . $startDate ) . "'/>";




    $newdate = strtotime ( '+1 month' , strtotime ( $startDate ) ) ;


    $startDate = date ( 'Y-m' , $newdate );








    //Finally, close element


    $strXML .= "</graph>";




    //used as test to ensure that the XMl has been written


    print $strXML;






    //Create the chart


    //Use either this




    //return renderChart("cbw/swf/FCF_Line.swf", "", "", "Satisfaction", 650, 450);






    // or this




    return renderChart("cbw/swf/FCF_Line.swf", "", $strXML, "Satisfaction", 650, 450);










  4. Hi,




    I am using a database query to assemble my XML statement but when I render the chart, I get a "No data to Display".






    This does not work




    echo renderChart("cbw/swf/FCF_Line.swf", "", $strXML, "Satisfaction", 650, 450);




    The strange thing is that if I add a print $strXML just before the renderChart and capture the output from the screen and substitute $strXML in the statement with this, it works.






    Works -




    echo renderChart("cbw/swf/FCF_Line.swf", "", "<graph caption='Factory Output report' subCaption='By Quantity' pieSliceDepth='30' showBorder='1' showNames='1' formatNumberScale='0' numberSuffix=' Reviews' formatNumber='1' formatNumberScale='1' thousandSeparator=',' decimalPrecision='0' anchorBorderColor='0033CC' showAlternateHGridColor='1' AlternateHGridColor='ff5904' divLineColor='ff5904' divLineAlpha='20' alternateHGridAlpha='5'><set name='2008-11' value='0' color='FFE500' link='histoDetail.php%3FbusinessId%3D8%26startDate%3D2008-11'/><set name='2008-12' value='0' color='FFE500' link='histoDetail.php%3FbusinessId%3D8%26startDate%3D2008-12'/><set name='2009-01' value='0' color='FFE500' link='histoDetail.php%3FbusinessId%3D8%26startDate%3D2009-01'/><set name='2009-02' value='0' color='FFE500' link='histoDetail.php%3FbusinessId%3D8%26startDate%3D2009-02'/><set name='2009-03' value='0' color='FFE500' link='histoDetail.php%3FbusinessId%3D8%26startDate%3D2009-03'/><set name='2009-04' value='0' color='FFE500' link='histoDetail.php%3FbusinessId%3D8%26startDate%3D2009-04'/><set name='2009-05' value='0' color='FFE500' link='histoDetail.php%3FbusinessId%3D8%26startDate%3D2009-05'/><set name='2009-06' value='0' color='00CC00' link='histoDetail.php%3FbusinessId%3D8%26startDate%3D2009-06'/><set name='2009-07' value='9' color='FF0000' link='histoDetail.php%3FbusinessId%3D8%26startDate%3D2009-07'/><set name='2009-08' value='5' color='00CC00' link='histoDetail.php%3FbusinessId%3D8%26startDate%3D2009-08'/><set name='2009-09' value='20' color='FF0000' link='histoDetail.php%3FbusinessId%3D8%26startDate%3D2009-09'/><set name='2009-10' value='18' color='FF0000' link='histoDetail.php%3FbusinessId%3D8%26startDate%3D2009-10'/></graph>", "Satisfaction", 650, 450);