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Posts posted by abbottmw

  1. I am unable to use the getXML() method of the chart object when i use the fusionchartsDOM.


    If i switch it and load it using javascript (new FusionCharts()) and a setDataXML() i can then use the getXML() function.




    Shouldn't i be able to use the getXML() with this fusionchartsDOM?




    i was using this to attempt to get the chart xml, but i get a "chartToPrint.getXML is not a function"




    function getChartXML(){
    //Get chart from its ID
    var chartToPrint = getChartFromId("chart1Id");




    registerWithJS is turned on and set to 1.

  2. Im trying to add a javascript link in my chart like so..

    <set label="2000" value="15695" link="j-myJS-Malaysia, 121" />

    i have a myJS() function on my page just taken from the examples.

    function myJS(myVar){window.alert(myVar);}

    When i run the chart, and i click on a bar, it acts like j-myJS-Malaysia, 121 is a link to a file, and not a javascript function.

    When i switch it to javascript:myJS('Malaysia, 121')  it works fine.

    Am i missing something?


  3. Im looking at the RealTimeColumn chart, and I would like to do a few things, but im not sure how to get the data right so the display will be correct.

    Basically I want *only* 12 bars (one for each month) to show up, each having its own unique color.  Each bar will represent the data for Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr....Dec.

    Also the legend will also contain the 12 months.

    Ive tried setting the number of items in the xml to 12, but cant get that to work correctly.

    I assume i need multiple datasets?

    What ive done to Fake this is just use the regular Column3d chart and then send it a new xml string at regular intervals.  I dont like this, but it is a workaround.  Id like the realtimecolumn chart to act similar to the column3d chart.

    Any help would be appreciated.


  4. Im using one of the RealtimeAngular chart, and was looking to see if there was an event that fired everytime new data was sent to the chart. It seems as if the FC_ChartUpdated only fires if the chart data has been changed. If the chart data hasnt changed, the FC_ChartUpdated function isnt called. This makes sense, but I need a function to fire anytime new data is pushed to the chart.




    I can call a custom function at x intervals to do it, but was looking at the FC_DataLoaded method. It is only firing when the data is first loaded, or the chart is first rendered. After that, i cant get it to fire again, unless i force it to.




    Any suggestions is greatly appreciated





  5. I ended up using some annotations and making them the size of the swf file, and using alerts to show the different annotations, depending on the value of the dial in the guage.  The problem im having now is the alerts should hide the annotation automatically once it is out of the range of the alert, but that is not happening.  Ive can get it to show when the value is in the alert range, but cant get it to go away.


  6. Im having the same issue.  The annotations are not removed when the values fall out of the alert range.

    I dont have a live link out there to send. Im running this locally.

    My data.cfc guage() method just returns a string like


    <chart caption='Monthly Unit Sales' autoScale='1' origW='500' origH='200' lowerLimit='0' 
    upperLimit='100' gaugeStartAngle='180' 
    gaugeEndAngle='0' palette='1' 
    showValue='1' decimals='0' 
         <color minValue='0' maxValue='25' code='0000ff'/> 
      <color minValue='25' maxValue='75' code='FF654F'/>
      <color minValue='75' maxValue='90' code='F6BD0F'/>
      <color minValue='90' maxValue='100' code='8BBA00'/>
      <dial id='CPU2' value='43' rearExtension='10' toolText='CPU 2 Usage' valueX='50' valueY='50'/>
      <annotations autoScale='1' origW='270' origH='270'>
         <annotationGroup id='Grp1' visible='0'>
    	 <annotation type='rectangle'  color='8BBA00' x='465' y='30' toX='495' toY='55'/>
      <annotationGroup id='Grp2' visible='0'>
    	 <annotation type='rectangle'  color='FF654F'  x='465' y='30' toX='495' toY='55'/>
      <alert minValue='25' maxValue='75' action='showAnnotation' param='Grp2' occurOnce='0'/> 
      <alert minValue='90' maxValue='100' action='showAnnotation' param='Grp1' occurOnce='0'/> 
    	 <style type='font' name='myValueFont' bgColor='F1f1f1' borderColor='999999' ></style>
    	 <apply toObject='Value' styles='myValueFont' />

  7. Is there a way to change the properties of the flash file like the background color via javascript. Ive read about it not being possible changing the width and height of the swf with javascript.  What i was looking to do is for the real-time charting, if the guage number falls betwen certain numbers Id like to change the background color of the swf file to draw attention to it. 

    Is this even possible?


  8. Okay I put the old FusionChartsDOM.js file back into use, and I am able to load the AngularGauge chart.  So, the AngularGuage chart worked in the current production ready FusionChartsDOM, but I have problems when i throw errors in Coldfusion.  Replacing the .js file with the beta .js file fixed the coldfusion problem, but I cannot use the AngularGuage chart.


  9. Can the FusionChartsDOM.js work with loading all the charts in the FusionCharts Suite?  When i try to load the AngularGauge with the <fusioncharts> tag, im getting an Invalid parameter: ChartType error.


    <chart bgColor='FFFFFF' upperLimit='5000' lowerLimit='0' numberSuffix='/s' baseFontColor='646F8F' majorTMNumber='11' majorTMColor='646F8F' majorTMHeight='9' minorTMNumber='5' minorTMColor='646F8F' minorTMHeight='3' showGaugeBorder='0' gaugeOuterRadius='150' gaugeInnerRadius='135' gaugeOriginX='210' gaugeOriginY='210' gaugeScaleAngle='280' gaugeAlpha='50' placeValuesInside='1' displayValueDistance='30' toolTipBgColor='F2F2FF' toolTipBorderColor='6A6FA6' gaugeFillMix='' showShadow='0' annRenderDelay='0' pivotRadius='14' pivotFillMix='{A1A0FF},{6A6FA6}' pivotBorderColor='bebcb0' pivotFillRatio='70,30' dataStreamURL='DataProviders/MPSMeter.asp' refreshInterval='6'>
    <color minValue='0' maxValue='5000' code='A1A0FF' /> 
    <dial value='2265' bgColor='6A6FA6,A1A0FF' borderAlpha='0' baseWidth='5' topWidth='4' />
    <annotationGroup xPos='210' yPos='210' showBelow='1'> 
    <annotation type='circle' xPos='0' yPos='0' radius='200' fillColor='000000,2C6BB2, 135FAB' fillRatio='80,15, 5' borderColor='2C6BB2' />
    <annotation type='circle' xPos='0' yPos='0' radius='180' fillColor='FFFFFF, D4D4D4' fillRatio='20,80' borderColor='2C6BB2' />
    <annotation type='arc' xPos='0' yPos='0' radius='180' innerRadius='170' startAngle='-60' endAngle='240' fillColor='51884F' fillAlpha='50' borderColor='51884F' /> 

  10. When including the FusionChartsDOM.js file and then using cfthrow to throw an error on the page, the page error comes back in all text, and not formatted

    <script type="text/javascript" src="/FusionCharts/js/FusionCharts.js"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript" src="/FusionCharts/js/FusionChartsDOM.js" ></script>

    <cfthrow message="test error"/>

    Try it out who has Coldfusion runnning and you will see what im talking about.

  11. If i specify the chartId and force two charts to have the same Id, the first chart loads, but the second one doesnt.

    Says Loading Chart....

    This is understandable, but is there a way to alert that charts must have a unique ID, and thats what the error is?

    Ive tried settings="alertOnErrors: true" in the JS file, but cant get any error messages to alert.

    What am I doing wrong?

