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Posts posted by Arindam

  1. Hi,

    Could you please modify your Maps XML? You are using attribute with two [ ' ] character.  Please use only one [ ' ] character. Aso when you are using DataXML that time please do not use attribute with in  [""] id="myCustomShape" use id='yCustomShape' . Please follow this.


    Your code:

    <map showCanvasBorder=''0'' animation=''1'' baseFont=''Verdana'' borderColor=''005879'' fillColor=''F2F4F9'' includeValueInLabels=''1'' baseFontSize=''10'' >

    Change to:

    <map showCanvasBorder='0' animation='1' baseFont='Verdana' borderColor='005879' fillColor='F2F4F9' includeValueInLabels='1' baseFontSize='10' >

    Full XML:

    <map showCanvasBorder='0' animation='1' baseFont='Verdana' borderColor='005879' fillColor='F2F4F9' includeValueInLabels='1' baseFontSize='10' >



      <shape id='myCustomShape' type='circle' fillColor='FFFFFF,333333' fillPattern='radial' showBorder='0' radius='4' />



      <marker id='BE' x='355.23' y='160.88' label='Berlin' labelPos='bottom' />



      <marker id='BE' shapeId='myCustomShape' />




    DataXML Code:

    setDataXML("<map showCanvasBorder='0' animation='1' baseFont='Verdana' borderColor='005879' fillColor='F2F4F9' includeValueInLabels='1' baseFontSize='10' ><markers><shapes><shape id='myCustomShape' type='circle' fillColor='FFFFFF,333333' fillPattern='radial' showBorder='0' radius='4' /></shapes><definition><marker id='BE' x='355.23' y='160.88' label='Berlin' labelPos='bottom' /></definition><application><marker id='BE' shapeId='myCustomShape' /></application></markers></map>");

  2. Hi,

    Sorry multi subCaption not possible multiple time. You can use line break using HTML <BR> tag.

    See this:

    If you are using dataURL:

    <graph subCaption='PERIOD : 1 January to $tgl (Q$l) (in $kurs) <BR> Thins my second Subcaption' >

    If you are using dataXML:

    <graph subCaption='PERIOD : 1 January to $tgl (Q$l) (in $kurs) %26lt;BR%26gt; Thins my second Subcaption' >

  3. Hi,

    Please Note That: FusionCharts v3 allows you to resize charts in percentage too (apart from pixels). However, this method is not recommended as this method just scales the chart and doesn't redraw the chart as per the given size

    Could you please use pixels, instead of percentage. Also, FPS 

    doesn't affect rendering - it just affects CPU usage.

    return FusionCharts.RenderChart("../FusionCharts/column2D.swf", "", strXML, "Column3D_1", "500", "300", false, false)

  4. Hi,

      FusionCharts does not directly support SQL query. But you can provide a dataURL as an external data source. That URL may be an aspx page or other server side program. This program would fetch data from your database using SQL XML and then converts this XML into FusionCharts XML format. Could you please visit this link for reference?

    Please follow this code:

    <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="900" height="300" id="Column3D" >

    <param name="movie" value="../FusionCharts/Column3D.swf" />

    <param name="FlashVars" value="&dataURL=PieData.aspx">

    <param name="quality" value="high" />

    <embed src="../FusionCharts/Column3D.swf" flashVars="&dataURL=PieData.aspx" quality="high" width="900" height="300" name="Column3D" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" />


    Creating the data provider page PieData.aspx 

    PieData.aspx contains the following code to output XML Data: 

    using System;

    using System.Data;

    using System.Configuration;

    using System.Collections;

    using System.Web;

    using System.Web.Security;

    using System.Web.UI;

    using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

    using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;

    using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

    using System.Text;

    using DataConnection;

    public partial class DB_dataURL_PieData : System.Web.UI.Page


      protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


      //This page generates the XML data for the Pie Chart contained in


      //For the sake of ease, we've used an Access database which is present in

      //../App_Data/FactoryDB.mdb. It just contains two tables, which are linked to

      //each other.


      //xmlData will be used to store the entire XML document generated

      StringBuilder xmlData = new StringBuilder();


      //Default.aspx has passed us a property animate. We request that.

      string animateChart;

      animateChart = Request["animate"];

      //Set default value of 1

      if (animateChart != null && animateChart.Length == 0)


      animateChart = "1";


      //Generate the chart element

      xmlData.AppendFormat("<chart caption='Factory Output report' subCaption='By Quantity' pieSliceDepth='30' showBorder='1' formatNumberScale='0' numberSuffix=' Units' animation='{0}'>", animateChart);

      //create recordset to get details for the factories

      string query = "select a.FactoryId, a.FactoryName, sum(b.Quantity) as TotQ from .Factory_Master a, Factory_Output b where a.FactoryId=b.FactoryID group by a.FactoryId, a.FactoryName";

    DbConn oRs = new DbConn(query);

      //Iterate through each factory

      while (oRs.ReadData.Read())


      //Generate <set name='..' value='..' />

      xmlData.AppendFormat("<set label='{0}' value='{1}' />",

      oRs.ReadData["FactoryName"].ToString(), oRs.ReadData["TotQ"].ToString());



      //Close chart element


      //Set Proper output content-type

      Response.ContentType = "text/xml";

      //Just write out the XML data






    In the above page:

    1.We first request the animate property which has been passed to it (from dataURL)

    2.We generate the data and store it in xmlData variable

    3.Finally, we write this data to output stream without any HTML tags.

    When you view this page, you'll get the same output as before.


  5. Hi,

    Could you please use <chart> attribute - decimals='2' ?


    <chart .... decimals='3' .... >

    Number Formatting Properties
    formatNumber Boolean (0/1) This configuration determines whether the numbers displayed on the chart will be formatted using commas, e.g., 40,000 if formatNumber='1' and 40000 if formatNumber='0 '
    numberPrefix String Using this attribute, you could add prefix to all the numbers visible on the graph. For example, to represent all dollars figure on the chart, you could specify this attribute to ' $' to show like $40000, $50000. For more details, please see Advanced Number Formatting section.
    numberSuffix String Using this attribute, you could add suffix to all the numbers visible on the graph. For example, to represent all figure quantified as per annum on the chart, you could specify this attribute to ' /a' to show like 40000/a, 50000/a. For more details, please see Advanced Number Formatting section.
    decimals Number Number of decimal places to which all numbers on the chart would be rounded to.
    forceDecimals Boolean (0/1) Whether to add 0 padding at the end of decimal numbers? For example, if you set decimals as 2 and a number is 23.4. If forceDecimals is set to 1, FusionCharts will convert the number to 23.40 (note the extra 0 at the end)
    formatNumberScale Boolean (0/1) Configuration whether to add K (thousands) and M (millions) to a number after truncating and rounding it - e.g., if formatNumberScale is set to 1, 1043 would become 1.04K (with decimals set to 2 places). Same with numbers in millions - a M will added at the end. For more details, please see Advanced Number Formatting section.
    defaultNumberScale String The default unit of the numbers that you're providing to the chart. For more details, please see Advanced Number Formatting section.
    numberScaleUnit String Unit of each block of the scale. For more details, please see Advanced Number Formatting section.
    numberScaleValue String Range of the various blocks that constitute the scale. For more details, please see Advanced Number Formatting section.
    scaleRecursively Boolean (0/1) Whether to scale the number recursively? For more details, please see Advanced Number Formatting section.
    maxScaleRecursion Number How many recursions to complete during recursive scaling? -1 completes the entire set of recursion.
    scaleSeparator String What character to use to separte the scales that generated after recursion?
    decimalSeparator String This option helps you specify the character to be used as the decimal separator in a number. For more details, please see Advanced Number Formatting section.
    thousandSeparator String This option helps you specify the character to be used as the thousands separator in a number. For more details, please see Advanced Number Formatting section.
    inDecimalSeparator String In some countries, commas are used as decimal separators and dots as thousand separators. In XML, if you specify such values, it will give a error while converting to number. So, FusionCharts accepts the input decimal and thousand separator from user, so that it can covert it accordingly into the required format. This attribute lets you input the decimal separator. For more details, please see Advanced Number Formatting section.
    inThousandSeparator String In some countries, commas are used as decimal separators and dots as thousand separators. In XML, if you specify such values, it will give a error while converting to number. So, FusionCharts accepts the input decimal and thousand separator from user, so that it can covert it accordingly into the required format. This attribute lets you input the thousand separator. For more details, please see Advanced Number Formatting section.
    Background Cosmetics
    bgColor Color Code This attribute sets the background color for the chart. You can set any hex color code as the value of this attribute. To specify a gradient as background color, separate the hex color codes of each color in the gradient using comma. Example: FF5904,FFFFFF. Remember to remove # and any spaces in between. See the gradient specification page for more details.
    bgAlpha Number (0-100) Sets the alpha (transparency) for the background. If you've opted for gradient background, you need to set a list of alpha(s) separated by comma. See the gradient specification page for more details.
    bgRatio Numbers separated by comma If you've opted for a gradient background, this attribute lets you set the ratio of each color constituent. See the gradient specification page for more details.
    bgAngle Number (0-360) Angle of the background color, in case of a gradient. See the gradient specification page for more details.
    showBorder Boolean (0/1) Whether to show a border around the chart or not?
    borderColor Color Code Border color of the chart.
    borderThickness Number (Pixels) Border thickness of the chart.
    borderAlpha Number (0-100) Border alpha of the chart.
    bgSWF URL of SWF To place any Flash movie as background of the chart, enter the (path and) name of the background SWF. It should be in the same domain as the chart.
    bgSWFAlpha Number (0-100) Helps you specify alpha for the loaded background SWF

  6. Hi,

     Your XML data and screen Shot is not matching. Could you please check once that you are giving right XML? Internally FusionCharts chart does not do any calculation on date or any data. What ever you provide XML as data feed it will show graph. Are you generating XML via script or its static XML? Could you please check chart XML using charts debug mode on.