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Everything posted by Milena

  1. Hi all, I'm using fusioncharts for the first time, and I'm having trouble rendering a multi series bar chart. Below is my code: START OF CODE: FusionCharts.ready(function () { var contentList = []; getSentiCount(symbolInput); var chartCategories1 = "[{'category': ["; for (var a = 0; a < sentiData.length; a++) { if(sentiData[sentiData.length - 1].totalcount == sentiData[a].totalcount) { chartCategories1 += "{'label':'" + bdateForm(sentiData[a].bdate) + "'}"; } else { chartCategories1 += "{'label':'" + bdateForm(sentiData[a].bdate) + "'},"; } } chartCategories1 += "]}]"; var chartData1 = "[{'seriesname': 'Negative','data':["; for (var e = 0; e < sentiData.length; e++) { if(sentiData[e].bdate == sentiData[sentiData.length - 1].bdate) { if(sentiData[e].avgsentimentvalue == "1") { chartData1 += "{'value':'" + sentiData[e].totalcount + "'}"; } else { chartData1 += "{'value':'" + 0 + "'}"; } } else { if(sentiData[e].avgsentimentvalue == "1") { chartData1 += "{'value':'" + sentiData[e].totalcount + "'},"; } else { chartData1 += "{'value':'" + 0 + "'},"; } } } chartData1 += "]},{'seriesname': 'Positive','data':["; for (var e = 0; e < sentiData.length; e++) { if(sentiData[e].bdate == sentiData[sentiData.length - 1].bdate) { if(sentiData[e].avgsentimentvalue == "3") { chartData1 += "{'value':'" + sentiData[e].totalcount + "'}"; } else { chartData1 += "{'value':'" + 0 + "'}"; } } else { if(sentiData[e].avgsentimentvalue == "3") { chartData1 += "{'value':'" + sentiData[e].totalcount + "'},"; } else { chartData1 += "{'value':'" + 0 + "'},"; } } } chartData1 += "]},{'seriesname': 'Neutral','data':["; for (var e = 0; e < sentiData.length; e++) { if(sentiData[e].bdate == sentiData[sentiData.length - 1].bdate) { if(sentiData[e].avgsentimentvalue == "2") { chartData1 += "{'value':'" + sentiData[e].totalcount + "'}"; } else { chartData1 += "{'value':'" + 0 + "'}"; } } else { if(sentiData[e].avgsentimentvalue == "2") { chartData1 += "{'value':'" + sentiData[e].totalcount + "'},"; } else { chartData1 += "{'value':'" + 0 + "'},"; } } } chartData1 += "]},{'seriesname': 'Unknown','data':["; for (var e = 0; e < sentiData.length; e++) { if(sentiData[e].bdate == sentiData[sentiData.length - 1].bdate) { if(sentiData[e].avgsentimentvalue == "") { chartData1 += "{'value':'" + sentiData[e].totalcount + "'}"; } else { chartData1 += "{'value':'" + 0 + "'}"; } } else { if(sentiData[e].avgsentimentvalue == "") { chartData1 += "{'value':'" + sentiData[e].totalcount + "'},"; } else { chartData1 += "{'value':'" + 0 + "'},"; } } } chartData1 += "]}]"; var chartProperties1 = { "caption": "Sentiment", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "showBorder": "0", "borderAlpha": "20", "canvasBorderAlpha": "0", "baseFontSize": "14", "usePlotGradientColor": "0", "plotBorderAlpha": "10", "showXAxisLine": "1", "showYAxisLine": "0", "showYAxisValues": "0", "xAxisLineColor": "#999999", "divlineColor": "#999999", "showAlternateHGridColor": "0", "paletteColors": "#2cb32b,#ff2602,#2786f7,#f9f70e", "manageResize": "1", "autoScale": "1" } function renderchart() { var contentSummaryChart1 = new FusionCharts({ type: 'mscolumn2d', renderAt: "sentimentChart", width: "100%", height: "180", autoscale: "1", dataFormat: "json", dataSource: { "chart": chartProperties1, "categories": chartCategories1, "dataset": chartData1 } }); contentSummaryChart1.render(); } renderchart(); }); END OF CODE sentiData and symbolInput are variables I'm getting from somewhere else (sentiData is actually the output of the getSentiCount(symbolInput) function. I've logged them into the console, and they are definitely not null. Here is the output of chartCategories1 - [{'category': [{'label':'08-31-2017'},{'label':'08-30-2017'},{'label':'08-28-2017'},{'label':'08-23-2017'},{'label':'08-22-2017'},{'label':'08-21-2017'},{'label':'08-16-2017'},{'label':'08-09-2017'},{'label':'08-08-2017'},{'label':'08-07-2017'},{'label':'08-03-2017'},{'label':'08-02-2017'}]}] Here is the output of chartData1 - [{'seriesname': 'Negative','data':[{'value':'0'},{'value':'0'},{'value':'0'},{'value':'0'},{'value':'0'},{'value':'0'},{'value':'0'},{'value':'1'},{'value':'0'},{'value':'0'},{'value':'0'},{'value':'0'}]},{'seriesname': 'Positive','data':[{'value':'0'},{'value':'0'},{'value':'0'},{'value':'0'},{'value':'0'},{'value':'0'},{'value':'0'},{'value':'0'},{'value':'0'},{'value':'0'},{'value':'1'},{'value':'0'}]},{'seriesname': 'Neutral','data':[{'value':'0'},{'value':'0'},{'value':'0'},{'value':'0'},{'value':'0'},{'value':'0'},{'value':'2'},{'value':'0'},{'value':'0'},{'value':'1'},{'value':'0'},{'value':'4'}]},{'seriesname': 'Unknown','data':[{'value':'2'},{'value':'1'},{'value':'1'},{'value':'2'},{'value':'1'},{'value':'1'},{'value':'0'},{'value':'0'},{'value':'1'},{'value':'0'},{'value':'0'},{'value':'0'}]}] I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I've been at it for 5 hours now, and all I'm getting is the attached output. Please help! Milena
  2. This worked! Thanks so much!!!
  3. Hi Ayan, Thanks for your help, but I am still unable to render the chart I think the problem is that I am getting the data at the same time as the chart renders. I checked with the jsfiddle you shared, and my labels and data are indeed in the correct format, but I am getting both of these dynamically (when you open the page, the html loads, I get the data for this specific asset, and render the chart with values for this specific asset). I just tried using the feedData method (both on window load and on clicking on a div), but that didn't work either. Is there a way to render this chart using the variables I've specified in my original post - chartCategories1 and chartData1? I can't use the format you've used in the jsfiddle because I have different labels and values for each asset, so every window will be getting different values and displaying a different chart. Thanks! Milena