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Posts posted by zhenghaoju

  1. Hi all,

    I try to change the flash chart to Javascript chart in our project.

    I found the javascript chart performance is low when show 6 charts together or above 6.

    So I decide to change show chart way. like when first chart draw complete, the second chart start to draw, see the code:




    this way can improve chart performance in browser, but the code is so bad. I want to know other better way.


    please help me!!! :)

  2. Hi,


    Thank you for the post.


    For rounded edges of the data plot, Could you please try by setting "useRoundEdges" attribute of the <chart> element to "1"?


    Ref. Code(in XML):

    <chart ... useRoundEdges='1' ...>


    Please find the attached screen shot for the same.


    Hope this helps! :)


    I try your method post-7925-0-06967300-1330664073_thumb.png , but the designer not like your "RoundEdges" effect, he hope just column has Round Edge, not all the chart.

    Do you have other method?

  3. Hi,


    Thanks for your response.


    Please note that FusionCharts automatically tries to adjust divisional lines and limit values based on the data provided. In FusionCharts, the axis limits encompasses all values present in the chart i.e., no data value can be below the minimum y-axis value or above maximum y-axis value - they have to be within the axis range. Even if you force an axis limit that is lower/higher than this, FusionCharts will automatically adjust it.


    Hope this helps.




    I am not set y-axis limits. FusionCharts should be automatically adjust lower limit and upper limit and y-axis label distribution. Now issue is y-axis label distribution not equality.



  4. Hi,


    Thanks for your post.


    Could you please send us The XML code to test it from our end?


    Awaiting for your response.


    I use JSON method.


    This the JSON Data.


    {"chart":{"adjustDiv":"0","anchorAlpha":"0","baseFontColor":"363636","bgAlpha":"100","bgColor":"#EEECEB","canvasBgColor":"FFFFFF","canvasBorderColor":"9ca1a6","canvasBorderThickness":"1","canvasRightMargin":"10","caption":"CPU 使用率","chartLeftMargin":"0","chartRightMargin":"20","chartTopMargin":"0","clickURL":"j-popupBigChartWindow-createCpuUsage","decimals":"0","divLineDashGap":"2","divLineDashLen":"4","divLineIsDashed":"1","doughnutRadius":"60","forceDecimals":"1","forceYAxisValueDecimals":"1","formatNumberScale":"0","labelDisplay":"none","lineColor":"69AC57","numDivLines":"4","numVDivLines":"4","numberSuffix":"%","numberprefix":"","pieRadius":"60","plotFillColor":"58A344","plotGradientColor":"58A344","showAlternateVGridColor":"1","showBorder":"1","showToolTip":"","showZeroPies":"0","showpercentvalues":"","showplotborder":"0","showvalues":"0","slantLabels":"","useRoundEdges":"","vDivLineIsDashed":"0","xaxisname":"","yAxisMaxValue":"100","yAxisMinValue":"0","yAxisValueDecimals":"1","yaxisname":""},"data":[{"color":"","isSliced":"0","label":"14:10","toolText":"","value":"38.00"},{"color":"","isSliced":"0","label":"14:15","toolText":"","value":"37.00"},{"color":"","isSliced":"0","label":"14:20","toolText":"","value":"37.00"},{"color":"","isSliced":"0","label":"14:25","toolText":"","value":"37.00"}]}



    I think this is not a chart data problem.