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Posts posted by heidemeister

  1. I have a stackedarea2d chart where i want each series to be clickable, so i tried adding a "link" attribute to each "dataset". That did not work. Placing the "link" inside each "data" element (in each "dataset") creates a tiny clickable point that are not really useable in an area chart - users expect to click on the horizontal areas, not a little spec on the border between two areas ...


    Is there any way to make a series clickable?


    code example, json format:


        "dataset": [
            "seriesname": "My series 1",
            "link": "JavaScript:testFunction('this is where i want the clik - but it doesn't work');",
            "data": [
              {"value": "130000", "link": "JavaScript:testFunction('this works - kinda');"},
              {"value": "120000"},
              {"value": "180000"}

  2. Hello


    I'm having a really wierd problem, that only occurs under some rather specific circumstances:


    1) The browser is IE8

    2) The chart rendering is JavaScript only (I think, flash is not an option due to iPads...)

    3) Connected with https


    The problem occurs when using "modal popups" which are just a couple of div's shown atop of everything else. What happens is:


    1) If using a 3Dstacked chart - the canvas background changes from transparent to white as soon at the chart is hidden beneath the div's. When the div's are removed again the canvas stays white.


    2) If using a 2Dstacked chart - the same as above happens, plus ... all the columns dissapear completely (not sure if this is due to them also suddently being white). Sometimes I can get the columns to appear again by mouseOver - but only sometimes.



    I have tried with both 3.2.2 R3 and R4 - same problem. It might have been there for a long time since I only resently went with a non-white background and switched from 3D to 2D.

  3. We have the same problem, which was introduces when we updated to versiob 3.2.4 (to be able to remove the print icon fro all charts). We found a solution on stackoverflow which seems to fix the problem (second entry on the page): http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12087541/fusioncharts-on-https-mixed-content-warning


    I hope this will be fixed for future fusionchart version as i'm sure to forget all about this then next time we upgrades :P



    -michael heide christensen





    I'm using JavaScript to create graphs. It works perfectly except for the annoying dialog in IE:

    'Do you want to view only the webpage content that was delivered securely?'.

    The JS code is presented below:


    var myChart = new FusionCharts( "StackedColumn2D", "myprodImgDiv", "100", "800" );





    All my pages use HTTPS, I used HTTP Analyzer to test and there is no insecure (http) connection.

    However the dialog is displayed in IE. Is there a way to prevent this for happening?


    Thanks for any help

  4. Hi,


    You can actually show 2 general buttons on the JavaScript charts. One is to 'print', to a printer, the chart and the other is to 'export' the chart as JPG/PNG/PDF/SVG.


    If you have the latest FusionCharts XT (which is version 3.2.2 Service Release 4, released on 6 August, 2012), you will find that you can use the following 2 attributes to show and hide the above mentioned buttons:


    1. showPrintMenuItem: Set it to 0 to hide the 'print' button.
    2. exportShowMenuItem: Set it to 0 to hide the 'export' button.


    Example XML for Pie chart:


    <chart caption='Company Revenue' exportEnabled='1' showPrintMenuItem='0' exportShowMenuItem='0'>
      <set label='Services' value='26' />
      <set label='Hardware' value='32' />
      <set label='Software' value='42' />


    Thanks for the quick reply. I'm using Service Release 3, so I'll get the latest version and try out those new attributes :-)

  5. Hi,


    Can you please send us the screen-shot of issue and chart XML?


    Once again I posted too fast :P It seems like the print icon cannot be removed from any of the charts I use any more. I did not notice when this problem started, but 2 major fusionchart changes was made to my project lately:


    1) Upgrade to Fusioncharts XT (v3.2.2)

    2) Switched to JS only (that is: no flash charts any more)


    So: Can that print icon not be removed from Fusionchart XT stackd3d and pie charts when rendering in javascript/html5?

  6. Hi,


    Can you elaborate your issue a bit more? What you are trying to achieve?


    What I want is a customized legend, with specific sorting, and square icons. I have attached a screenshot of how this looks when rendering in flash.


  7. Hi,


    Can you paste your XML code here? it would be helpful to look into the issue.


    <chart bgColor='EEEAE4' bgAlpha='100' showBorder='0' borderThickness='0' canvasbgColor='EEEAE4' canvasBorderColor='cccccc' canvasBorderThickness='0' showCanvasBg='1' canvasBgDepth='2' showCanvasBase='1' canvasBaseDepth='3' plotGradientColor=' ' showPlotBorder='0' useRoundEdges='0' showLabels='1' numDivLines='4' showAlternateHGridColor='0' divLineIsDashed='1' divLineDashLen='1' divLineDashGap='2' divLineColor='8f9984' showToolTipShadow='1' toolTipBorderColor='666666' toolTipBgColor='edeae4' chartRightMargin='5' chartLeftMargin='1' chartTopMargin='5' chartBottomMargin='5' enableSmartLabels='0' smartLineThickness='0' smartLineAlpha='0' showlegend='1' reverseLegend='1' legendPosition='RIGHT' legendBgColor='e5e1d8' legendBorderColor='CCCCCC' legendShadow='1' legendMarkerCircle='1' legendIconScale='1.5' formatNumber='1' formatNumberScale='1' numberScaleValue='1000' numberScaleUnit=' ' decimalSeparator=',' thousandSeparator='.' decimals='0' sYAxisValuesDecimals='2' connectNullData='0' showPrintMenuItem='0' shownames='0' listRowDividerAlpha='0' colorBoxWidth='50' colorBoxHeight='20' textVerticalPadding='20' animation='1' exportEnabled='0'><set color='B10034' label='Sometexthere'/><set color='A5CF4C' label='Someothertext'/></chart>

  8. When using a grid without values (I'm using a grid as a custumized legend) AND using the JavaScript rendering, it seem like space is still reserved for the values!



    An example of how it looks when rendering in flash (the "O" is supposed to be the colored icons):



    | O  Sometexthere   |
    | O  Someothertext  |


    but when rendering i javascript it looks like this:



    | O  So...          |
    | O  So...          |

  9. Hi


    I have just updated to XT, mainly to have the new JavaScript only rendering (client request) but have a little styling issue:


    When using JavaScript rendering a small print icon is placed in the upper right corner of the chart, which clashes with the design.

    How do I remove this button?



    -michael christensen

  10. Hi,


    Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!smile.gif


    First of all, we would like to thank you for showing interest in FusionCharts.


    Could you please send us the code and a screenshot to look into the issue?


    Awaiting for your response.


    I've been working on other things and had almost forgot about this, but now i'm back to working on our charts. Still have the same problem. We're using GWT, and creating the charts with native javascript code from a java file. It looks something like this:


     // Print for Mozilla/WebKit/Gecko based browsers (like Firefox, Safari etc.)
       $wnd.FusionCharts.printManager.configure( { enabled: true, message : 'wait please...'} );
       var chart1 = new $wnd.FusionCharts(
             swfUrl : "../fusionChart/" + chartType + ".swf"
             ,id : graphId+"ID"
             ,width : width
             ,height: height
             ,renderAt: graphId
             ,dataFormat: "xml"
    //          ,debugMode: "1"


    height is fixed at 300px, width is "100%".


    The resulting html (copied from Firebug) looks like this:


        <object width="100%" lang="EN" height="250" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
       class="FusionCharts" data="../fusionChart/StackedColumn3D.swf" id="PrognoseGrafID"
       style="visibility: visible;" xml:lang="EN">
         <param name="scaleMode" value="noScale" />
         <param name="scale" value="noScale" />
         <param name="wMode" value="opaque" />
         <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" />
         <param name="quality" value="best" />
         <param name="flashvars" value="lang=EN&debugMode=undefined&dataXML=%3Cchart%20labelDisplay%3D'Wrap'%20bgColor%3D'EEEAE4'%20bgAlpha%3D'100'%20showBorder%3D'0'%20borderThickness%3D'0'%20canvasbgColor%3D'EEEAE4'%20canvasBorderColor%3D'cccccc'%20canvasBorderThickness%3D'0'%20showCanvasBg%3D'1'%20canvasBgDepth%3D'2'%20showCanvasBase%3D'1'%20canvasBaseDepth%3D'3'%20caption%3D'Udbetalingsplan%20for%20din%20pension%20(f%C3%B8r%20skat)'%20plotGradientColor%3D''%20showPlotBorder%3D'0'%20useRoundEdges%3D'0'%20showLabels%3D'1'%20numDivLines%3D'4'%20showAlternateHGridColor%3D'0'%20divLineIsDashed%3D'1'%20divLineDashLen%3D'1'%20divLineDashGap%3D'2'%20divLineColor%3D'8f9984'%20showToolTipShadow%3D'1'%20toolTipBorderColor%3D'666666'%20toolTipBgColor%3D'edeae4'%20chartRightMargin%3D'5'%20chartLeftMargin%3D'1'%20chartTopMargin%3D'5'%20chartBottomMargin%3D'5'%20enableSmartLabels%3D'0'%20smartLineThickness%3D'0'%20smartLineAlpha%3D'0'%20legendPosition%3D'RIGHT'%20legendBgColor%3D'e5e1d8'%20legendBorderColor%3D'666666'%20legendShadow%3D'1'%20legendMarkerCircle%3D'1'%20formatNumber%3D'1'%20formatNumberScale%3D'1'%20numberScaleValue%3D'1000'%20numberScaleUnit%3D'%20'%20decimalSeparator%3D'%2C'%20thousandSeparator%3D'.'%20decimals%3D'0'%20sYAxisValuesDecimals%3D'2'%20connectNullData%3D'0'%20showPrintMenuItem%3D'1'%20shownames%3D'0'%20listRowDividerAlpha%3D'0'%20colorBoxWidth%3D'50'%20colorBoxHeight%3D'20'%20textVerticalPadding%3D'20'%20animation%3D'1'%20yAxisName%3D'Bel%C3%B8b%20i%201.000%20kr.'%20xAxisName%3D'%C3%85r'%3E%3Ccategories%3E%3Ccategory%20label%3D'46'%2F%3E%3Ccategory%20label%3D'65'%2F%3E%3Ccategory%20label%3D'66'%2F%3E%3Ccategory%20label%3D'67'%2F%3E%3Ccategory%20label%3D'68'%2F%3E%3Ccategory%20label%3D'69'%2F%3E%3Ccategory%20label%3D'70'%2F%3E%3Ccategory%20label%3D'71'%2F%3E%3Ccategory%20label%3D'72'%2F%3E%3Ccategory%20label%3D'73'%2F%3E%3Ccategory%20label%3D'74'%2F%3E%3Ccategory%20label%3D'75'%2F%3E%3Ccategory%20label%3D'76'%2F%3E%3Ccategory%20label%3D'77'%2F%3E%3Ccategory%20label%3D'78'%2F%3E%3Ccategory%20label%3D'79'%2F%3E%3Ccategory%20label%3D'80'%2F%3E%3Ccategory%20label%3D'81'%2F%3E%3Ccategory%20label%3D'82'%2F%3E%3Ccategory%20label%3D'83'%2F%3E%3Ccategory%20label%3D'84'%2F%3E%3Ccategory%20label%3D'85'%2F%3E%3Ccategory%20label%3D'86'%2F%3E%3Ccategory%20label%3D'87'%2F%3E%3Ccategory%20label%3D'88'%2F%3E%3Ccategory%20label%3D'89'%2F%3E%3Ccategory%20label%3D'90'%2F%3E%3C%2Fcategories%3E%3Cdataset%20seriesName%3D'PFA'%20color%3D'B30838'%20showValues%3D'0'%3E%3Cset%2F%3E%3Cset%20value%3D'886898.330579310613112742971220'%20tooltext%3D'886.898%20kr.'%2F%3E%3Cset%20value%3D'886898.330579310613112742971220'%20tooltext%3D'886.898%20kr.'%2F%3E%3Cset%20value%3D'886898.330579310613112742971220'%20tooltext%3D'886.898%20kr.'%2F%3E%3Cset%20value%3D'886898.330579310613112742971220'%20tooltext%3D'886.898%20kr.'%2F%3E%3Cset%20value%3D'886898.330579310613112742971220'%20tooltext%3D'886.898%20kr.'%2F%3E%3Cset%20value%3D'886898.330579310613112742971220'%20tooltext%3D'886.898%20kr.'%2F%3E%3Cset%20value%3D'886898.330579310613112742971220'%20tooltext%3D'886.898%20kr.'%2F%3E%3Cset%20value%3D'886898.330579310613112742971220'%20tooltext%3D'886.898%20kr.'%2F%3E%3Cset%20value%3D'886898.330579310613112742971220'%20tooltext%3D'886.898%20kr.'%2F%3E%3Cset%20value%3D'886898.330579310613112742971220'%20tooltext%3D'886.898%20kr.'%2F%3E%3Cset%20value%3D'95218.999127507819560517750500'%20tooltext%3D'95.219%20kr.'%2F%3E%3Cset%20value%3D'95218.999127507819560517750500'%20tooltext%3D'95.219%20kr.'%2F%3E%3Cset%20value%3D'95218.999127507819560517750500'%20tooltext%3D'95.219%20kr.'%2F%3E%3Cset%20value%3D'95218.999127507819560517750500'%20tooltext%3D'95.219%20kr.'%2F%3E%3Cset%20value%3D'95218.999127507819560517750500'%20tooltext%3D'95.219%20kr.'%2F%3E%3Cset%20value%3D'95218.999127507819560517750500'%20tooltext%3D'95.219%20kr.'%2F%3E%3Cset%20value%3D'95218.999127507819560517750500'%20tooltext%3D'95.219%20kr.'%2F%3E%3Cset%20value%3D'95218.999127507819560517750500'%20tooltext%3D'95.219%20kr.'%2F%3E%3Cset%20value%3D'95218.999127507819560517750500'%20tooltext%3D'95.219%20kr.'%2F%3E%3Cset%20value%3D'95218.999127507819560517750500'%20tooltext%3D'95.219%20kr.'%2F%3E%3Cset%20value%3D'95218.999127507819560517750500'%20tooltext%3D'95.219%20kr.'%2F%3E%3Cset%20value%3D'95218.999127507819560517750500'%20tooltext%3D'95.219%20kr.'%2F%3E%3Cset%20value%3D'95218.999127507819560517750500'%20tooltext%3D'95.219%20kr.'%2F%3E%3Cset%20value%3D'95218.999127507819560517750500'%20tooltext%3D'95.219%20kr.'%2F%3E%3Cset%20value%3D'95218.999127507819560517750500'%20tooltext%3D'95.219%20kr.'%2F%3E%3Cset%20value%3D'95218.999127507819560517750500'%20tooltext%3D'95.219%20kr.'%2F%3E%3C%2Fdataset%3E%3Cdataset%20seriesName%3D'L%C3%B8n'%20color%3D'B1D34B'%20showValues%3D'0'%3E%3Cset%20value%3D'1012800.00'%20tooltext%3D'1.012.800%20kr.'%2F%3E%3Cset%2F%3E%3Cset%2F%3E%3Cset%2F%3E%3Cset%2F%3E%3Cset%2F%3E%3Cset%2F%3E%3Cset%2F%3E%3Cset%2F%3E%3Cset%2F%3E%3Cset%2F%3E%3Cset%2F%3E%3Cset%2F%3E%3Cset%2F%3E%3Cset%2F%3E%3Cset%2F%3E%3Cset%2F%3E%3Cset%2F%3E%3Cset%2F%3E%3Cset%2F%3E%3Cset%2F%3E%3Cset%2F%3E%3Cset%2F%3E%3Cset%2F%3E%3Cset%2F%3E%3Cset%2F%3E%3Cset%2F%3E%3C%2Fdataset%3E%3C%2Fchart%3E&DOMId=PrognoseGrafID&registerWithJS=1&chartWidth=100%&chartHeight=250&InvalidXMLText=Invalid data.&dataURL=" />
    <canvas class="FusionCharts" width="940" height="250"></canvas>


    The interesting thing here is that on the flash object the width is 100%, but on the hidden canvas the width is 940px (which is the width of the page). If the canvas is the element that Firefox uses for print, then this might be the problem.

  11. I have the same problem (I think). Got a chart with width=100%, which when shown on screen amounts to 940px. When printed with Firefox the chart is chopped over because its too wide for the paper.


    I have noticed that the html5 canvas element the print manager creates gets width=940, not width=100%. Maybe thats why the chart does not scale to fit when printed? Is there any way to get the same scaling of the printed chart as in Internet Explorer? (I can't believe there's actually something IE does better than another browser :S)



    -michael christensen