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Found 5 results

  1. In bubble chart of fusionchart have no option to show all bubbles under one perticular bubble displaying on chart that have same score and size. But i need to show all bubbles that have same score and size.The other bubbles are hiding under the first bubble. FusionCharts.ready(function () { var conversionChart = new FusionCharts({ type: 'bubble', renderAt: 'chart-container', width: '600', height: '300', dataFormat: 'json', dataSource: { "chart": { "caption": "Sales Analysis of Shoe Brands", "subcaption": "Last Quarter", "xAxisMinValue": "0", "xAxisMaxValue": "100", "yAxisMinValue": "0", "yAxisMaxValue": "30000", "plotFillAlpha": "70", "plotFillHoverColor": "#6baa01", "showPlotBorder": "0", "xAxisName": "Average Price", "yAxisName": "Units Sold", "numDivlines": "2", "showValues":"1", "showTrendlineLabels": "0", "plotTooltext": "$name : Profit Contribution - $zvalue%", "drawQuadrant" : "1", "quadrantLineAlpha" : "80", "quadrantLineThickness" : "3", "quadrantXVal" : "50", "quadrantYVal": "15000", //Quadrant Labels "quadrantLabelTL": "Low Price / High Sale", "quadrantLabelTR": "High Price / High Sale", "quadrantLabelBL": "Low Price / Low Sale", "quadrantLabelBR": "High Price / Low Sale", //Cosmetics "baseFontColor" : "#333333", "baseFont" : "Helvetica Neue,Arial", "captionFontSize" : "14", "subcaptionFontSize" : "14", "subcaptionFontBold" : "0", "showBorder" : "0", "bgColor" : "#ffffff", "showShadow" : "0", "canvasBgColor" : "#ffffff", "canvasBorderAlpha" : "0", "divlineAlpha" : "100", "divlineColor" : "#999999", "divlineThickness" : "1", "divLineIsDashed" : "1", "divLineDashLen" : "1", "divLineGapLen" : "1", "use3dlighting" : "0", "showplotborder" : "0", "showYAxisLine" : "1", "yAxisLineThickness" : "1", "yAxisLineColor" : "#999999", "showXAxisLine" : "1", "xAxisLineThickness" : "1", "xAxisLineColor" : "#999999", "showAlternateHGridColor" : "0", "showAlternateVGridColor" : "0" }, "categories": [ { "category": [ { "label": "$0", "x": "0" }, { "label": "$20", "x": "20", "showverticalline": "1" }, { "label": "$40", "x": "40", "showverticalline": "1" }, { "label": "$60", "x": "60", "showverticalline": "1" }, { "label": "$80", "x": "80", "showverticalline": "1" }, { "label": "$100", "x": "100", "showverticalline": "1" } ] } ], "dataset": [ { "color":"#00aee4", "data": [ { "x": "80", "y": "15000", "z": "24", "name": "Nike" }, { "x": "80", "y": "15000", "z": "24", "name": "Adidas" }, { "x": "80", "y": "15000", "z": "24", "name": "Puma" }, { "x": "65", "y": "10500", "z": "8", "name": "Fila" }, { "x": "43", "y": "8750", "z": "5", "name": "Lotto" }, { "x": "32", "y": "22000", "z": "10", "name": "Reebok" }, { "x": "44", "y": "13000", "z": "9", "name": "Woodland" } ] } ], "trendlines": [ { "line": [ { "startValue": "20000", "endValue": "30000", "isTrendZone": "1", "color": "#aaaaaa", "alpha": "14" }, { "startValue": "10000", "endValue": "20000", "isTrendZone": "1", "color": "#aaaaaa", "alpha": "7" } ] } ], "vTrendlines": [ { "line": [ { "startValue": "44", "isTrendZone": "0", "color": "#0066cc", "thickness" : "1", "dashed" : "1", "displayValue": "Gross Avg." } ] } ] } }); conversionChart.render(); }); This the test data edited in fiddle..under first three datas have same size and values so you can see how bubbles are displaying.. Please help
  2. Hi, I am creating a bubble chart for displaying some data. I want to give a range on X-axis but i am not able to do so. attached is the picture for reference. Can i get one as in attachment? Thanks Amit
  3. Hi, I have a bubble chart that has x values from 100 to -20, currently, the y axis values starts from 0 to the highest from bottom to top, and the x values starts from -20 to 100 from left to right. Can I change the x values starts from 100 to - 20 from left to right? Thanks, Kelly
  4. Hi, This is the bubble chart in older version And the same chart in 3.4 version Quadrants are not visible On hover of the bubble makes the color of the bubble black Json : { "categories": [{ "category": [{ "label": "9.3K", "x": 9250 }, { "label": "18.5K", "x": 18500 }, { "label": "27.8K", "x": 27750 }, { "label": "37.0K", "x": 37000 }, { "label": "46.3K", "x": 46250 }], "verticalLineThickness": 1 }], "dataset": [{ "data": [{ "x": 46221.68, "y": 551390, "name": "Michelle Green", "z": "2" }, { "x": 29706.75, "y": 468440, "name": "Joanne Ralston", "z": "2" }], "showValues": "1", "seriesName": "Sales Rep" }], "chart": { "xAxisName": "Earnings", "yAxisName": "Actual Revenue", "drawQuadrant": "1", "quadrantLineColor": "c4c4c4", "showLegend": "1", "legendPosition": "BOTTOM", "legendCaption": "", "legendBgColor": "F7F7F7", "legendBorderColor": "bcb8b8", "legendIconScale": "1", "showCanvasBg": "1", "canvasBgColor": "F6F6F6", "showCanvasBase": "1", "canvasBaseColor": "F6F6F6", "bubbleScale": 0.4, "quadrantXVal": 23100, "quadrantYVal": 275650, "chartWidth": "100%", "chartHeight": "100%", "animation": "1", "caption": "", "subCaption": "", "bgColor": "fdfdfd", "showLabels": "1", "showValues": "1", "baseFont": "sans-serif", "baseFontSize": "12", "baseFontColor": "888888", "labelColumn": "", "valueColumn": "", "showBorder": "1", "borderColor": "bcb8b8", "borderThickness": "", "borderAlpha": "0", "canvasBgAlpha": "0", "canvasBorderAlpha": "0", "alternateHGridAlpha": "0", "showVLineLabelBorder": "0", "showPlotBorder": "0", "divLineAlpha": "10", "anchorRadius": "5", "plotBorderColor": "", "plotFillRatio": "100", "alternateVGridAlpha": "10", "zeroPlaneAlpha": "10", "showAlternateVGridColor": "0", "legendBgAlpha": "70", "legendShadow": "0", "legendBorderAlpha": "0", "paletteColors": "2E64FE", "use3DLighting": "0", "theme": "zune", "yAxisValuesPadding": 5, "showHoverEffect": "1", "numberPrefix": "", "toolTipBgColor": "EBEBEB", "toolTipColor": "727272" } }
  5. Dear support team, I have some issues with the bubble chart. When using negative decimal numbers for coordinates (x or y axis) then the negative values will be transformed into a positive values. This only happens when using decimal values. When using integer numbers everything works like expected. Please have a look at the attachments. My FusionCharts version is 3.3.1-sr3.21100 Best regards, Eugen chart.xml