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Found 40 results

  1. Changelog - New Features - Changed Behavior - Version History -
  2. This is the error I'm getting, I want to know where it is evaluating length. fusioncharts.js?8f68:13 Uncaught (in promise) Error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined at Object.t.default [as factory] (fusioncharts.js?8f68:28) at o (fusioncharts.js?8f68:13) at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at t.invokeFactories (fusioncharts.js?8f68:13) at t.configure (fusioncharts.js?8f68:13) at t.configure (fusioncharts.js?8f68:28) at t.setData (fusioncharts.js?8f68:13) at e.v (fusioncharts.js?8f68:13) at h (fusioncharts.js?8f68:13) at y (fusioncharts.js?8f68:13) at eval (fusioncharts.js?8f68:13)
  3. FusionChart showing '' Loading chart. Please wait'' when rendered (React JS) $objFusionChart = new FusionCharts( 'Column3D', '898', '300', '0', '1' ); $strGraph = $objFusionChart->renderChart( false, false ); $strGraph has the the html content <script type="text/javascript" src="module/FusionCharts.js"></script> <div id="graph_data" class="sectionContainer report_graph"><!-- START Code Block for Chart 0 --> <div id="0Div">Chart</div> <script type="text/javascript" ><!-- // Instantiate the Chart if ( FusionCharts("0") && FusionCharts("0").dispose ) FusionCharts("0").dispose(); var chart_0 = new FusionCharts( { "swfUrl" : "/Common/fushion/fushion_charts/Column3D.swf", "width" : "898", "height" : "300", "renderAt" : "0Div", "dataFormat" : "xml", "id" : "0", "wMode" : "transparent", "dataSource" : "<chart showValues='0' showBorder='1' decimalPrecision='0' canvasbasedepth='10' bgcolor='FBFAFA' yAxisMinValue='0' yAxisMaxValue='5' showName='1' numDivLines='4' divlinecolor='C4C4C4' outCnvBaseFont='Arial' outCnvBaseFontSize='10' outCnvBaseFontColor='5A5863' canvasBaseColor='5A5863' baseFont='Arial' baseFontSize='10' baseFontColor='636363' canvasbgcolor='E4EBF4' hoverCapBgColor='eeeeee' borderColor='1D' borderThickness='1' xAxisName='Lead Events' yAxisName='Hits' ><set value='105' /><set value='827' /><set value='788' /><set value='441' /><set value='1' /><set value='38' /><set value='140' /></chart>" } ).render(); // --></script> <!-- END Script Block for Chart 0 --></div>
  4. Hi My project is using server side rendering with next.js and I imported chart component this way. import dynamic from 'next/dynamic.js'; const FC = dynamic(() => import('../Employee/EmployeeFusionChart'), { ssr: false, }); we already purchased license so I tried to remove watermark from chart. when I put options in chart components and it was successful. function NextFC({ data }) { ReactFC.fcRoot(FusionCharts, Chart, FusionTheme); FusionCharts.options.creditLabel = false; FusionCharts.options.license({ key: 'OUR license key' creditLabel: false, }); return <ReactFC {...chartConfigs} />; } when I see this description from fusion chart website. They said I don't need to provide a license every time. then if I want to put the license option in app.js, what should i do? Or is there any other way to provide the license option just one time in my project?
  5. FusionCharts + Vb6

    657 / 5000 Hello, I'm ashamed to say it but we have a version of FusionCharts active on a VB6 application !! The application works very well and therefore no other resources were spent as we do not have the possibility to spend for the upgrade !! With 2021 the Flash player no longer works and therefore the graphs created with vb6 + fusionCharts no longer appear. Please have any indication to give to solve this problem? The only one I have found is to install an old version of flash, where the date check was not inserted. But with WindowsUpdate, it will surely install the latest and then the problem arises. Many thanks Randy
  6. Manually re-render chart in Angular

    I am trying to cause the chart to re-render when new data is received. 1. I gave the fusioncharts element in the template a id of "#fc". <fusioncharts [width]="width" [height]="height" [type]="type" [dataSource]="dataSource" #fc > 2. I used the @ViewChild() to obtain a reference to the element @ViewChild('fc', { static: false }) fc: any; 3. Then I called the render() method on the reference. this.fc.render(); 4. Although the compiler recognized that a render() method exists on the reference. At runtime, a failure occurred stating that there is no render() method. ERROR TypeError: this.fc.render is not a function
  7. Changelog - New Features - Changed Behavior - Version History -
  8. Hello everyone, I am new to FusionCharts and I am currently working on implementing a multilevelpie chart. I added the dataSource into state so that I can manipulate it later and I am simply rendering it. All I am seeying is "Loading chart. Please wait" and it doesn't change. I already tried verifing the location of the js files in the nodes_modules and I installed flash_player but nothing has changed. The code is in the App.js file. and the screen shot of what I am seeying . Node version: 12.16.2 Could you please me to solve this problem. thank you App.js
  9. Hi, I have been able to load a India Map using Fusincharts Map. Also on every click of state I have been able to render the respective state map dynamically using the below code On each EntityClick I have configure the link to drill down the respective state using the below method. "entityClick": function (evt, data) { // Method call configureLink(evt, data); } // Method defined var configureLink = function (evt, data) { switch ( { case "001": evt.sender.configureLink({ "type": "maps/andamanandnicobar" }, 0);break; case "002": evt.sender.configureLink({ "type": "maps/andhrapradesh", }, 0);break; case "003": evt.sender.configureLink({ "type": "maps/arunachalpradesh" }, 0); break; //like wise i have loaded for each state. } } The above method works well and the respective district are loaded on every click of State. What i need is to configure the linkedchart dynamically "linkeddata": [{ "id": "001", "linkedchart": { "chart": { "caption": "State", "subcaption": "State", "entityFillHoverColor": "#E5E5E9", "showLabels": "1", "entityFillColor": "#A8A8A8", "theme": "fusion", "showBorder": "1", "bordercolor": "#FFFFFF", "entityborderThickness": "3" }, "colorrange": { "startlabel": "Low", "endlabel": "High", "code": "#e44a00", "minvalue": "0", "gradient": "1", "color": [{ "maxvalue": "150", "displayvalue": "Average", "code": "#f8bd19" }, { "maxvalue": "600", "code": "#6baa01" }] }, "data": [{ "id": "HI", "value": "99" }, //like wise load every district dynamically..... ], } }], How can i dynamically set all the above attributes for a chart within "linkedchart". ? Which event of a chart can help me to dynamically add the attributes whenever an entity is clicked on parent map (india map). Also every district i need to assign different color like for Maharashtra > Pune district i need an yellow color.. likewise for every district. For the attached image. I have loaded the India Map with custom color for every state. With the above methods i have dynamically configured the link for every click on the state. As you can see i have loaded the respective district also. How can i set the data and color on each data of the a particular district dynamically ? Please help ! Let me know if you need any more information I have been using FusionCharts Suite XT v3.15.1-sr.1
  10. i'm trying to process data from a query. So I create a JSON object and populate it using a loop, like so: var processedData = [{ label: "teste", value: 123 }, { label: "teste2", value: 321 }]; if (dataParse.response) { dataParse = dataParse.response; for (var aux of dataParse) { jsonAux = { label: aux.departamento, value: parseInt(aux.quantidade) } processedData.push(jsonAux); } } after the loop, the object is returned and used as chart data. As seen in the image attached, it is done without problems (For testing purposes, i initialized the object "processedData" with two test elements: "teste1" and "teste2"). But FusionChart can only load the initiliazed elements. I don't have any idea why this is happening and already tried many different ways to do this. Would be really glad if someone could be of use. Thanks in advance.
  11. Hi I do not know if this is the right part of the forum but i hope someone can help me out. I have a website that uses Fusionchart Free V2 and as the EOL of flash is coming up i am wondering if it is possible to change the charts from using flash to JS? currently all charts are using .swf files and i do not know how to switch it over to JS If that is even possible. Here is a pastebin of the code from my php that's file using fusioncharts. Pastebin:
  12. I have just started exploring Fusion Charts. The documentation is clear and I have been able to create charts using `react`. One problem that I am facing is that the scroll does not work well on a mobile device. If I have charts that are covering the entire width of the screen, how would I scroll up/down? Please see the attachment for details. I can scroll down using the white space above but not using the space below the white space.
  13. I have three charts, and one mapwithcountries. The thing i would like to do is when click on some plot(column or bar) in one of my three charts i want to "redo" the others charts(column, bar, donut, map) with the specific data about that clicked plot. So how could i achieve this? I know there is events for those charts, but i dont know how to render again (or update) those charts with specific clicked plot. I hope you can help me. Thanks in advance
  14. Hi, we currently started to use Spline chart per customer's request and our client is asking what curve fitting method is used. Could you please tell us? Thanks.
  15. Fusion charts Excel Export

    Hello, I am getting this below error in the latest update. And also I am not able to see the excel export option on the rendered chart. All other option png, jpg and svg available. Earlier was able to see, after upgrading to latest fusioncharts getting the below error with no excel export option being displayed in the chart. zone.js:682 Unhandled Promise rejection: Loading chunk 13 failed. (error: http://localhost:4200/fusioncharts.excelexport.js) ; Zone: <root> ; Task: Promise.then ; Value: Error: Loading chunk 13 failed. (error: http://localhost:4200/fusioncharts.excelexport.js) at HTMLScriptElement.i (fusioncharts.js:13) at HTMLScriptElement.wrapFn (zone.js:1332) at ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:423) at Zone.runTask (zone.js:195) at ZoneTask.invokeTask [as invoke] (zone.js:498) at invokeTask (zone.js:1744) at HTMLScriptElement.globalZoneAwareCallback (zone.js:1770) Error: Loading chunk 13 failed. (error: http://localhost:4200/fusioncharts.excelexport.js) at HTMLScriptElement.i (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/fusioncharts/fusioncharts.js:13:2212) at HTMLScriptElement.wrapFn (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js:1332:39) at ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js:423:31) at Zone.runTask (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js:195:47) at ZoneTask.invokeTask [as invoke] (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js:498:34) at invokeTask (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js:1744:14) at HTMLScriptElement.globalZoneAwareCallback (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js:1770:17) Any suggestion, highly appreciated
  16. Hi, Export chart in IE is not working for PDF, JPG, PNG and SVG format while the Excel works fine. I am able to export in other browsers except IE. Any response highly appreciated. Regards, Ravi
  17. Hello everyone, I'm developing an APP that makes graphics based in data from MySQL, my problem is that when I bring the data at 100% zoom in chrome, in line charts the plottooltext is not showing, when zoom out, the plottooltext works 1st image, 100% zoom 2nd image, 50% zoom both in Google Chrome any hopes on this to work?
  18. I am trying below code for exporting chart data in excel having chart+data in trial version of FusionChart. but acing below error Error TS2307: Cannot find module 'path'. Code I am using is below. I have tried all combination which you can see in commented tags below. import * as path from 'path'; // const path = require('path'); // Require FusionExport // const { ExportManager, ExportConfig } = require('../'); // Instantiate ExportManager const exportManager = new ExportManager(); // Instantiate ExportConfig and add the required configurations const exportConfig = new ExportConfig(); // __dirname = path.resolve(path.dirname('')); // __dirname = path.resolve(); exportConfig.set('chartConfig', path.join( path.resolve(), 'resources')); // provide the export config exportManager.export(exportConfig, '.', true).then((exportedFiles) => { exportedFiles.forEach(file => console.log(file)); }).catch((err) => { console.log(err); });
  19. Hi, If we have the trial version, a message gets displayed saying "Fusion Charts XT Trial". The moment we have licensed version, this just disappears. My requirement is that I want to display a company logo or image at that place. How can I achieve that? Any reply highly appreciated. Regards, Ravi
  20. HI, I'm using 3.4 licensed version fusion charts in my application to render fusion charts like column2d, spline chart. I'm trying to implement tree map chart based on requirement. Data format required for treemap is proper, so no issue with data. But, When I added 3.12 version fusion.treemap.js file in jsfolder of my application to implement treemap, I'm getting "chart type not supported". Please let me know, if its possible to use any other version js file to implement treemap with 3.4 version js files. or please let me know if there is any other alternative to do this.
  21. HI, I'm using 3.4 licensed version fusion charts in my application to render fusion charts like column2d, spline chart. I'm trying to implement tree map chart based on requirement. Data format required for treemap is proper, so no issue with data. But, When I added 3.12 version fusion.treemap.js file in jsfolder of my application to implement treemap, I'm getting "chart type not supported". Please let me know, if its possible to use any other version js file to implement treemap with 3.4 version js files. or please let me know if there is any other alternative to do this.
  22. I'm new to FusionCharts and am currently evaluating it for use in a Angular 5.x project. Chrome and Edge browsers are working as expected but I receive a SCRIPT1006: Syntax Error with IE11. I followed the instructions provided in the Dev Center portion of the website Is there some additional steps required for older browser support? Thanks! FusionChart versions being used: fusioncharts: 3.13.1 angular-fusioncharts: 2.0.0
  23. Drilldown in Angular2 version

    Hi, In javascript version of Fusioncharts, there was a function to call for the drilldowns like link="JavaScript:myJSFunction('USA', 235);" . Is there any provision available in the angular2 version as well? Regards, Ravi
  24. Fusioncharts import

    Hi, I have a licensed copy of fusioncharts which is being used in one of web application. Now we have migrated to angular2(typescript). So, how can I use the existing licensed fusioncharts into my angular2 application? I have tried with some imports, but could not succeed. Need your assistance in this. Replies are highly appreciated. Regards, Ravi
  25. Im getting an error of TypeError: B.register is not a function at /Test/node_modules/fusioncharts/fusioncharts.charts.js:6:125 I am using fusioncharts installed via npm and have reverted to your guide on rendering charts via npm. Following step by step the error comes when trying to include require("fusioncharts/fusioncharts.charts")(FusionCharts); Performing a search in the fusioncharts.charts.js file shows me there is a B.register function inside. Is the guide wrong and missing a step, or is this a bug. I can display the chart using HTML fine, the js implementation is having hiccups