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Found 5 results

  1. Hello, attached is a gif of a FusionCharts linear gauge I am using. In the gif, we can see a card render with a title and education and then a few seconds later the FusionChart linear gauge appears with some salary information. I am using FusionCharts with react, and followed the tutorial for how to set up FusionCharts with react. Is there a reason for the delay? Is there any way to improve the time or work around it? Any help or explanation would be great, thank you Edit - If I set animations not to run, I get my preferred outcome for the linear gauge to appear quicker. "animation": "0" The transitions do look nice and appealing, would there be way to speed up that animation transition, or at least the initial render?
  2. real time update of gauge

    Hello, I'm trying to configure real time gauge for a web site. My gauge : var chart10456 = new FusionCharts("AngularGauge", "_chart10456", "500", "200"); var datas = myxml; chart10456.setXMLUrl('GetGaugeDataStream?ID_NUMGENREN=10456');chart10456.render("chartContainer_chart10456"); My datas : <chart type="angular" style="1" manageresize="0" lowerlimit="0" palette="3" valuebelowpivot="1" majortmheight="25" tickvaluedistance="10" showvalue="1" gaugeinnerradius="70%" pivotfillcolor="333333" pivotradius="6" pivotfillmix="333333, FFFFFF" pivotfilltype="radial" pivotfillratio="0,100" showtickvalues="1" showborder="0" origw="400" origh="220" chartbottommargin="10" name="chart10456" id="chart10456" dataStreamURL="GetGaugeDataStreamRT?ID_NUMGENREN=10456" clickURL="DataViewVision?ID1=10284&ORDER=1&PDS=SourceGen" refreshInterval="10" showRTMenuItem="1" upperlimit="100"> <dials> <dial value="7" rearextension="0" radius="90%" bgcolor="CCCCCC" bordercolor="999999" basewidth="6" alpha="50"/> </dials> <trendpoints> <point usemarker="0" thickness="1" color="FF0000" startvalue="100" innerradius="75" valueinside="1"/> </trendpoints> <colorrange> <color minvalue="0" maxvalue="50" code="#6baa01"/> <color minvalue="50" maxvalue="100" code="#f8bd19"/> </colorrange> </chart> When my value is lower than the trendpoint, my upperlimit equals the trendpoint example : value = 7, trendpoint = 100, upperlimit = 100 see CAPTURE.PNG After update, my value equal 148. The gauge is updated but the dial is not moving. see CAPTURE1.PNG Can you explain me why ? when the value is lower than the upper limit, the dial work well and move.
  3. Hello, I want to replace the arrow with a point on the scale of the angular gauge. Could anybody help me at this problem with a hint?
  4. Hi, In JavaScript rendering, Trend point in Gauge is not displayed in Firefox and in Chrome but its showing up in IE. Following below the data we input, (please refer to the screenshot for better understanding of the issue) Note: Trend point is displayed in Flash rendering both in Firefox and Chrome but not in JavaScript rendering. GaugeDataXML.txt
  5. I have the liquid bar chart in my app. It is somethig like to this example. It worked nice with jquery-1.7.2. But when I had started to use jquery-1.9.1 water level was allways 0. I have tried to inclue jquery-migrate - without any effect. I have read this thread on this forum but this doesn't help me. Could anybody suggest me a way to fix it?