I have a series of webpages that use RealTimeArea.swf to graph the number of calls coming in.
We have been trying to move over to using the Javascript (HTML5) rendering engine, so that more browsers can show the graphs for our clients, but we still have to support IE8 and 9.
I have enclosed the code that is used to create and give the chart some data. it is the same for all instances of our web page.
we use:
<script type=""text/javascript"">FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript');</script>
when we want the charts to be forced over to javascript rendering.
The issue we are having is that the category labels on the x-axis are not always showing. I can see in the data that I have them, but the HTML5 renderer does not show them. The flash version does.
any ideas why?
fusion chart code.txt