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Found 9 results

  1. Is it possible to run an SQL query on an Excel or a csv file (that has, say, 30 columns) and generate a chart dynamically? Basically, I am looking at one chart with a drop-down of options each running an SQL query on the csv file and generating the chart. Thank you!
  2. Hi, I'm trying to export the data from the chart using the context menu (to paste in Excel). <chart... showExportDataMenuItem='1' exportDataSeparator='{tab}'> I'm in Brazil and here is used comma as decimal separator, so I'm using the 'decimal option' to read the data from xml and to show the numbers in chart, and it's working perfectly in the chart. <chart... inDecimalSeparator=',' decimalSeparator=','> But when I try to use the context menu to copy data from chart and paste in Excel the values comes with dot as decimal separators. Is there any option to configure the "Copy data to clipboard" to export values with comma as decimal separator? Tks!
  3. Is there anyway we can view the code used to do the conversion from excel grid to chart data in the XML generator Utility. I am building an application and would like leverage that.
  4. Hi, Are there any plans to support named ranges and tables when using the Excel data source? It is something that the OOTB SharePoint Chart web part supports and would be useful in Collabion too.
  5. I am having a problem with a chart recognising dates from Excel correctly. I have a simple table in a spreadsheet which is published to SharePoint Excel Services. The table has two columns, the first are dates and the second numbers. I have selected the Excel file, sheet and table cells range in the Collabion Wizard and when I click View Data it shows the data from Excel incorrectly. In the Excel file the dates are in the format dd/MM/yyyy and are displayed as MMM-yy eg. 01/11/2012 => Nov-12 but in the View Data panel of the Wizard the same date is showing as 2014-11-12T00:00:00 How can I get Collabion to recognise the correct dates? Also, assuming the correct dates are shown how can I get the x-axis labels to show MMM-yy? I am using version v1.1.8 on SharePoint 2010 Enterprise.
  6. I am using Excel as my data provider and I am doing a calculation to get a percentage. I am formatting the field as a number with one decimal place. Excel Value - "0.7" When I connect to this workbook and view that data, it returns as a long whole number. Value in Collabion - "69139467010870616" See attached captures. Thanks!
  7. Hello everybody, we have an Excel file where people drop their information (for example: payments). We want to create a chart that automatically refresh its data from that Excel, instead of charging the data into an XML file everytime. Is that possible? If not, could we programme the XML file so it automatically refreshes its data from that Excel? Thanks all.
  8. I know someone that has developed a program in excel that will generate all of the files needed (besides the swf and java script files) to generate dashboards comprised of various charts. You use excel worksheets for your data source and though use of a template to configure and produce the files needed for the dashboard located in the same folder where your original excel file is located (including HTML, xml, xlsx) This includes the linking structure for the drill downs. If anyone is interested in maybe seeing the output of the program for future use and purchase, email me at [email protected]
  9. Created an page for the chart added the Collaboration chart to the center zone (this will be the only web part used on the page Launched the wizard Imported data from a csv file thats hosted in the document library completed the Wizard then clicked finished Set Rendering for Java script Click finished. Then the page just states rendering data... My IE Page just freezes, My Chrome page just crashes, Firefox keeps prompting me about a rogue script..... Has anyone had this issue? How can i fix it? My Goal I have a bunch of csv files that i want to turn into web displayable charts and or reports these reports are generated from powershell scripts, Im running on Sharepoint EE 2010 Latest sp