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Found 46 results

  1. Is it possible to allow an export server side and client side without re rendering the chart. I need to give the user the option to render the chart client side or server side and when I re render the chart it doesnt seem to work.
  2. Hello, I have a website that's been using FusionCharts for a while without any issues. But now I just realized that with IE11, the export functions I have built are no longer working. The printing and exporting works fine in all other version of IE, Firefox and Chrome, and even on IE11 when compatibility view is turned ON. I'm building the chart server-side like this: Dim chartHtml = FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML("Charts/FusionCharts/ScrollColumn2D.swf?registerWithJS=1", "", xml.ToString(), "MyChart", "100%", "350", False, True, True) I've noticed that when on IE10 or IE11 compatibility view, this renders an <object> element, but on IE11 it creates an <embed> element. And then the javascript functions I've been using are these: function printChart() { var chartToPrint = document.getElementById('MyChart'); chartToPrint.print(); } function ExportMyChartPDF() { var chartObject = document.getElementById('MyChart'); if (chartObject.hasRendered()) chartObject.exportChart({ exportFormat: 'PDF' }); } function ExportMyChartJPG() { var chartObject = document.getElementById('MyChart'); if (chartObject.hasRendered()) chartObject.exportChart({ exportFormat: 'JPG' }); } These functions throws errors saying the object does not support the "print" method, or the "hasRendered". "Object doesn't support this property or method" Do you know why is this happenning and if there's a way to fix it? Thanks.
  3. Hi.. I am using fusion chart server side export. I have done it as explained in this tutorial. It is working on IE8,IE9,IE10, Chrome and Mozilla. BUT it has problem with IE11. I have checked by debugging and found that I am getting objRtn.statusCode 0 after chart export in FC_Exported function. Is that IE11 issue and if yes what is the solution ? Thanks in advance
  4. Hello, Previously I was not getting error while exporting to PNG,JPEG. Now, I am getting error. Please see the attached screen shot. And the chart rendering mode is javascript. Thanks, Rohit
  5. While exporting multiple charts in IE, i am getting few charts without bars(with x & y axis values) in it & few charts with proper data in it
  6. Hi, my page have 20 fusion charts & i want to download all chart. what is the best way to download all charts at a time ? I saw batch file code to download all charts, but i m not able to call/execute the same from .cs file can anyone give me snippet of code which will download all charts using batch file ?
  7. How we can Export Multi-series Fusion chart along with dataset(i.e Table View) that we are providing in PPt/Excel/Word/Pdf?
  8. Problem with Exporting chart

    Hi Team, We are facing a problem with Exporting Column chart. The Column chart is being rendered in size 1024 * 768 in Mozilla Firefox. And we are having Apache Tomcat Server to save the exported chart to Server Disk. The problem is, when the chart which is rendered in 1024 * 768 size having More data is exported, there is an Error printing out in Tomcat Console saying below com.fusioncharts.exporter.error.ErrorHandler buildResponse INFO: Errors=<BR>statusMessage= Insufficient data. Width/height not provided.Background Color not specified. Taking White (FFFFFF) as default background color.<BR>statusCode=0 Above error is not appearing when same chart is rendered in size 800 * 600 or below. The xml for Column2D chart is as below <chart skipoverlaplabels="0" slicingdistance="20" exportenabled="1" exporthandler="FCExporter" exportatclient="0" exportformats="JPEG=Download as JPEG|PDF=Download as PDF|PNG=Download as PNG" exportaction="save" decimalprecision="2" useroundedges="1" is2d="1" caption="" xaxisname="Month" yaxisname="AVG" yaxisminvalue="0" yaxismaxvalue="5" bgcolor="CCCCCC" hovercapbg="DEDEBE" hovercapborder="889E6D" shownames="1" formatnumberscale="0" divlinecolor="CCCCCC" divlinealpha="80" alternatehgridcolor="CCCCCC" showalternatehgridcolor="1" rotatenames="1" enablesmartlabels="1" animation="0" rotatevalues="1" managelabeloverflow="1" basefont="Arial" basefontsize="14" basefontcolor="000000" exportfilename="myfilename"> <set name="Apr, 13" value="10" color="#BA442E" /> <set name="May, 13" value="20" color="#05B79" /> <set name="Jun, 13" value="30" color="#B07372" /> <set name="Jul, 13" value="40" color="#01BBBD" /> <set name="Aug, 13" value="50" color="#4E9977" /> <set name="Sep, 13" value="60" color="#C37ADB" /> <set name="Oct, 13" value="70" color="#4CBABB" /> <set name="Nov, 13" value="80" color="#550703" /> <set name="Dec, 13" value="90" color="#50D226" /> <set name="Jan, 14" value="92" color="#354C95" /> <set name="Feb, 14" value="96" color="#98BC00" /> <set name="Mar, 14" value="98" color="#8EDE8" /> </chart> Javascript code is var myChart = new FusionCharts("../charts/Column2D.swf", "myChartId", "1024","768", "0", "0"); myChart.setXMLUrl("../xml/Graph.xml"); myChart.render("chartContainer"); Please reply a solution as early as possible. Thank you.
  9. Hi, How can we pass dynamic created chart ids to FusionChartsExportObject? var myExportComponent = new FusionChartsExportObject("fcBatchExporter", "../FusionChart/FusionCharts/FCExporter.swf"); myExportComponent.sourceCharts = ? As I am trying passing the Ids, but batch export doesnot working. Thanks, Rohit
  10. I have fusioncharts in javascript (not flash) exporting via each of the four file types properly but I want to restrict the user to only 'PDF'. Is there a way to do that? I tried setting the 'exportfileformat' attribute to PDF but that didn't work. Also is there a way to easily reposition the export button on the javascript fusioncharts from the top right to say the bottom right? Thanks!
  11. I have an application in Django with Fusion Chart. I need to export jquery graph's, using actually, but I'm using HTTPS, and fusionchart haven't https. Any solution for my problem ? Thanks,
  12. Hi, I am using StackedColumn3D/StackedBar3D chart. I am using server-side export using apache batik rasterizer as explained in Fusion chart documentation. For me export is working fine for Pie3D but for StackedBar2D in IE9 and IE10, it is generating Black and white images. It is working in mozilla,chrome and strangely in IE7 and IE8 It is also working on Windows Server 2008 in IE9. My fusionchart version is 3.3.0-release.18739 and I am using Javascript charts. Operating System - Windows 7 Ultimate Let me know if it is bug and is there any workaround. I am attaching here XML for this report for your reference. Thanks in advance. Attached Files chart-xml.txt
  13. Hi, I'm facing the issues with the position of download menu (Javascrip API), when I have multiple charts in a div and each one is having export icon. The first chart shows the download menu proplery, but when clcking on icon on the second chart, the download menu appears at the bottom of the div. please see the attached scren shot for the explaination. Any help is appreciated Thanks
  14. It looks like file downloads from flash can no longer be initiated from the navigateToURL() AS method in the latest versions of Chrome (282642 and 277210). Has anyone found this issue and found a workaround short of switching to client-side exports? Is it possible to get a patch to use a different AS method to initiate the download?
  15. Hi, I am using StackedColumn3D/StackedBar3D chart. I am using server-side export using apache batik rasterizer as explained in Fusion chart documentation. For me export is working fine for Pie3D but for StackedBar2D in IE9 and IE10, it is generating Black and white images. It is working in mozilla,chrome and strangely in IE7 and IE8 It is also working on Windows Server 2008 in IE9. My fusionchart version is 3.3.0-release.18739 and I am using Javascript charts. Operating System - Windows 7 Ultimate Let me know if it is bug and is there any workaround. I am attaching here XML for this report for your reference. Thanks in advance. chart-xml.txt
  16. Hi, I am using FusionWidgets XT (v3.3.1 - Service Release 2) (28th May, 2013) with Ruby on Rails version 3.0.19, Ruby version 1.9.2-p290 (for more details, please reference forum topic: When i try to export a javascript Gantt chart, the SVG sent back to the server has zero-width task bars. So when I transcode the SVG to PNG using Batik, the task bars are missing from the rendered image. These are the attributes for my chart. Note that I must set taskBarFillMix to an empty string so that Batik does not choke on gradients. <chart dateFormat="yyyy/mm/dd" outputDateFormat="mm/dd/yyyy" showTaskLabels="0" showPercentLabel="0" showSlackAsFill="0" useVerticalScrolling="1" manageResize="1" animation="1" exportEnabled="1" exportShowMenuItem="0" exportHandler="/downloads/gantt" html5ExportHandler="/downloads/gantt" taskBarFillMix="" taskBarFillRatio=""> attributes for my task bars <task start="#{start_date}", end="#{end_date}" label="#{task_name}" color="#b2c8d9" processId="#{proc_name}" link="#{task_url}" Some of my gantt charts have grouped tasks and those attributes are <task start="#{start_date}" end=>"#{end_date}" label="#{group_name}" color="#000000" processId="#{proc_name}" showAsGroup=1 showLabel=0 topPadding="70%" showStartDate=1 showEndDate=1 /> Ruby on Rails controller class DownloadsController < ApplicationController def gantt # grab only SVG. Drill down charts may wrap SVG in HTML svg_match = params[:stream].to_s.match(/<svg.*<\/svg>/) svg_text = svg_match[0] rescue params[:stream].to_s # fix invalid attribute values coming from FusionChart SVG svg_text.gsub!(/text-anchor=\"undefined\"/, "text-anchor='start'") svg_text.gsub!(/shape-rendering=\"default\"/, "shape-rendering='auto'") svg_text.gsub!(/visibility=\"\"/, "visibility='inherit'") # write sanitized SVG to temp file tempfile = ActiveSupport::SecureRandom.hex(16) ) tempfile.write(svg_text) # SVG to PNG using Batik output_name = Rails.root.join( "public", "exports", "gantt.png") width = svg_text.match(/width=\"[\d]+\"/)[0].match(/[\d]+/)[0].to_i exec_str = "java -jar #{batik_path} -m image/png -d #{output_name} -w #{width} #{tempfile.path}" return_val = system( exec_str ) end end However, this fails to produce a useful PNG Gantt chart. The task bars are missing even though the Gantt chart in the client web browser looks perfect. After some digging through the SVG itself, I found that the SVG returned from the chart on the client browser has zero-width task bars. <rect x=\"2041.5\" y=\"163.5\" width=\"0\" height=\"9\" r=\"0\" rx=\"0\" ry=\"0\" fill=\"#b2c8d9\" stroke=\"#999999\" fill-opacity=\"1\" stroke-opacity=\"1\" stroke-width=\"1\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\"></rect> <rect x=\"2243.5\" y=\"187.5\" width=\"0\" height=\"9\" r=\"0\" rx=\"0\" ry=\"0\" fill=\"#b2c8d9\" stroke=\"#999999\" fill-opacity=\"1\" stroke-opacity=\"1\" stroke-width=\"1\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\"></rect> <rect x=\"2243.5\" y=\"211.5\" width=\"0\" height=\"9\" r=\"0\" rx=\"0\" ry=\"0\" fill=\"#b2c8d9\" stroke=\"#999999\" fill-opacity=\"1\" stroke-opacity=\"1\" stroke-width=\"1\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\"></rect> <rect x=\"2243.5\" y=\"235.5\" width=\"0\" height=\"9\" r=\"0\" rx=\"0\" ry=\"0\" fill=\"#b2c8d9\" stroke=\"#999999\" fill-opacity=\"1\" stroke-opacity=\"1\" stroke-width=\"1\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\"></rect> <rect x=\"2243.5\" y=\"259.5\" width=\"0\" height=\"9\" r=\"0\" rx=\"0\" ry=\"0\" fill=\"#b2c8d9\" stroke=\"#999999\" fill-opacity=\"1\" stroke-opacity=\"1\" stroke-width=\"1\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\"></rect> <rect x=\"2243.5\" y=\"283.5\" width=\"0\" height=\"9\" r=\"0\" rx=\"0\" ry=\"0\" fill=\"#b2c8d9\" stroke=\"#999999\" fill-opacity=\"1\" stroke-opacity=\"1\" stroke-width=\"1\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\"></rect> <rect x=\"2243.5\" y=\"307.5\" width=\"0\" height=\"9\" r=\"0\" rx=\"0\" ry=\"0\" fill=\"#b2c8d9\" stroke=\"#999999\" fill-opacity=\"1\" stroke-opacity=\"1\" stroke-width=\"1\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\"></rect> Also, the "r" attribute does not seem to mean anything for the rect element according the Mozilla Developer Network: and (for more details, please reference forum topic: I have attached the what the Gantt chart looks like in the web browser. The blue task bars and the black grouped task bar are missing when i export to PNG.
  17. Hi I am using pure Javascript (renderer = javascript) Gantt chart in Ruby On Rails (version 3.0.19). It looks fine in web browser. Now i want to export but i didn't want to use php on my Ruby on Rails server as instructed on this page: Instead, from my Rails controller I pull in the SVG from the return parameters (i.e. params[:stream]) and pass it to batik to convert into png file as follows ruby on rails controller code: svg_match = params[:stream].to_s.match(/<svg.*<\/svg>/) svg_text = svg_match[0] rescue params[:stream].to_s tempfile = ActiveSupport::SecureRandom.hex(16) ) tempfile.write(svg_text) output_name = Rails.root.join( "public", "exports", "gantt.png") exec_str = "java -jar #{batik_path} -m image/png -d #{output_name} #{width} #{tempfile.path}" return_val = system( exec_str ) Everything looks good except that my task bars are missing! Process names show up on the left, dates show up on the top, and even the grid background of the gantt shows up. But there no task bars. What might I be doing wrong? As a second question, didn't the returned SVG on an export used to be in a parameter called "svg" as in params[:svg]? I am using version FusionWidgets XT (v3.3.1 - Service Release 2) (28th May, 2013) NOTE: In order for Batik to not choke on the gantt chart SVG I had to disable gradients on the task bars as follows <chart plotGradientColor='' taskBarFillMix='' ...>
  18. Hello guys, Technology i used is with c#. I have multiple chart on same page. I want to export all in one click in one pdf no matter if one chart in one page. I did everything. but i am not able to render FCExporter.swf (Attached image.) I already put the javascript for the same and path is also correct. I want same functionality as given in below link. if you give me demo for asp.netc# for above link then it's good. Here below is my div. in divcharts i am rendering charts dynamically on basis of criteria. <div id="divCharts" runat="server" style="width: 90%"> </div> <div id="fcexpDiv"> </div> Here below is my javascript. <script type="text/javascript"> function initiateExport() { myExportComponent.BeginExport(); } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> //Initialize Batch Exporter with DOM Id as fcBatchExporter var myExportComponent = new FusionChartsExportObject("fcBatchExporter", "../FusionCharts/FCExporter.swf"); //Add the charts to queue. The charts are referred to by their DOM Id. myExportComponent.sourceCharts = ['1', '2', '3']; //------ Export Component Attributes ------// //Set the mode as full mode myExportComponent.componentAttributes.fullMode = '1'; //Set saving mode as both. This allows users to download individual charts/ as well as download all charts as a single file. myExportComponent.componentAttributes.saveMode = 'both'; //Show allowed export format drop-down myExportComponent.componentAttributes.showAllowedTypes = '1'; //Cosmetics //Width and height myExportComponent.componentAttributes.width = '350'; myExportComponent.componentAttributes.height = '200'; //Message - caption of export component myExportComponent.componentAttributes.showMessage = '1'; myExportComponent.componentAttributes.message = 'Click on button above to begin export of charts. Then save from here.'; //Render the exporter SWF in our DIV fcexpDiv myExportComponent.Render("fcexpDiv"); </script>
  19. Export & Legend

    I have a chart, see attached, when I export this chart I need all the legends to be visible. Is there a way to force the chart to not have a scroll bar for the legend either on export or normal chart render? Thanks Jason
  20. Hello. Today, i have a chart with background blacn and text white its according the UI. But, i need to export this chart with backbround white and text black. If possible to do this?. Thanks,.
  21. Hello, I am using client-side export handler for saving charts to images/pdfs. Everything functions well. The only issue I have is that the Export Component (FCExporter.swf) doesn't display friendly chart names in the left column: If I were to set "caption" attribute on my charts, then Export Component will show it in the left column, but my charts must have no captions. I have set "exportFileName" attribute on my charts and clicking on Save button will display the proper file name, but it is impossible to tell which chart is behind the Save button by looking at the Export Component UI. Is there a way to tell Export Component how to "name" each chart in the left column instead of showing generic "ChartImage #"? I initialize Export Component as: fcExporter = new FusionChartsExportObject('fcExporterSwf', '@Url.Content("~/Content/FusionCharts/FCExporter.swf")', { fullMode: '1', saveMode: 'both', showAllowedTypes: '1' }); I have tried setting "caption" attribute via JS as shown below, but that didn't help at all. function FC_ExportReady(DOMId) { fcExporter.exportAttributes.caption = "my friendly report name for DOMId"; } What can be done without setting chart's "caption" attribute? Why doesn't Export Component fall back to using value of "exportFileName" or accept "fcExporter.exportAttributes.caption"? I am using FCExporter.swf from FusionCharts XT Intranet version 3.3.1 (4th April, 2013). Swf file itself is 24,726 bytes, last modified on Thursday, ‎April ‎04, ‎2013, ‏‎8:44:12 PM. Regards, Ilya