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Found 5 results

  1. Pie2D small chart size

    Hello, I've been using fusioncharts 3.9 and have encountered my data portion of my pie charts are very small when I set the size of the chart to '100%', '100%'. The chart, including of the background, is the size of the parent div, but the pie chart itself is so small as to be unusable. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  2. hello, I have a series of webpages that use RealTimeArea.swf to graph the number of calls coming in. We have been trying to move over to using the Javascript (HTML5) rendering engine, so that more browsers can show the graphs for our clients, but we still have to support IE8 and 9. I have enclosed the code that is used to create and give the chart some data. it is the same for all instances of our web page. we use: <script type=""text/javascript"">FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript');</script> when we want the charts to be forced over to javascript rendering. The issue we are having is that the category labels on the x-axis are not always showing. I can see in the data that I have them, but the HTML5 renderer does not show them. The flash version does. any ideas why? thanks Geordi fusion chart code.txt
  3. Hi folks, In our ideal world, we would like to have FusionCharts show up in an HTML5 Canvas element of our page. However, I understand that everything in the Canvas element must be drawn on the Context as an SVG. Although FusionCharts is an SVG, it is wrapped in a Span element. Additionally, to use the Canvas element, you must get a context. You draw to this context. Typical Canvas-related code: var example = document.getElementById('example'); // canvas id = 'example' var context = example.getContext('2d'); // Getting the Context for the Canvas context.fillStyle = 'red'; context.fillRect(30, 30, 50, 50); You can then draw on the Canvas using the Context as above. Whereas, we usually render FC as follows: var myChart = new FusionCharts( "FusionCharts/Column3D", "myChartId", "400", "300", "0", "1" ); myChart.setXMLUrl("Data.xml"); myChart.render("example"); // But you cannot render to a Canvas element Is it possible to get a FusionChart to show up as a pure SVG, or otherwise workaround this? I have tried tricking the system, but no luck so far. Ironically, the Javascript version of FusionCharts is referred to as both the Canvas and the HTML5 version, but I am having trouble getting it to work within those bounds. Thanks, Rory (We own licensed versions of FusionCharts Suite XT)
  4. Hello, I am doing a project and for that I have to create a website in that I have to generate interactive graphs daily,weekly,monthly,yearly on it which pull their data from excel files(very long files i can not type them manually) from other website which get updated with time. Or I have another method, same self updating data is on a website in form of table which gets updated with time. So , is it possilble to pull data from there for specific parameters and generate live data graphs? Can you please help me in suggesting some ideas? How can I do it and if you are not clear with the situation then please let me know. Is this possible with javascript or I need something else. As I am a beginner , so do not know much. Thanks
  5. Hi there, I am right now facing some issue with my sample chart website (using the demo provided by your website - as of version for april 2013). My intention is wanna display those charts (Fusion Charts & Fusion Widget) on mobile/browser that did not support the flash on their platform. The problem that i am facing is some chart did not displayed (especially for the fusion widget). For your info I use the fusioncharts.js file (that is included with fusion chart XT demo) & put in in the code behind. below is the sample link : I did try to put the fusioncharts.js (for fusion widget) on the code behind, the fusion widget able to be displayed, but not able to display the fusion chart. what problem that I am facing right now? Is it there some differences between the *.js file provided for fusion charts & fusion widget? is there any better way to overcome this issue? reply ASAP