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Found 3 results

  1. FusionChart showing '' Loading chart. Please wait'' when rendered (React JS) $objFusionChart = new FusionCharts( 'Column3D', '898', '300', '0', '1' ); $strGraph = $objFusionChart->renderChart( false, false ); $strGraph has the the html content <script type="text/javascript" src="module/FusionCharts.js"></script> <div id="graph_data" class="sectionContainer report_graph"><!-- START Code Block for Chart 0 --> <div id="0Div">Chart</div> <script type="text/javascript" ><!-- // Instantiate the Chart if ( FusionCharts("0") && FusionCharts("0").dispose ) FusionCharts("0").dispose(); var chart_0 = new FusionCharts( { "swfUrl" : "/Common/fushion/fushion_charts/Column3D.swf", "width" : "898", "height" : "300", "renderAt" : "0Div", "dataFormat" : "xml", "id" : "0", "wMode" : "transparent", "dataSource" : "<chart showValues='0' showBorder='1' decimalPrecision='0' canvasbasedepth='10' bgcolor='FBFAFA' yAxisMinValue='0' yAxisMaxValue='5' showName='1' numDivLines='4' divlinecolor='C4C4C4' outCnvBaseFont='Arial' outCnvBaseFontSize='10' outCnvBaseFontColor='5A5863' canvasBaseColor='5A5863' baseFont='Arial' baseFontSize='10' baseFontColor='636363' canvasbgcolor='E4EBF4' hoverCapBgColor='eeeeee' borderColor='1D' borderThickness='1' xAxisName='Lead Events' yAxisName='Hits' ><set value='105' /><set value='827' /><set value='788' /><set value='441' /><set value='1' /><set value='38' /><set value='140' /></chart>" } ).render(); // --></script> <!-- END Script Block for Chart 0 --></div>
  2. Hello everyone, I am new to FusionCharts and I am currently working on implementing a multilevelpie chart. I added the dataSource into state so that I can manipulate it later and I am simply rendering it. All I am seeying is "Loading chart. Please wait" and it doesn't change. I already tried verifing the location of the js files in the nodes_modules and I installed flash_player but nothing has changed. The code is in the App.js file. and the screen shot of what I am seeying . Node version: 12.16.2 Could you please me to solve this problem. thank you App.js
  3. I recently moved my WordPress sites from one server to another. I have a pretty much identical setup, same theme, many of the same plugins, yet charts load on the old site but not the new one: Old: New: I did turn off all plugins to see if there was a conflict, there is not, and made sure the fusioncharts folder is in the root directory. Any tips?