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Found 8 results

  1. Hi, we're trying to load a page with 3 sets of Pie Charts and associated Grid Charts. After upgrading from 3.3.1 to 3.11.2, the pie charts now render okay, but the associated Grid Charts are stuck at "Loading Chart. Please wait." Checking the chart object with the javascript console: The state object reports:dataAvailable: true dataReady: undefined dataSetDuringConstruction: true rendering: true hasRendered() returns false If I call .render() on the chart, all 3 of the "stuck" grid charts render properly, but the chart I called render() on throws 2 errors: fusioncharts.js:456 Error: <tspan> attribute dy: Expected length, "NaN". fusioncharts.js:70 Uncaught DesignTimeError: #25081843 WebUrlsReportsGrid.render Error >> #25081843:IECompatibility() Chart Id is same as a JavaScript variable name. Variable naming error. Please use unique name forchart JS variable, chart-id and container id. Anyone have any ideas so I don't have to manually call "render" to get these to load? Elsewhere, we're using Grid Charts and even with the new version, these charts render properly automatically. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Spencer P.S. Chart Data: <chart bordercolor="FFFFFF" listrowdividercolor="666666" listrowdividerthickness="1" listrowdivideralpha="0.15" colorboxwidth="12" colorboxheight="12" colorboxpadding="4" valuecolumnpadding="4" alternaterowbgcolor="FFFFFF" numberitemsperpage="5" formatnumberscale="0" showvalues="0" showborder="0" bgalpha="100" bgcolor="FFFFFF" canvasborderthickness="0" canvasbgcolor="E1E1E1" plotbordercolor="FFFFFF" plotborderthickness="0" showplotborder="0" palettecolors="F7BD01,AED9FB,8ABD00,FF903E,008E90,D94543,904391,57861C,B2AC00,008CD9,9E0300" showalternatehgridcolor="false"> <set label=" " value="0.04" /> <set label=" " value="0.01" /> <set label=" " value="0.01" /> <set label=" " value="0.01" /> <set label=" " value="0.01" /> <set label=" " value="0.01" /> <set label=" " value="0.01" /> <set label=" " value="0.01" /> <set label=" " value="0.01" /> <set label=" " value="0.01" /> </chart>"
  2. Pie chart label position

    I'm working with Pie Charts and currently have smart labels turned on. Instead of having the labels on the pie chart, or smart labels with smart lines pointing to the chart, I would like to have the label (which is a numeric result) appear directly below the corresponding legend icon. This fiddle puts the label in the legend, can I also put the numeric result in the legend? (see image) Thank you for any help with this!
  3. I have been struggling with this for awhile but I have a program working that produces charts from data from a database. It can also change between charts. However, when I switch to a Pie graph the inside of the pie chart goes grey. I have tried themes but then even the outline of the pie chart disappears leaving behind just the labels. I have also tried different pallet colors from the examples on here. Is there a reason this would be happening? Below is an example of how it looks without a theme but with pallet colors. Below is my code the creates the Pie Chart public void getPieChart() { String xmlData = "<chart caption='" + Label.Text + "' subCaption='" + SubLabel.Text + "' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Units' showValues='0' formatNumberScale='0' showBorder='1' palettecolors='#f8bd19,#e44a00,#008ee4,#33bdda,#6baa01,#583e78'>"; SqlConnection MySql = new SqlConnection(DatabaseConnectionString); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("selectMultipleNpsScores " + PeriodType.SelectedValue + ", '" + StartDatepicker.SelectedValue + "', '" + endDatePicker.SelectedValue + "', '" + Questions.SelectedValue + "', '" + CalculationType.SelectedValue + "', 0", MySql); cmd.Connection.Open(); SqlDataReader DBValues = cmd.ExecuteReader(); SqlConnection MySql4 = new SqlConnection(DatabaseConnectionString); SqlCommand cmd4 = new SqlCommand("selectMultipleNpsScores " + PeriodType.SelectedValue + ", '" + StartDatepicker.SelectedValue + "', '" + endDatePicker.SelectedValue + "', '" + Questions.SelectedValue + "', '" + CalculationType.SelectedValue + "', 1", MySql4); cmd4.Connection.Open(); SqlDataReader DBValues4 = cmd4.ExecuteReader(); while (DBValues.Read() && DBValues4.Read()) // Append this data to the `xmlData` object. { xmlData = xmlData + "<set label='" + DBValues["description"].ToString() + "' value='" + DBValues4["actionValue"].ToString() + "' />"; } DBValues4.Close(); DBValues.Close(); xmlData = xmlData + "</chart>"; FusionCharts.Charts.Chart column = new FusionCharts.Charts.Chart(); column.SetChartParameter(FusionCharts.Charts.Chart.ChartParameter.chartId, "myChart"); column.SetChartParameter(FusionCharts.Charts.Chart.ChartParameter.chartType, ChartType.SelectedValue); column.SetChartParameter(FusionCharts.Charts.Chart.ChartParameter.chartWidth, "600"); column.SetChartParameter(FusionCharts.Charts.Chart.ChartParameter.chartHeight, "400"); column.SetData(xmlData.ToString(), FusionCharts.Charts.Chart.DataFormat.xml); Literal1.Text = column.Render(); } Any help would be very much appreciated. I have been struggling with this some time now. Thank you!
  4. Pie Chart on a Scatter Plot Hi. Please have a look at the above link. Its a scatter plot basically. But, these are not just the dots. Instead of dots, we have pie charts(drill down). i.e, the dots are further divided into another category thus forming a pie chart. Please tell me if this type of chart can be created using fusionCharts. Please help. I need this kind of chart urgently. Thanks in advance
  5. Hi,please suggest me how to adjust,modify the portion/slice of the pie chart on the fly by adjusting the slice line in the pie chart itself. Thanks inadvance, Nayana
  6. pie chart mouse a problem

    hi ! Why didn’t the page slide following the mouse wheel, which sliding on the pie chart? The official case also has the same effect. How should I change? thanks!
  7. Hello, I am using Pie chart version 3.3.1-sr2.19840 In that, After Pie chart is rendered, I get HTML of svg and put it in another simple HTML page. In that page , it does not show color inside Pie chart.. Note :: While checking HTML of pie chart I noticed that , there is some url for fill attribute of Path element , that showes url of http://mysite/#........ Both Images are attached herewith. How to solve this issue?
  8. Hi, I have used pie chart in one of my projects. All the values displayed with text. But if all the values are zero, labels are overlapping and few values are not displayed in the chart area. But if i increase the chart size, visible in the screen. How we can show all the values with minimum width & height. (example W 320 px, H 400 Px). Thanks in advance.