I programmed an html page with a map of Spain with provinces (see attached files - please add the fusion map libraries).
The render mode is javascript and I want to show a value for each province in the map.
As indicated in docs.fusioncharts.com/maps/Contents/MapSS/SpainProvinces.html, there is 52 provinces, so the xml will have a maximum of 52 provinces.
As we want to show a value in each province, we will have a xml with 52 entities (see attached file).
It happens somewhat the reported in this topic: forum.fusioncharts.com/topic/13835-worldwithcountries-render-mode-javascript-bug/
With 51 entities it is shown correctly in the map - except for one province, the province I comment.
With 52 entities, the first entity of the xml is not shown (Albacete is this case), but the rest is ok.
With 53 entities, the second entity of the xml is not shown, but the rest is ok.
It seems like this map admits only 51 entities in the xml, but the number of provinces is 52. Is this a bug or I'm missing something?
Thank you very much