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Problem With Setcurrentrenderer('javascript')

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I am trying to upgrade my FC to V3, its rendering properly for flash, but If I put




it is giving 'invali data'.


Here is my code:




var myChart = new FusionCharts("/js-lib/FusionCharts/swf/MSCombi2D.swf", "financialsChart", "246", "250", "0", "1");


var dataXML = new Array();


myChart.render(chartContainerId || "company-financials-chart");


where dataXML.join("") is :


"<chart adjustDiv='0' yAxisMaxValue='7429' showBorder='0' decimals='0' forceDecimals='0' showToolTip='0' numberPrefix='$' bgColor='FFFFFF' canvasBorderColor='000000' canvasBorderThickness='1' yAxisValueDecimals='1' plotSpacePercent='50'>

<categories><category label="2007"/><category label="2008"/><category label="2009"/></categories><dataset seriesName="Revenues"><set value="6969"displayValue="$6,969"/><set value="7209"displayValue="$7,209"/><set value="6460"displayValue="$6,460"/></dataset><dataset seriesName="Net Income" renderAs="Line"><set value="660"displayValue="$660"/><set value="424"displayValue="$424"/><set value="598"displayValue="$598"/></dataset></chart>"

I am using FF 4.0

Can anyone help me on this.

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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your post.


Could you please confirm the FusionCharts version you are using?

Starting FusionCharts v3.2, FusionCharts also allows you to create JavaScript based charts (sometimes also referred to as HTML5/Canvas charts). This feature allows you to create charts in web browsers where Flash Player is not supported e.g. in iPhone/iPad. FusionCharts internally makes use of Highcharts library to generate JavaScript based charts. This feature works seamlessly with the current implementation mode of FusionCharts, which means you do not have to write any additional code to implement this. FusionCharts.js JavaScript class automatically detects devices where Flash is not supported and renders JavaScript based charts instead. You can also ignore Flash and only use JavaScript for charting.

More details at:http://www.fusioncha...singPureJS.html

Hope this helps.

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Thanks for your reply , that issue is resolved. The actual issue is in reading the XML, previous version of FC is ignoring the spaces, But current version is more pecular about spaces in data XML.


Example Previous version :

<set value="6969"displayValue="$6,969"/>

<set value="7209"displayValue="$7,209"/>


Current Version :

<set value="6969" displayValue="$6,969"/>

<set value="7209" displayValue="$7,209"/>



I have one more issue in overlapping issue for brand name("FusionCharts HighCharts") and x-axis, can anyone please help me.




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Guest Angshu



Glad to know that you have managed to resolve your issue.


I am afraid, there is no option for overlapping issue in FusionCharts, at this time.


We will get back to you once there is any news from our end.


Thank you very much for your continued patience and patronage.


Hope you have a great day!

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Hi Bhaskar,


I am afraid, there is no overlapping issue found in FusionCharts watermarks appearing in the Horizontal charts.


Please find the attached image.


I hope this helps. :)




But this overlapping issue is there only for horizontal charts. Vertical charts are looking ok.




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Hi Radis,


Can you please look into it and tell me what you want me todo to overcome overlapping.




var myChart = new FusionCharts("Bar2D.swf ", "Chart1", "230", "550", "0", "0");


var strXML = "<chart decimals='1' forceDecimals='1' yAxisValueDecimals ='1' showToolTip='0' bgColor='FFFFFF' canvasBorderColor='000000' canvasBorderThickness='1' plotGradientColor='FFFFFF' showBorder='0' numDivLines='1' numberPrefix=' showValues='0' plotSpacePercent='60' showLabels='0' ><set value='2.6' label='$2.6' color='79953F '/><vLine color='000000' thickness='1' dashed='1'/><set value='1.6' label='$1.6' color='79953F'/><set value='0.8' label='$0.8' color='79953F'/><set value='0.2' label='$0.2' color='79953F'/></chart>";


myChart.setDataXML(strXML );myChart.render("ABCD-chart");



Thanks inadvance...

Edited by Bhaskar

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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your response.


This is a known issue of FusionCharts and hopefully will be fixed in our next release i.e v 3.2.2.


We are not able to commit you any exact timeline, we will get back to you once there is any news from our end.


Thank you very much for your continued patience and patronage.


Hope you have a great day!

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Hi Bhaskar,


To overcome the overlapping issue , could you please try removing the showLabels attribute from the <chart> element as a work around?


I hope this helps.:)







Thanks for your response.


This is a known issue of FusionCharts and hopefully will be fixed in our next release i.e v 3.2.2.


We are not able to commit you any exact timeline, we will get back to you once there is any news from our end.


Thank you very much for your continued patience and patronage.


Hope you have a great day!

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