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Using Sql Inside Fusioncharts

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I am trying to use custom sql within my fusioncharts for Sharepoint, and the query that I am trying to use contains cursors that I am trying to declare.








The query obviously runs against SQL Server, no problem, but when I put it into the FusionChart, it complains. Can anyone let me know if this is possible inside FusionCharts?




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I have found that sometimes the query needs to be in a stored procedure to work. I was getting errors running some cte statements but once i put them into a strored procedure the problem went away.

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I have found that sometimes the query needs to be in a stored procedure to work. I was getting errors running some cte statements but once i put them into a strored procedure the problem went away.


So are you saying I can make a call from inside the FusionChart SQL to a stored proc?

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