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Values Overwrite Each Other On Multi-Series Charts

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Say I have a line graph with three series. There are 12 data points for each series (e.g. values for each month). Furthermore, the series are pretty close to each other. I am finding the Data Values are overwriting each other when SHOWVALUES="1". Alternatively I can turn off all values. But then NO values show and the reader must look to the Y-Axis labels. Is there a way to have some sort of "Show Staggered Datavalues"? So it would show some of the values for some of the series, but in a way they never overwrite each other (and thus makes for a nice looking chart).




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Guest Angshu


Thanks for your post.

There are multiple options available to overcome your problem:

The data values can be displayed on the chart in the following ways:

1 Normal

2. Rotated

By default, FusionCharts shows the data values horizontally. But, you can rotate it by setting <chart rotateValues='1'>.

The data values can be placed inside the columns using <chart placeValuesInside='1'>.

For better clarity, you can rotate the data values when placing them inside columns : <chart rotateValues='1' placeValuesInside='1'>

You can opt to show only specific data labels by using <chart showValues='0'> and then setting showValue='1' for the set you want to show the value.

Hope this helps.

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