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What Kind Of Styles To Be Added In My Chart

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I have generate a chart using fusion chart applications, in my chart i wants to highlight a value. I have attached my screen shot for your review, in that i wants to highlight any one column's (Memory or CPU) top most value from the other one(additional VM Capacity ).Waiting for your response.


Thanks in advance



Edited by edward

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Guest Sashibhusan

Hi edward,


Welcome to the FusionCharts forum :)


Based upon your query , if you want to highlight a perticular column's top most value from the other one ,


You can set "showValues" attribute of chart element to zero and set "showValue" of set element to one and apply style to DataValues. In this way you can only able to show value of that column.

<chart caption='Company Revenue' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Revenue' showValues= '0' >
 	<category label='Jan' />
 	<category label='Feb' />
 	<category label='Mar' />
 	<category label='Apr' />  
<dataset seriesName='Product A'>
 	<set value='27400' showValue= '1' displayValue='Rs:27400' />
 	<set value='29800'/>
 	<set value='25800' />
 	<set value='26800' /> 

  <dataset seriesName='Product B'>
 	<set value='10000'/>
 	<set value='11500'/>
 	<set value='12500'/>
 	<set value='15000'/>	
     	<style name='myValuesFont' type='font' size='12' color='FFFFFF' bold='1' bgColor='666666' borderColor='666666'/>
     	<apply toObject='DataValues' styles='myValuesFont' />


Try the above sample code and let me know if you really want something else.


Hope this will help you.

Happy FusionCharting!!:D

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Hi Sashibhushan

Thanks for your reply, i applied your code for chart preparation it hides all the values except the top one. It will not sufficient for my need, my actual need is to distinguish the any one column's top most box and also i need to display all the values. The styles will appear only on the box not in its value.

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Guest Sashibhusan



Thanks for the reply. To achieve your requirement I am suggesting below best possibilities.

>> If you want to highlight one particular column's top most box, then use attributes of set element like <set ...color='FF0F0F' value='10000'/> [see attachment: Demo1.PNG ]

For more information visit:


>>If you want to highlight the value of that particular box, then apply style to 'DataValues' as I had posted XML code. But note that , style will appear to all data set values. We can not apply styles to individual data values.


In the previous code which have provided, if you want to display value for all then set "showValues" to '1' in chart element.


I hope this helps.


Happy FusionCharting!!:)





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Thanks for your response and its very helpful for me. Is it possible to add any styles in that top most box's inside like some shades or some other styles.I found a chart in your website, i have attached the chart with this reply. Can you help me how can i make my chart like this.


waiting for your response.


Edited by edward

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Guest Sashibhusan


Thanks for the post.


It is not possible to add styles in that top most box only. You can apply styles to whole Data Plot by suing styles to DataPlot object.


And the screenshot you provided has been done graphically and is not supported natively by our charts.

Its just a representation to showcase nicely. :)



Hope this helps!!

Happy FusionCharting.

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