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Need A Xm Code For The Chart

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Hi Fusion chart Team,

I have found a bullet chart in your website,but i cant see the xml code for that chart. While i clicking the chart its loading and don't give any response, i have attached chart for your review. So can you guide me how can i generate bullet chart like what i attached


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Thanks for your reply.

I have download the zip file and i applied the code for my chart preparation , But in that i can not form multiple bullet chart in a single chart window like what i attached in my previous reply.

So can u guide me how can i generate multiple chart.


Thanks in advance







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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your response.


Using FusionWidgets, you can embed any number of charts in the same HTML page. The process of embedding multiple charts is similar to that of embedding a single chart. You just need to take care of the following:


1.Each chart on the page should reference a different DIV to render.


2. Each chart on the page should have a different ID (specified in the JavaScript container)


3. Each chart has it's own JavaScript variable name (e.g., var chart1 = new FusionCharts(...); var chart2 = new FusionCharts(...); )


For more details and sample example, please read : http://docs.fusionch...ultiCharts.html


Hope this helps.

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Thanks for your reply, those things will not meet my requirement. In fusion chart gallery we can get XML code for every chart , but in bullet graph i can not get the XML code.

I have attached the graph's screen shot and u may visit the fusion chart gallery for bullet graph, So you may understand the problem exactly. The graph taken from fusion chart

website gallery.Can you give me the exact XML code for the graph what i attached.





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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your response.


Please find the zip file attached for your reference which consists of 5 XML files as per your requirement.


Hope this helps.

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Thanks for your reply, is it possible to hide label values in the bullet graph. (The label values showing at the left side of the vertical graph.)




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Guest Angshu



I am afraid, FusionCharts does not have any XML attribute to hide caption and sub-caption, as of now.


As a work around, you would need to provide blank values instead of giving actual values.


Ex: <chart... caption=" " ....>


Hope this helps.

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Thanks for your response, i am asking about the default labels which is depends on the lower limit and upper limit values .

Edited by edward

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Guest Angshu




Please try the same by setting showTickMarks='0' and showTickValues='0' attribute inside the <chart> element of your XML code.


Ex: <chart ... showTickMarks='0' showTickValues='0' ...>


Hope this helps.

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Thanks for your reply , can i define that label's all values, what are the values will be placed in labels.

Edited by edward

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Guest Angshu



Could you please send us a screenshot of your requirement?


Awaiting for your response.

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I have attached my screen shot with this reply and i wants to define the label values(numeric values).


Edited by edward

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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your response.


You would need to specify the lower and upper limit of the chart to define the label values(numeric values)


Ex: <chart .. lowerLimit='0' upperLimit='105'..>


Hope this helps.

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Thanks for your response,

1) My requirement is to define only three tick-values except the lower limit and upper limit ,i can restrict only three tick-values by using "majorTMNumber" property,

but i need those three values must be my own values. Is it possible with fusion chart.


2) Is it possible to add labels inside the each color of my graph.


Thanks in Advance




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