
Bubble Charts Bubble Displayed Incompletely

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Hi All,

I am using a bubble chart. In some cases were the value are near the end points, then the bubble is only half displayed. It is possible to display it completely even though value is the maximum value for that axis?




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Here is the XML. If you see the top most bubble is displayed on 75%. I want it to be completely visible.

<chart legendPosition="RIGHT" alternateHGridColor="FFFFFF" exportEnabled="1" exportHandler="/valuechain/FCExporter" exportFileName="BubbleChart" exportAtClient="0" exportAction="download" bgAlpha="0" canvasBgAlpha="0" showValues="0" bgColor="FFFFFF" borderColor="FFFFFF" canvasborderthickness="0" canvasbordercolor="FFFFFF" borderthickness="0" caption="XYZ Bubble Chart" subCaption="09Apr2012"

xAxisName="Area" yAxisName="Total">

<dataset seriesName ="1" showValues = "0">

<set x ="2.74" y ="150.96" z ="55"/>

</dataset >

<dataset seriesName ="2" showValues = "0">

<set x ="2.28" y ="121.40" z ="53"/>

</dataset >

<dataset seriesName ="3" showValues = "0">

<set x ="0.37" y ="34.91" z ="94"/>

</dataset >

<dataset seriesName ="4" showValues = "0">

<set x ="0.38" y ="25.92" z ="68"/>

</dataset >



<style name="dateSource" type="font" size="9" color="DDDDDD" bold="0"/>



<apply toObject="SUBCAPTION" styles="dateSource"/>







Can you please share the XML data ?

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Guest Bindhu

Hi Sumit,


Can you please try defining 'yAxisMaxValue' and set it to 170 ?


Please find attached screen shot of the chart rendered with the above settings applied.


Hope this helps !


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Thanks Bindhu. That could certainly be one of the solutions. But these values are dynamic so each time i have identify max value and add another 10 or 20 to that and set it as yAxisMaxValue.

Again, this means i have to modify the xml attribute based on Data which i think is not a very good idea. What i was looking for is something like chart being able to manage yAxisMaxValue automatically to display full bubble.


Please let me know if it is possible to tackle this situation in the way i mentioned.





Hi Sumit,


Can you please try defining 'yAxisMaxValue' and set it to 170 ?


Please find attached screen shot of the chart rendered with the above settings applied.


Hope this helps !

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Guest Bindhu



Please try setting the 'clipBubbles' attribute to 0.


This attribute when set to 1, clips bubble edges so that they are contained within the canvas.


When set to 0, the bubbles will not be clipped.


For more details on 'Bubble Chart Specification Sheet ', please refer to the link below,


Hope this helps !


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BINGO!!!! Thanks absolutely what I wanted. Thanks a lot Bindhu. Many Thanks.







Please try setting the 'clipBubbles' attribute to 0.


This attribute when set to 1, clips bubble edges so that they are contained within the canvas.


When set to 0, the bubbles will not be clipped.


For more details on 'Bubble Chart Specification Sheet ', please refer to the link below,



Hope this helps !


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